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Manual Entry between Lisp Routine.


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Hi Everyone.

I have Lisp file to make double offset, offset distance are getting automatically as per lisp. but i want enter that distance manually and that entered value will be taken as offset distance.

Please anyone tell me how to change this.


(defun c:oly (/ l s p e)
(command ".undo" "m")
(command "-layer" "M" "DELETE-LAYER" "c" "green" "DELETE-LAYER" "" "")
 (setq l (entlast))
 (if (tblsearch "LAYER" "DELETE-LAYER")
   (while (and
            (setq s (car (entsel "\nPick Line/Polyline to offset :")))
            (wcmatch (cdr (assoc 0 (entget s))) "LINE,*POLYLINE")
            (setq p (getpoint "\nSpecify offset side :"))
     (foreach x '((1.25 6) (1.75 3))
       (command "_.offset" (car x) (ssadd s) "_non" p "")
         (not (= (setq e (entlast)) l))
                 '(8 . "DELETE-LAYER")
                 (assoc 8 (entget e))
                 (entget e)
             (list (cons 62 (cadr x)))
         (setq l e)
   (alert "Layer name <DELETE-LAYER> is not found in drawing <!>.")


Thanks in Advance

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So, now that distance is here:


(foreach x '((1.25 6) (1.75 3))


first offset:

distance: 1.25, color: 6


second offset:

distance: 1.75, color: 3


Do you still want 2 lines?

What about those colors?

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Yes still i need to offset two lines both are coming with different colours..

Right now i want to enter the offset distance manually.

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(setq offsetdistance 0.0)  ;; just to remember it next time
(setq offsetdistance2 0.0)  ;; just to remember it next time

(defun c:oly (/ l s p e x prompt data)

 (if (> offsetdistance 0.0) 
   (setq prompt (strcat "\nEnter distance 1 <" (rtos offsetdistance 2 2) ">: "))
   (setq prompt "\nEnter distance 1: ")
 (if (setq x (getreal prompt))
   (setq offsetdistance x)

 (if (> offsetdistance2 0.0) 
   (setq prompt (strcat "\nEnter distance 2 <" (rtos offsetdistance2 2 2) ">: "))
   (setq prompt "\nEnter distance 2: ")
 (if (setq x (getreal prompt))
   (setq offsetdistance2 x)

 (setq data (list 
   (list offsetdistance 6)
   (list offsetdistance2 3)

 (command ".undo" "m")
 (command "-layer" "M" "DELETE-LAYER" "c" "green" "DELETE-LAYER" "" "")
   (setq l (entlast))
   (if (tblsearch "LAYER" "DELETE-LAYER")
     (while (and
              (setq s (car (entsel "\nPick Line/Polyline to offset :")))
              (wcmatch (cdr (assoc 0 (entget s))) "LINE,*POLYLINE")
              (setq p (getpoint "\nSpecify offset side :"))
      (foreach x data
       (command "_.offset"  (car x) (ssadd s) "_non" p "")
           (not (= (setq e (entlast)) l))
                   '(8 . "DELETE-LAYER")
                   (assoc 8 (entget e))
                   (entget e)
               (list (cons 62 (cadr x)))
           (setq l e)
     (alert "Layer name <DELETE-LAYER> is not found in drawing <!>.")

If you want different colors, change the 6 and the 3 in these lines:


 (setq data (list      
   (list offsetdistance 6)
   (list offsetdistance2 3)   

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I am going to say I did not look to closely will try to find I did a offset routine that just allowed like a csv as input 3,2,-3,-2 so end up with 4 lines +/ve I guess could add color also.


Somethings just write and post and dont really save then this happens can not find.


This is not what I was looking for but a simple offset you can enter -ve to go other side.


(defun C:MULOFF ( / obj s off)
(setq obj (entsel "\nSelectObject"))
(setq s (getpoint "\nPick Offset side"))
(while (/= (setq off (getreal "\nEnter offset or Enter to exit")) nil)
(vl-cmdf "_.offset" off obj s "")
(setq obj (entlast))


If you want change layer

(setq obj (entlast))
(chprop obj "la" "delete-layer" "")

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Thank you so much Emmanuel,

It's working perfectly.

One more Help, I want to offset two more lines (total 4 lines) with different distances, Please tell me how to change the lisp.

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4 lines:


(setq offsetdistance 0.0)  ;; just to remember it next time
(setq offsetdistance2 0.0)  ;; just to remember it next time
(setq offsetdistance3 0.0) 
(setq offsetdistance4 0.0) 

(defun c:oly (/ l s p e x prompt data)

 (if (> offsetdistance 0.0) 
   (setq prompt (strcat "\nEnter distance 1 <" (rtos offsetdistance 2 2) ">: "))
   (setq prompt "\nEnter distance 1: ")
 (if (setq x (getreal prompt))
   (setq offsetdistance x)

 (if (> offsetdistance2 0.0) 
   (setq prompt (strcat "\nEnter distance 2 <" (rtos offsetdistance2 2 2) ">: "))
   (setq prompt "\nEnter distance 2: ")
 (if (setq x (getreal prompt))
   (setq offsetdistance2 x)

(if (> offsetdistance3 0.0) 
   (setq prompt (strcat "\nEnter distance 3 <" (rtos offsetdistance3 2 2) ">: "))
   (setq prompt "\nEnter distance 3: ")
 (if (setq x (getreal prompt))
   (setq offsetdistance3 x)

(if (> offsetdistance4 0.0) 
   (setq prompt (strcat "\nEnter distance 4 <" (rtos offsetdistance4 2 2) ">: "))
   (setq prompt "\nEnter distance 4: ")
 (if (setq x (getreal prompt))
   (setq offsetdistance4 x)

 (setq data (list 
   (list offsetdistance 6)
   (list offsetdistance2 3)
   (list offsetdistance3 4)
   (list offsetdistance4 5)

 (command ".undo" "m")
 (command "-layer" "M" "DELETE-LAYER" "c" "green" "DELETE-LAYER" "" "")
   (setq l (entlast))
   (if (tblsearch "LAYER" "DELETE-LAYER")
     (while (and
              (setq s (car (entsel "\nPick Line/Polyline to offset :")))
              (wcmatch (cdr (assoc 0 (entget s))) "LINE,*POLYLINE")
              (setq p (getpoint "\nSpecify offset side :"))
      (foreach x data
       (command "_.offset"  (car x) (ssadd s) "_non" p "")
           (not (= (setq e (entlast)) l))
                   '(8 . "DELETE-LAYER")
                   (assoc 8 (entget e))
                   (entget e)
               (list (cons 62 (cadr x)))
           (setq l e)
     (alert "Layer name <DELETE-LAYER> is not found in drawing <!>.")

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4 lines:


 (setq data (list 
   (list offsetdistance 6)
   (list offsetdistance2 3)
   (list offsetdistance3 4)
   (list offsetdistance4 5)


hi, FWIW prompt is a protective symbol. my $0.05 (setq str .. ) instead of (setq prompt (getstring ))


another, my suggestion for multiple getreal :)

it accepts zero & negative, you can modify to suit you

(defun _getreal (msg lst / np str l )
 (while (not np )
   (setq str  (getstring t
                         (strcat msg
                                 " "
                                   " |"
                                   (vl-princ-to-string (mapcar '(lambda (x) (strcat "|" (rtos x 2))) lst))
                                 " ? : "
         l    (cond ((read (strcat "(" str ")")))
         np (if (and l (vl-every 'numberp l))
                (prompt "\nOops! Invalid value !!")



(setq A (_getreal "\nEnter multiple offset distance," [color="blue"]nil[/color] ))
Enter multiple offset distance, nil ? : 1 2 3 4 5 [color="green"];<--user input separate by space [/color]
(1 2 3 4 5)

(setq B (_getreal "\nEnter multiple offset distance," A ))
Enter multiple offset,  |1 |2 |3 |4 |5| ? : [color="green"]; <Enter> to accept default values[/color] 
(1 2 3 4 5)

;from your test
(setq [color="red"]data[/color] (_getreal "\nEnter multiple offset distance," B ))
Enter multiple offset,  |1 |2 |3 |4 |5| ? : [b]6 3 4 5[/b]  [color="green"];<--user overrides default[/color] 
(6 3 4 5)

[color="green"];data to be used [/color]
(foreach [b]x[/b] [color="red"]data[/color] 

[color="green"]; offset [b]x[/b] bla bla [/color]


Edited by hanhphuc
_prompt to _getreal
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hahnphuc basicly the same as I suggested but csv style still loooking when you have so many hard to remember where you put the code some times.


for fun the bla bla

(defun c:muloff(/ o s l)
(setq o (entsel "\nSelect Object"))
(setq pt (getpoint "\nPick Offset side"))
(setq data (_prompt "\nEnter multiple offset distance," B ))
(foreach i data
(vl-cmdf "_.offset" i o pt "")

Edited by BIGAL
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hahnphuc basicly the same as I suggested but csv style still loooking when you have so many hard to remember where you put the code some times.


yeah BIGAL, csv is good solution too :)

i just offer generic suggestion rather than @Emmanuel Delay to rewrite his code if OP request more offsets :)

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When using csv as a data import/export, have you guys found a way for Excel to not turn entity handle 34E57 in 34*10^57, and not omit all the leading zeros, not turn things into dates, ...

I know, it's not Autocad or LISP's fault, but maybe you found some obvious solution...

I can't explain to my colleagues how to import it in excel, set the data formatting, (Meanwhile I use notedpad++ to adapt data in the csv) ...

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hahnphuc basicly the same as I suggested but csv style still loooking when you have so many hard to remember where you put the code some times.


for fun the bla bla

(defun c:muloff(/ o s l)
(setq o (entsel "\nSelect Object"))
(setq pt (getpoint "\nPick Offset side"))
(setq data ([color="blue"]_getreal[/color] "\nEnter multiple offset distance," [color="red"][b]B[/b][/color] ))
(foreach i data
(vl-cmdf "_.offset" i o pt "")

sorry BIGAL i've changed the symbol _prompt to _getreal which naming is more relevant :oops:


Although global variable is not preferable than csv , another suggestion - store as 'list' string

(setvar '[b][color="purple"]users1[/color][/b] (vl-princ-to-string [color="red"]'(1 2 3 4 5)[/color])) [color="green"]; as default[/color] or (_getreal  "msg" nil)
(setq [b][color="red"]B[/color][/b] (read (getvar '[b][color="purple"]users1[/color][/b])))

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