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Remove Items From Selection Set


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Hi there. I am about to complete my first code for AutoCAD VBA and I have a problem which I couldn't solve it for hours.


This is my code:


Public Function NumericOnly(s As String) As String
   Dim s2 As String
   Dim replace_hyphen As String
   replace_hyphen = " "
   Static re As RegExp
   If re Is Nothing Then Set re = New RegExp
   re.IgnoreCase = True
   re.Global = True
   re.Pattern = "[^0-9 ^x ^~]" 'includes space, if you want to exclude space "[^0-9]"
   s2 = re.Replace(s, replace_hyphen)
   re.Pattern = "^\s+"
   s2 = re.Replace(s2, vbNullString)
   re.Pattern = " \s+"
   NumericOnly = re.Replace(s2, replace_hyphen)
End Function

Sub bqtable()

Dim varPt1 As Variant
Dim acTable As AcadTable

Dim ss As AcadSelectionSet
Dim rawtxt As AcadText
Dim temptxt As String

Dim i, j As Integer
Dim x, y As Integer

Const PI As Double = 3.14159

Dim tempdia As Integer
Dim checkerdia As Boolean

Dim weightdia As Double
Dim totalweight As Double
Dim weight As Double

'Load Form

defaultrowh = mainGUI.TextBox2.Text

'create table
varPt1 = ThisDrawing.Utility.GetPoint(, "Select Point")

Set acTable = ThisDrawing.ActiveLayout.Block.AddTable(varPt1, 3, 5, defaultrowh, 30)

acTable.SetText 0, 0, "DONATI METRAJI"
acTable.SetText 1, 0, "Adet"
acTable.SetText 1, 1, "Çap"
acTable.SetText 1, 2, "Boy"
acTable.SetText 1, 3, "Benzer"
acTable.SetText 1, 4, "Agirlik"

'tabloyu doldur
Set ss = ThisDrawing.SelectionSets.Add("SS047")


i = 2
j = 0

weightthin = 0
weightthick = 0
totalweight = 0

For tempdia = 8 To 34 Step 2
checkerdia = False
weightdia = 0
       For Each rawtxt In ss
               temptxt = rawtxt.TextString
               'Büyük Harfe Çevir ve Çap Operatörünü Düzenle
               temptxt = Trim(UCase(Replace(temptxt, mainGUI.TextBox1.Text, "ƒ")))
               '/ Varsa Temizle
               If InStr(temptxt, "/") <> 0 Then
                           pos0 = InStr(temptxt, "/")
                           pos1 = InStr(temptxt, "L=")
                           x = pos1 - pos0
                           temptxt = Trim(UCase(Left(temptxt, pos0 - 1) & " L=" & Right(temptxt, Len(temptxt) - pos0 - pos1 + pos0 - 1))) & " "
                           temptxt = UCase(temptxt) & " "
               End If
               'Sayıları al ve yazdır
               A = NumericOnly(temptxt)
               Arr = Split(A, " ")
               If Arr(1) = tempdia Then
                   checkerdia = True
                   t = 0
                   Do While t <= UBound(Arr)
                       acTable.SetText i, t, Arr(t)
                       t = t + 1
                   acTable.SetText i, 3, "1"
                   'Mevcut poz için ağırlık hesapla yaz
                   weight = acTable.GetText(i, 0) * PI * (acTable.GetText(i, 1) / 1000) ^ 2 / 4 * acTable.GetText(i, 2) / 100 * acTable.GetText(i, 3) * 7850
                   acTable.SetText i, 4, weight
                   acTable.SetText i, 4, Format(acTable.GetText(i, 4), "#0.0")
                   acTable.SetRowHeight i, defaultrowh
                   acTable.InsertRows i + 1, defaultrowh, 1
                   'ağırlık güncelle
                   If tempdia = 8 Or tempdia = 10 Or tempdia = 12 Then
                       weightthin = weightthin + weight
                   End If
                   weightdia = weightdia + weight
                   totalweight = totalweight + weight
                   'işlenen datayı selection setden çıkar
                   ss.RemoveItems (rawtxt)
                   i = i + 1
               End If
       'Bakılan çap varsa toplam ekle
       If checkerdia = True Then
           acTable.InsertRows i + 1, defaultrowh, 1
           acTable.SetText i, 0, ("Toplam ø" & tempdia)
           acTable.SetText i, 4, weightdia
           acTable.SetText i, 4, Format(acTable.GetText(i, 4), "#0.0")
           acTable.MergeCells i, i, 0, 3
           acTable.SetCellAlignment i, 0, acMiddleLeft
           acTable.SetRowHeight i, defaultrowh
           i = i + 1
       End If



End Sub

The problem is:


ss.RemoveItems (rawtxt)

I want the processed item removed from the selection set but I couldn't manage it.


Thanks in advance.

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RemoveItems requires an array of AcadEntity elements. Even if there has to be only one element in it.

So you must add something like what follows:


Dim Ent(0) As AcadEntity ' this you can add at the beginning of your code toghether wit other Dim statements

Set Ent(0) = rawTxt 'this line must be added before the following one

ss.RemoveItems Ent ' this line you already have in your code

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