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Found 11 results

  1. I've updated to 2015, and most of the changes aren't a big deal. However, the new version shows the layer properties window with a medium grey background. I find it visually difficult to tell what items are selected and to read the text. Does anyone know if it is possible to change this window back to white with black text like the older CAD versions? I've attached images of both the new version and my preference for older, easier to read version. Preferred WHITE version : AutoCAD 2015 GREY version :
  2. mikeschawartskof

    Xref & Main Drawing

    I'm working in between the Xref and the Main drawing, but after I was done with the first Xref I noticed in the main drawing that is missing the created layers, for that reason, the view in the main drawing was completely wrong,even the created linetype didn't load to the main drawing. I attached a screen shot of the Xref and the main drawing. working with AutoCAD 2015.
  3. Strange issue; didn't see any other like it in the forum and similar found online didn't have any fixes that worked here. Colleague has AutoCAD 2015 for Mac OSX 10.8.5 (*I know, I know...WHY??) Trying to draw a Pline. We get the + sign when choosing starting point, then nothing as you stretch any direction, nothing when clicking a second point or multiple points or ending command. Tried to change width to 4 - same results. Tried the following settings: PLINETYPE set to 0 and 1 PLINEWID set to 0 and 1 Layer is ON and UNFROZEN. LINE command works. Same drawing does just fine on two Windows PCs using AutoCAD Map 5 and AutoCAD 2000. Hope someone can help. Thanks...
  4. For some reason the Express Tools were not loaded when they installed Autocad 2015. I guess the checkbox was overlooked among the tons of other stuff loaded. In days of old you could copy the Express Tools folder, load the Express Tools Menu and "APPLOAD" the main file and you were good to go. I found the Express folder among the install files (they're not compressed) But when I go to load the menu, I don't see it. Can anyone walk me through the process of manually loading the Express Tools in Autocad 2015 (Please??) Thanks Much!!
  5. jbflores95

    Design Center

    I have AutoCad 2015 for Mac, and I can't find the Design Center that I used when I was using AutoCad 2012 for Windows in high school. I have blocks, but only like 7 different ones and none of them are the right dimensions at all.
  6. I work in IT support at a large college, since upgrading to AutoCAD 2015 we have been having a problem with borrowed licences not working. Everything worked fine under AutoCAD 2013. A standard user can log onto a college laptop OK and launch AutoCAD 2015, they can follow the normal procedure (Help > About > Product Information > Borrow Licence) and get a message that the licence has been successfully borrowed, when the user tries launching AutoCAD 2015 away from the network they get the message that a licence cannot be found. When I log onto the same laptop with an admin account and borrow a licence, AutoCAD 2015 launches ok when off the network (WiFi disabled), so there must be a file/folder permissions issue that is blocking regular users from accessing the encrypted/borrowed licence file. Could someone please let me know where the file is stored, so I can try changing the folder permissions to rectify this. We are running AutoCAD 64bit on a Windows 7 64bit environment which is attached to a domain. Thanks in anticipation...
  7. I recently updated to Inventor 2015 and since then tapped holes are not displaying correctly in idw. They only show the core drill. My custom hole chart identifies them as tapped holes correctly but I want them to display correctly in the drawing also. Any ideas? Is there a simple setting I have overlooked? Kev. PUNCH BOLSTER 2.zip
  8. It would seem that the Place Component function can no longer place a Pivot in this version. How can it be done?
  9. I am currently building a new 64bit Windows 7 image for deployment across our engineering college, I have downloaded and installed the offline help files for AutoCAD mechanical 2015. The Add/Remove programs wizard is showing the help files as installed, the options dialog for the help files is pointing to the correct location and that location is in the Trusted Folders list. However, when I click on the Help option, or press F1, the Help window opens but is completely blank. I can navigate to the folder and launch the 'index.html' file in a web browser and navigate the files just fine that way, but they will not work in the Help dialog. Has anyone got any ideas that I could try??
  10. So I just upgraded my CAD to 2015 a few weeks ago, and am noticing today that every action I run is slow. Does anybody know anything about the performance of this new version? I keep following the similar posts for 2013, but it seems the options menu has changed in 2015.
  11. I need to turn off the line weights in layout. Civil 2014 had an icon at the bottom just like all the rest of ones I have worked with. I do not see anywhere to toggle line weight on 2015. Please help!
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