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  1. I have looked all over the place trying to figure out how to create a SHX file to use in AutoCAD that has each shape in the file mapped to a key and I am not having any luck. Perhaps someone here will know how to do this. I apologize if this has been covered somewhere already. If that is the case, please just link me to where this is explained. I know how to create a shape file using MKSHAPE. I know how to convert the SHP file to a SHX file using CONVERT. I know that SHX files have to be in a FONT folder within the AutoCAD folder. But none of this explains how to create a SHX file that I can use in the MTEXT command for example so that when I type the letter A (for example) the custom shape I created for the letter A is displayed, and the same for B and so on. Is there a program I need to use to help me create such a file? If not, what is the process I would have to go thru manually to create what I need?
  2. Hi everyone- I have Hebrew fonts in my files which show up as question marks on my home computer (AutoCAD 2010) but show up fine on my work computer (AutoCAD 2014). Both computers have the appropriate SHX fonts downloaded and installed in the AutoCAD Fonts folder Both computers have the respective Fonts folder listed as a Support File Search Path in Options. (ex: Computer:OS (C: ) : Program Files : AutoCAD 2010: Fonts) Does anyone have any other ideas? 2 screenshots attached. Hebrew fonts appear okay in AutoCAD 2014: Fonts are question marks in AutoCAD 2010:
  3. Hello all, got a little text style problem over here Background info: I am trying to tackle the problem of making a searchable PDF from a drawing with simplex font. From what I have read that is not possible without using OCR, which is unreliable. To work around this I am trying to convert ALL text in a drawing to Arial with width factor = 1, then print to PDF, then undo the changes and leave the font intact (permanently changing the font is not an option here due to standards that I cannot change). So far, I have made a command that converts all text styles to Arial and width factor=1. Unfortunately, as pointed out in this thread, changing the text style width does not push changes to all text. The problem: I am trying to make a lisp routine that forces all text to adopt the width given by their text style (or simply a width of 1, doesn't matter to me). I have tried "REGEN" and "REGENALL"; neither worked. I'm thinking there's a way to do it with the right SSGET filter, but the documentation for SSGET is very confusing to me. I have attached a drawing to show what I mean. The top text and bottom text both use the same style, yet the top text is narrower. I don't see widthfactor in the quick properties for it; the only way that I know of to change it is changing the text style and then changing it back again. I would like to be able to do it with a single command using lisp. Any help would be greatly appreciated Drawing1.dwg
  4. D_Krause

    Adding fonts to Draftsight

    So! This little trick with Draftsight took me about 3 hours to figure out. How to add Fonts to Draftsight. Draftsight looks in your windows installed fonts to find any fonts it will consider vaild for use. In order to have a font available for use by draftsight, the font must be in TTF Format and must be installed into your windows system fonts folder. If you have a .otf file, you should use a tool like http://everythingfonts.com/otf-to-ttf to convert the file into .ttf file format. At that point, just open the file and hit "Install" in the top left. Windows will then install the font into it's system and draftsight will consider it valid. Why a system like draftsight, which bills itself as an open platform, cannot use .otf is beyond me. But this is the work around: Convert to .ttf Install into windows system the "normal" way Profit.
  5. I am looking for the following support file, hcadr.shx. It was used on drawing by a company called McDaniel Fire Systems (www.mcdanielfire.com ) in Illinois which is no longer in business. Can anyone point me to a resource for this file? Thank you.
  6. civiltech

    Font Issue

    Hi folks, I am setting up a cad block library for my company. When I insert many of the existing blocks into a fresh drawing, they come in with the following font substitution message: Substituting [simplex.shx] for [Franklin Gothic Medium Cond]. Subsequently, I get a tonne of text styles and linetypes inserted into the drawing with the block. It would appear that there are a bunch of other scrap blocks embedded in the block files. I've tried purging but they won't go anywhere. I am hoping to not have to redefine each block as that would take forever. Would anyone be willing to supply me with the Franklin Gothic Medium Condensed SHX font? I am hoping if I install this font, it will help with this issue..... Thanks Civil 3D 2013, Windows 7.
  7. When I export from a drawing from Inventor 2014 to model space in AutoCad 2014, all my fonts change. I tried using a few fonts (last one being RomanS). The biggest problem is that when you print from AutoCad after exporting from Inventor, all the text is "hollow" and not filled in. Thanks for any advice you may have, Kyle
  8. How can I print out a list of SHX fonts for AutoCAD2013. I’m looking for some way to print (or view) shx font samples. This does not seem to be much of a problem for TrueType Fonts installed in the Windows 7 FONT Folder,but it would be very handy to have some simple quick document, or screen, that would do the same for the AutoCAD SHX font folder.
  9. Hi All, as many of you know, there are ways to get hatch patterns via VLisp and without needing to open *.pat files. Is there any same way to get information about font files? If so, how? Any help, or clue is greatly appreciated.
  10. Hi all, I would appreciate any help I could get on this matter. I'm running CAD2011, a pretty good flavor of an i5, 8GB, Win7x64, 1GB graphics, etc... a nice-enough laptop for sure that CAD should be run seamlessly. HOWEVER! When I select a dimension, it takes at least 5 seconds for the properties box to correctly display and populate, then another few seconds once I click inside the box to be able to scroll/operate a drop down, type, etc. I have seen this posted with no resolution before... can anyone offer any advice on this matter? I saw one poster mention reloading support files such as fonts that may be corrupted but I must concede that I don't know exactly how to do this i.e, where would I get another copy of all of my fonts?
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