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  1. Ok before I start I want to give you a bit of insight. I am currently working for a company that I would like to make Vlisps for to make my job quicker and easier. With that being said I would like to protect my vlisp and also make it so if they somehow managed to snatch a copy of my vlisp I could turn off the further use of it (Remote Turnoff). I have read some pretty dated forum post on .FAS .VLX and .NET compiled vlisps and their security(One of the newest being in 2009). And, would love to hear what you guys think about it or if you can provide other more secure compilers. As for the Remote Turnoff I was going to use a Serial Number with a date and loginname verification, but shortly thereafter I found out you could roll back the date, and didn’t think about it at the time but you could easily change the loginname. Then I got thinking what if I could verify the user was connected to the internet then load an internet source and read its code. I looked into this and tried some codes but couldn’t manage to get them to work the way I wanted. Any help you guys could provide would be a great help. Thank you in advance, CadWarrior
  2. Hello everyone: I'm updating some old code of mine and I want to get ride of using the shell command, you know why. I need to create a folder, this is what's written now to create the folder num_br: (setq commd (strcat "md " "
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