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Does everyone know how to insert xrefs with other ucs than world. The host drawing ucs must be in world. The different x-refs are made with different ucs according to local coordinates. In the host drawing, the xrefs must be placed correctly according to global coordinate (world). (The xrefs are all surveys of different spaces all with marked fixpoints according to the physical global coordinates.) please help...
I'm quite new with the BOM thing with Autocad, though I have used xref a lot. Is there a way to create a BOM or at least a list/table of the xrefs I have attached to the drawing with the number of times used or occurrences in the drawing? The drawing I made have about 50+ xrefs and some of it is attached more than once, if i'm going to use the AMPARTREF, and made a reference on an xref, i have to input the quantity manually. Is there a way to automate this?
Reading the Insbase of a Block Definition drawing using ObjectDBX
ColinHolloway posted a topic in AutoLISP, Visual LISP & DCL
Hi All Sorry this is a re-post. I couldn't work out how to move a post to the correct area. I need to read the Insbase value of an unopened drawing using ObjectDBX. I have already written code that can extract attributes and re-path xref's so the method of opening the drawing database is known. What I need to know is the property name of the Base or Insbase in Modelspace of a drawing. I have opened the drawing database as variable dbxdoc and using (vlax-dump-object (vla-get-ModelSpace dbxdoc)) I get: ; IAcadModelSpace: A special Block object containing all model space entities ; Property values: ; Application (RO) = Exception occurred ; BlockScaling = 0 ; Comments = "" ; Count (RO) = 96 ; Document (RO) = # ; Explodable = -1 ; Handle (RO) = "2" ; HasExtensionDictionary (RO) = -1 ; IsDynamicBlock (RO) = 0 ; IsLayout (RO) = -1 ; IsXRef (RO) = 0 ; Layout (RO) = # ; Name = "*MODEL_SPACE" ; ObjectID (RO) = 55 ; ObjectID32 (RO) = 55 ; ObjectName (RO) = "AcDbBlockTableRecord" ; Origin = (0.0 0.0 0.0) ; OwnerID (RO) = 56 ; OwnerID32 (RO) = 56 ; Path = AutoCAD.Application: Not applicable ; Units = 0 ; XRefDatabase (RO) = AutoCAD.Application: No database The property Origin is NOT the base for this drawing as the insbase is: Command: insbase Enter new value for INSBASE : The value for insbase must be accessable in the database somewhere but it is eluding me at this time. Thanks in advance for any responses, Colin -
Line type Scale for 3d polylines / blocks using XREF
Mayfly posted a topic in AutoCAD Beginners' Area
Morning all, I am very very new to autocad and trying to solve an issue I have at work regarding line types not showing up correctly. I have several .dwg files which I attach using XREF so that I can ensure I have the latest versions combined. The problem is that the line types do not show up correctly. After looking up on google I have found that this is a problem due to it being a 3d model rather than it being flat. I managed to half solve the issue by inserting each drawing into one, then exploding the whole image. Then changing the scale in the bottom right to around 1:200 to make the line types visible. My problem is this ends up being alot of work as the separate drawings can be updated daily. Is it possible to have all the drawings Xref'd in and to be able to have the scale changed to be able to read the line types? I tried to save the XREF setup as a template, then just bind all the drawings into one, explode and change the scale. But for some reason this doesnt work for me. I end up with just solid lines, rather than line types. I don't think it helps that the drawings are made up of several lines, all of different length. (This I have been told is why the scales do not appear correctly) I have been shown one method to work around this, which is to open the Xref drawings, explode them, then take each section of line and manually change each scale to the biggest that shows up. A very painful process when I might need to do it everyday!!! Any help would be appreciated. -
Hi, I dont have a lot of hope for this one but why not give it a chance here. I have a scanned drawing (PDF) and I want to use it a a xref so i can redraw it (originals have gotten lost ). But is really big and makes autocad really slow. Is there a way to make a scanned drawing in PDF have loose object / lines again? Thanks!
How did they do it? A Mysterious Block Locked for Editing
Wavey posted a topic in AutoCAD Drawing Management & Output
I was very intrigued by a customer/clients DWG. It had all these, 'equipment envelopes'. They were blocks that were locked from editing/exploding. There were many of them. I could REFEDIT and save/discard changes, but that changed all the blocks. I noticed that the block had two 'parts', in the REFEDIT it appeard to have two files, a block within a block. I finally realized wblock (save block as) would allow me to actually 'get into' the block. So, that problem is solved (thanks in part to this website and its tutorials/forums). I'm still very curious, however. How did they do that? -
Hello everyone, Haven't been on here in ages - coming back into the CAD fold again. Encountered a problem that I 'think' I've solved before but can't for the life of me work out 'how.. I have Dynamic block called say COORDwith Three attributes defined 1. Title 2. X Value 3. Y Value 1 is a text based attribute, 2&3 get the insertion point of the block and display. Works fine no bother.. But.. If i wblock all the COORDS and then xref back in - they all display the insertion point of the xref i.e 0,0. Has anyone any ideas how to solve this? Thanks Matt
- 3 replies
- dyn block
- coordinates
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I am building layer states in Civil 3d 2011 to show all discipline types either within dwg or in xref in VBA. Discipline types will be selected by user ex. V-, C-, D-. I can get the ones local by looking at the first two characters in the layer name ex. V-Road-Edge, C-ALIN-CNTR. The issue comes with searching for the | character in the xref layer name. ex DGWNAME|V-NODE-UTIL, Thomson|C-TINN. Using the INSTR command does not see the character in the xref name. I need to find where in the string it resides. I am using chr(124) to match. Any ideas would be appreciated. Thanks
Range on Excel Sheet imported to DWG as reroutable xref for a template DWF?
numberOCD posted a topic in AutoCAD Drawing Management & Output
Hi everyone! I'm trying to figure out if there is a way I can import data from an excel file in a predetermined range but variable workbook and sheet. For instance, in Station5.dwg I access cells B4:C15 on sheet STA-5 on workbook TerminalA.xls and then in Station6.dwg I access cells B4:C15 on sheet STA-6 on workbook TerminalA.xls, but all through just rerouting the sheet just as if I were to reroute an xref with the same scale and insertion point. I'm trying to avoid a continual copy/paste of OLEs for each .dwg because I will have an average of 5 ranges to import from each sheet, of an average of 7 sheets per workbook, of an estimated 220 workbooks to work through. (7,700 ranges estimated so far is a lot of work). Thanks for your help!-
- ole
- insert excel
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Hi everyone.. Im using autocad 2008 and i'm having difficulty in binding xref. i've been usign autocad for 3years now but sad to say, it's my first time to try binding xref. So here's the scene, got xref file, then bind it, and then the whole xref drawing disappear but the xref filename is still in the list at the xref pallette? What should i do? Please enlighten me.. thanks very much..
Cannot Purge Unwanted/unused Linetypes
Elsa posted a topic in AutoCAD 2D Drafting, Object Properties & Interface
Hi, When I open a new template all the correct linetypes are there and the drawing works fine, I can purge and they are deleted if not in use. When I copy ANYTHING from one of my existing drawings which contains all these odd linetypes then they all appear in the new drawings and they will not purge. ANYTHING = Text, blocks, lines... etc. From reading about similar problems I think it has risesn from Binding/Inserting (I cant remember which one I used) of a Xref orignially from Microstation into a drawing I did about 3 months ago. The linetypes have just stuck around. Any suggestions on how to remove them? I have added a screen shot, hopefully it worked. Thank you! -
xRef Scaling and Exploding of xRef
Waynx posted a topic in AutoCAD 2D Drafting, Object Properties & Interface
Hi, Most of my design work requires me to xRef an existing title block to my paperspace and vport my drawing into my titleblock in paperspace. However, when I attach my titleblock using xRef into my paperspace, the scaling went totally out. Mostly my block comes out way bigger than it is suppose to. The problem is that I have set my designs and block to function in milimeters, so basically it should scale down to the same scale right? And also, it's quite troublesome to keep going back to my titleblock dwg to edit/save and reload it back in my design. Is there anyway to explode the xRef titleblock? Every time I tried they keep saying its an external reference. Is there any way to go around this so I can edit it without going back and forth? Many thanks in advance! -
Requested: Changing the name of layers of Xref after bind
Ahankhah posted a topic in AutoLISP, Visual LISP & DCL
Hi all, as most of you know after xbinding an xrefed drawing into current drawing, layers name change in this format: where: should anyone offer a way to change the name of layers to their original name? Note that sometimes layer names after omitting two first parts of them will be same as existing names. I appreciate any help or spending time for this. -
Hi All, I have this strange issue here. I have a zip file attached here. It has a Folder called "Files" with two files in it. One is "Sheet.dwg" another is "XRef.dwg". XRef is attached using a relative path, hence it would load for you. In the sheet file, on the Layout, there is a paper space viewport. Inside the Viewport, I want to freeze the XRef layer (A-ANNO-TEXT) of the Room tag block (which is reading 71-223). When I use "_layfrz" command in this paperspace viewport and click the block, NOTHING HAPPENS.... Could someone please help me? It is very urgent....
In AutoCAD Architecture Options > Open and Save Tab, there are the External Reference (Xrefs) options where by default Demand load Xrefs is “Enabled with Copy”, Retain changes to Xref layers, Allow other users to Refedit current drawing are checked. May I enquire how is Xref handled internally by the AutoCAD software? Do AutoCAD internally makes a temporary copy of the referenced files, and hence when there are changes to the referenced files, a reload is required. Do correct my understanding if I am wrong. If that is the case, may I enquire are there any .NET APIs that are able to access the in memory copy of the referenced DWGs if I am using the “Enabled with Copy” option for the Demand load Xrefs. I have tried to change the Xrefs option Demand load Xrefs to “Enabled”, in hoping no file copy will be done, but our application was unable to overwrite the individual level DWG using the SaveAs function due to an eFileViolation error, as AutoCAD software is opening up the referenced DWGs. If that is the case, may I enquire are there any .NET APIs to allow for AutoCAD Architecture to Save the DWG instead of the Application doing so?
Updating Property in Objects Definition in XREF DWGs
zetazee posted a topic in .NET, ObjectARX & VBA
Hi, I am developing an simulation application, leveraging on using Space objects and applied additional Property Set Definitions for Space objects where I introduced a new Property "Value". I applied a display theme to my DWG, and based on the value of the Property, different colours wil be displayed according to the display theme. For a single DWG file containing the building, I am able to simulate the colour changes by updating the “Value” Property in the Spaces using .NET APIs functions such as PropertySet.SetAt, and commiting the transasction. However, one building can consist of many different levels, and I have split up the modeling of the building into its separate levels. For example, a 3 storey building, I will have 3 DWG files for each individual levels. A main empty DWG was then used to XREF the 3 levels, to combine the different levels into a whole building. I would like to simulate such colour change through the main DWG which references my individual level DWGs. Any idea what .NET API I can use to access the XREF DWGs in my main DWG, so that I can update the "Value" property in all my Space objects?-
- space
- simulation
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For about a week now my XREF function has not been working properly. It used to work just find but now when i get into the XREF menu and click on Attach DWG (like I always do) I scroll through my files to find the one I want and its either not there, or its not the updated file, its an older version. Even with my old drawings that used to be fine do not function properly now either. If I modify the original drawing, then go to my detail page where it is XREF'ed, click on Refresh, it will net update the XREF. I am completely stumped as are the guys in my office. I am thinking about dumping AUTOCAD all together and reloading it to see if this will fix it. I don't know what else to do. Please Help!
- 9 replies
- external references
- autocad problems
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Hi, I have been using Autocad 2007 for a few weeks now and yesterday i needed to use an xref so loaded up the external references box to view all available xrefs. Since i did this i cant get rid of the xref box. Its there whenever i load cad up, load a new drawing and when switching clean screen on and off. Ive tried the close button in the top corner but it still returns. Any suggestions on what could be causing this or how to solve it would be much appreciated? Its driving me mad. Thanks
I have a drawing with an xref clipped several times and laid out but now cannot select them. I have run an audit, recover, purge to all xrefs and the parent file. The xref had some errors so I wblocked the whole drawing out and replaced it which at first helped but then the parent file still had the same problems. Some text in the parent file is not selectable either until a full reboot of Acad. Any suggestions?
- 5 replies
- xclip
- selectable
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Couldn't find a solution to this anywhere so hoping you guys can help... We are working with a client who is drawing there files in Autocad MEP. The issue is when XREF these drawing into ours they either show up like line diagrams (see image below) or not at all. We solved the not at all portion of the problem by starting with clean Autocad drawings and then xrefing other files after we reference in the MEP file. But I still can't find a way to get the pipe to show up correctly. On a side not if we open the piping file itself, we can see the pipes just fine. It just doesn't show up as an xref. I have tried not saving down to 2007 but to no avail. Also there don't appear to be any object enabler for Autocad MEP as there was for 2011. (The 2011 doesn't work for 2012.) Looking for some advice. Thanks!
- 1 reply
- enablers
- autocad mep
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Migrating Xrefs to new server - how to avoid broken links?
Ryde posted a topic in AutoCAD Drawing Management & Output
How to avoid broken links to an Xref while migrating to a new server? We will migrate our servers and have to move all Xrefs. The Xrefs are composed from files located on different harddrives. Let's say A: / B: / C: When migrating to our new servers I suppose we are just fine when we name the new harddrives exactly the same as the current situation? Are there any other things we should take care of? Thanks! -
Hey guys, I have a problem I created some drawings and made them XREF everything works fine until i try plotting them, the objects that are on the main drawing plot just fine but the XREF for some reason comes out faded not as vivid as i would like them to be. I already updated the drivers for my plotted it's an HP Design Jet 1050c it's an old one but the problem only exits when plotting drawings with an XREF can some one please help me out:cry:? THANK YOU!!
Xrefed Wall Objects Materials changing colour
Koopa Troopa posted a topic in AutoCAD Drawing Management & Output
Hi Everyone, I apologize if this was posted elsewhere or if this is the wrong place to post this but I have been trying to find the solution to my problem for some time and cant figure it out. The problem: At our office we have created a large amount of custom 3d walls (mainly by modifying existing ones) and in the walls we have overriden the material colour in plan view from the default 11 (peachy/corally colour) to green/red etc. Now when we xref the drawing with the walls in it some drawings retain those colours while others show the walls with the default colour 11. Since it is the exact same drawing on our server being xrefed I assume its an option somewhere that I am missing. If you CAD Gurus can point me in the right direction that would be of great help! I am running Cad Architecture 2011 if that helps. Thanks in advance Koopa Troopa -
Hello all- I am not new to AutoCAD by far and many years, but i am new to the 64 bit features and windows 7. So i tried out the PDF underlay attach, and really like it. However i now have an image frame that i can select and the appropriate ribbon activates. I start with a perfectly visible clipped PDF image, then activate any command, as easy as "line", and teh graphic diappears. Still have the frame, no image. I have tried to regen, redraw, on and on. No graphic. If i set it up in a pspace vport, no graphic, but it will plot the graphic in a preview. I am using a dedicated 1GB card and 8GB memory, so i dont think it is system stability. If i remove the clipping plane, it will reappear, but only long enough to start another command. Once i start a command, gone again, clipping plane or not. Anyone Else??? Any Ideas??
- 7 replies
- pdfclipping
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I received this from GSA (US govt agency) as part of a larger program to help set files to their standards. This portion doen't seem to work - does not set the path. I have tested various parts, but can't see where it is failing. If anyone could have a look and tell me if anything looks wrong I would appreciate it. Any suggestions welcome. Thanks ; remove xref paths ; select the first block (progn (setq blk (tblnext "BLOCK" 1)) ; repeat for each block definition in the drawing (while (/= blk nil) ; determine if the block is an xref (setq groupcode70 (cdr (assoc 70 blk))) ; determine if groupcode70 contains a bitwise 4 ; this would indicate it is an xref (if (= 4 (logand 4 groupcode70)) (progn ; if groupcode70 contains a bitwise 32 it is resolved (if (= 32 (logand 32 groupcode70)) (progn ; it is resolved ; strip out path if present (if(setq xrefname (cdr (assoc 1 blk))) (if (wcmatch xrefname "*\\*") ; change the old name to the new (command ".-xref" "p" (cdr (assoc 2 blk)) (strcat (vl-filename-base xrefname)(vl-filename-extension xrefname)) ) ;end command )) ;end if ) ;end progn (progn) ; xref is unresolved - do not try to change it ) ) (progn) ; the block is not an xref ) ; select the next block (setq blk (tblnext "BLOCK")) ) );_end progn