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I'm trying to make the layer color switch before it draws a line but when I execute the lisp I get the error code:

"Program ERROR: AutoCAD variable setting rejected: "CECOLOR" 7"

can anyone tell me why I can't us setvar to change this system variable?


(defun c:draw (/ COUNTER color ccolor)
(setq ccolor (getvar "cecolor"))
(setq color (atoi "7"))
(setvar "CECOLOR" color)
(setq color "10")

 (command "line" "0,0" "0,10" "" )


I have also tried:



(defun c:draw (/ COUNTER color ccolor)
(setq ccolor (getvar "cecolor"))
(setvar "CECOLOR" 7)
(setq color "10")

 (command "line" "0,0" "0,10" "" )


help :(

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well I guess all the good ideas strike you in the washroom, i figured it out, I needed to covert the value to a string rather then an int.

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Quickest reference for System Variable properties would be to type 'sysvdlg' at the command line and use the wildcard search box.

Here's another;


An online reference:





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also "F1" works too to get that information, but it doesn't debug the code and inform you that you used an integer where a string is required. and ironicaly enough those help files (the ones you just posted) told me i need an integer value to use the ACI thus i tried to input a integer, but it wanted a string.

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The point is that both of the references I suggested and the AutoCAD Help files list the System Variable data type:


[color=red][b]Type: String[/b][/color]
Saved in: Drawing
Initial value: BYLAYER

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HA! i gotta start opening my eyes when I read these help files. LoL, but on that note the help file is contradictory then.

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