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Spacing Pickets iLogic Formula Rules


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I searched but could not find a good answer so I thought I would give you all something fun to play with. I am trying to space a gate formula where the pickets and wood slats are computed based off the lengthening of the gate. I figured the formula and it seems to be what I need but now implementing it into Inventor is where I fail. The problem is if the gate gets too big it won't fill in the huge spaces on the sides. Attached is an image of what I'm trying to do and the formula I put together. This would save me time and headache of having to figure it out every time and make the model parametric. I typically work with iProperty forms to drive my model, but haven't had much need for Rules or iLogic or iParts. Usually just Vault copy design, scaling the door frame width & height then changing out components and adding detail works quickly and efficiently. With gates however, they are all long runs of pickets and spacing by Rules would be perfect. Thanks!

Picket Calculator.jpg

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