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Help-Convert files with lisp


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Hi i need a lisp to convert a csv file to txt (is an ascii file with spesific structure). I rename it to *txt   to open it with notepad.


Please help me because i have to convert a lot of coordinates 



test.txt test.csv

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This is a survey instrument data file, so before everyone jumps in, 99% of instruments can read a csv file.


So provide a reason why you are not using that method rather than waste a lot of peoples time. I know what I am talking about I worked for Topcon.


Is it because you do not want to pay the instrument maker for a upload / download program ? These should be free just do a bit of a google.



Edited by BIGAL
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That text file looks to be in Leica GSI-16 format which is space delineated.


Have you asked Leica for a conversion programme?

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`leica program is not working properly in win 7,win8,win 10. Works good only in windows XP ,and i dont have windows XP. Unfortunately Leica is a big super market for me  nothing more. The don't support us at all. They don't have usb drivers for win 10 ...... I test everything i can find in the  internet ...an excell file that convert to gsi , a leica geosystem program that convert to gsi but all the times i find errors in the gsi files . This programs not work for me. So i need a lisp file to do the job. Realy i try but nothing is working.

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Your instrument must be quite old if it cannot handle .csv files.


I use Leica Survey Office on a Windows 10 computer which is running a virtual Windows XP, and a virtual Windows 98 (so I can still use Quick Basic).


Best of luck with finding your .lsp file, or get a computer with Windows XP running.


If you want the format of the GSI data, you should get the TPS 1000 System Manual.

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I find this lisp code bu is not working .Can any one update it to support csv files and convert them to gsi?


(defun c:to-tc()
(defun *error* (msg)
       (princ "error: ")
       (princ msg)
(setq ha (getvar "pdsize"))
(setq pds (* ha 2.0))
(setq pass (getvar "maxsort"))
(if (= pass 1001)
(setq i (open "c:/tc600/tc.xyz" "w"))
(prompt "...        Select Your Point Please      ...")
(princ "                              Working ... Please Wait!")
(setq ent1 (ssget '((0 . "point"))))
(setq num (sslength ent1))
(setq cnt 0)
(repeat num
(setq s1 (ssname ent1 cnt))
(setq s2 (entget s1))
(setq pnt (cdr (assoc 10 s2)))
(setq x (car pnt))
(setq y (cadr pnt))
(setq inx (fix x))
(setq iny (fix y))
(setq x (rtos x 2 3))
(setq y (rtos y 2 3))
(setq sinx (rtos inx 2 0))
(setq siny (rtos iny 2 0))
(setq lsx (strlen sinx))
(setq lsy (strlen siny)) 
(if (= lsx 6) 
(setq sinx (substr sinx 2 5))
(setq x (substr x 2 9))
(setq lsx 5)
(if (= lsy 6)
(setq siny (substr siny 2 5))
(setq y (substr y 2 9))
(setq lsy 5)
(setq flx (+ lsx 3))
(setq fly (+ lsy 3))
(setq llsx (+ 2 lsx))
(setq llsy (+ 2 lsy))
(setq rx (substr x llsx 3))
(setq ry (substr y llsy 3))
(setq cnt (1+ cnt))
(setq scnt (rtos cnt 2 0))
(setq lcnt (strlen scnt))
(if (= lcnt 1) (setq fcnt (strcat "11000" scnt "+0000000" scnt)))
(if (= lcnt 2) (setq fcnt (strcat "1100" scnt "+000000" scnt)))
(if (= lcnt 3) (setq fcnt (strcat "110" scnt "+00000" scnt)))
(princ fcnt i)
(princ " " i)
(if (= lsx 4) (setq fx (strcat "81..00+0" sinx rx)))
(if (= lsy 4) (setq fy (strcat "82..00+0" siny ry)))
(if (= lsx 5) (setq fx (strcat "81..00+" sinx rx)))
(if (= lsy 5) (setq fy (strcat "82..00+" siny ry)))
(if (= lsx 3) (setq fx (strcat "81..00+00" sinx rx)))
(if (= lsy 3) (setq fy (strcat "82..00+00" siny ry)))
(if (= lsx 2) (setq fx (strcat "81..00+000" sinx rx)))
(if (= lsy 2) (setq fy (strcat "82..00+000" siny ry)))
(if (= lsx 1) (setq fx (strcat "81..00+00000" sinx rx)))
(if (= lsy 1) (setq fy (strcat "82..00+00000" siny ry)))
(setq fz "83..00+00000000")
(princ fx i)
(princ " " i)
(princ fy i)
(princ " " i)
(princ fz i)
(princ "\n" i)
(command "osnap" "none")
(setq p2 (polar pnt 2.4 (* 1.25 ha)))
(command "text" "m" p2 ha 0 scnt)
(close i)
(command "osnap" "nod")



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Keep in mind that this forum and www.theswamp.org should not be abused as a free software service. To always ask for code and never make any attempt to learn to code yourself, is not a good idea in the long run.


Let's just say I am in a very, very good mood:

; Library function
(defun KGA_Data_FileRead (fnm / lst ptr str)
  (if (setq ptr (open fnm "r"))
      (while (setq str (read-line ptr))
        (setq lst (cons str lst))
      (close ptr)
      (reverse lst)

; Library function
(defun KGA_Data_FileWrite (fnm lst / ptr)
  (if (setq ptr (open fnm "w"))
      (foreach str lst
        (write-line str ptr)
      (close ptr)

; Library function
(defun KGA_String_Join (strLst delim)
  (if strLst
        (car strLst)
        (mapcar '(lambda (a) (strcat delim a)) (cdr strLst))

; Library function
(defun KGA_String_PadLeft (str ch len)
  (repeat (- len (strlen str))
    (setq str (strcat ch str))

; Library function
(defun KGA_String_Tokenize (str delim / ret sub)
  (setq delim (append (vl-string->list delim) '(nil)))
  (setq str (vl-string->list str))
  (repeat (1+ (length str))
    (if (vl-position (car str) delim)
        (setq ret (cons (vl-list->string (reverse sub)) ret))
        (setq sub nil)
      (setq sub (cons (car str) sub))
    (setq str (cdr str))
  (reverse ret)

; 20190417
; (CSV_To_GSI_Read "C:\\Downloads\\test.csv")
(defun CSV_To_GSI_Read (fnm)
    '(lambda (str / lst)
      (setq lst (KGA_String_Tokenize str ","))
      (cons (car lst) (mapcar 'read (cdr lst)))
    (KGA_Data_FileRead fnm)

; 20190417
; (CSV_To_GSI_Sort (CSV_To_GSI_Read "C:\\Downloads\\test.csv"))
(defun CSV_To_GSI_Sort (lst) ; Lst is output from CSV_To_GSI_Read.
    '(lambda (a b) (< (car a) (car b)))

; 20190417
; *110122+00000000000000S9
;     idx            label
; (CSV_To_GSI_FormatPointId 122 "S9")
(defun CSV_To_GSI_FormatPointId (idx lab)
    (KGA_String_PadLeft (itoa idx) "0" 4)
    (KGA_String_PadLeft lab "0" 16)

; 20190417
; 81..10+0000000304279082
; (CSV_To_GSI_FormatCoord "81" 304279.082)
(defun CSV_To_GSI_FormatCoord (axisPre coord) ; AxisPre is "81", "82" or "83".
    (KGA_String_PadLeft (rtos (* 1000 coord) 2 0) "0" 16)

; 20190417
; (CSV_To_GSI_Convert (CSV_To_GSI_Sort (CSV_To_GSI_Read "C:\\Downloads\\test.csv")))
(defun CSV_To_GSI_Convert (lst / i) ; Lst is (sorted) output from CSV_To_GSI_Read.
  (setq i 0)
    '(lambda (sub)
        (CSV_To_GSI_FormatPointId (setq i (1+ i)) (car sub))
        " "
        (CSV_To_GSI_FormatCoord "81" (cadr sub))
        " "
        (CSV_To_GSI_FormatCoord "82" (caddr sub))
        " "
        (CSV_To_GSI_FormatCoord "83" (cadddr sub))
        " "

; 20190417
(defun C:CSV_To_GSI ( / lst src trg)
      (setq src (getfiled "CSV file" (getvar 'dwgprefix) "csv" 0))
      (setq lst (CSV_To_GSI_Read src))
      (setq trg (getfiled "GSI file" (strcat (vl-filename-directory src) "\\") "gsi" 1))
      (CSV_To_GSI_Convert (CSV_To_GSI_Sort lst))


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  • 1 year later...

Hi  Roy_043  
Is it possible to modify the code?
Change of reading from an external file

We can choose points directly from Drawing

Then it gives the same result


(if (setq s (ssget '((0 . "POINT")))
	     i -1)  ;;("1" 512127.0 2.40303e+006 1.4801 P)
       (repeat (sslength s)
	 (setq i (1+ i))
	     (setq   XYZ (cdr (assoc 10 (entget (ssname s I)))))
	 (entmakex (list (cons 0 "TEXT")
                  (cons 10  XYZ)
                  (cons 40 0.1)
		 (cons 8 "00-text")
                  (cons 1  (rtos (1+ i) 2 0)))

              );_ entmake

	 (entmakex (list (cons 0 "TEXT")
                  (cons 10  XYZ)
                  (cons 40 0.1)
		 (cons 8 "00-text")
                  (cons 1  "P"))

              );_ entmake
	 (setq sL (APPEND (LIST (strcat(rtos (1+ i) 2 0)","(rtos (CAR XYZ) 2 0)","(rtos (CADR XYZ) 2 0)","(rtos (CADDR XYZ) 2 0)  ",P")) sL))    


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