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Automate drawing creation/ overlay XREFs?!


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I have a highly repetitive task that I am trying to automate and looking for a way to do this...


  1. Copy files from Mechanical Directory "Model" (eg filename "Drawing1.dwg")
  2. paste in new directory "ELEC" and rename/ saveAs with -ELEC at end (eg filename "Drawing1-ELEC.dwg)
  3. Delete the contents
  4. Overlay mechanical DWG from the "Model" directory (XREF @ 0,0,0) (there can be 50+ mechanical drawings)
  5. Save
  6. Move on to next drawing in the "Model Directory (eg. "Drawing2.dwg")
  7. Repeat for next Mechanical DWG…


Project A has sub folders "Model" So I need to create subfolder "ELEC".  The file "Mechanical1.dwg" in the "Mech" folder means that I need to have a "Mechanical1-ELEC.dwg" in the "ELEC" folder such that the drawing has the XREF to the "Mechanical1.dwg" file. Then I need to repeat for all .dwg files in the Mech folder.

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I can help you with 1 to 5.  Then you still have to perform the routine multiple times, but it should still help.


A few questions:

- First, what do you mean with 3?  Delete contents of what?

- Can you repeat a bit more clearly which files are where? Which must be attached (overlayed) to which?

Maybe you can give an example with absolute locations (example main file: "c:\usertemp\project1\drawing1.dwg" ...)


Here's what I did:

- main file: "C:\UserTemp\xref_copy\Mechanical.dwg"

- folder to read files from: "C:\UserTemp\xref_copy\Model" (files "Elec1.dwg" "Elec2.dwg")

- folder to write new files to: "C:\UserTemp\xref_copy\ELEC"

- Then "Mechanical.dwg" gets xrefs: "C:\UserTemp\xref_copy\ELEC\Elec1-ELEC.dwg", "C:\UserTemp\xref_copy\ELEC\Elec2-ELEC.dwg"



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To get you started (site is called cadtutor for a reason)

Begin with an empty drawing


;;; https://www.cadtutor.net/forum/topic/68409-automate-drawing-creation-overlay-xrefs/

;;; Example: Project A has sub folders "Model" So I need to create subfolder "ELEC".
;;; The file "Mechanical1.dwg" in the "Mech" folder means that I need to have a "Mechanical1-ELEC.dwg"
;;; in the "ELEC" folder such that the drawing has the XREF to the "Mechanical1.dwg" file.
;;; Then I need to repeat for all .dwg files in the Mech folder.
(defun c:t1 ( / doc sourceFolder targetFolder dwg-list dwg-name)
  (if (and (setq doc (vla-get-ActiveDocument (vlax-get-acad-object)))
           (setq sourceFolder (getfolder "Select folder with source drawings" "" nil))
           ;;; replace sourcefolder with "" if targetfolder is not a subfolder in sourcefolder
           (setq targetFolder (getfolder "Select folder to create new drawings" sourceFolder T))
           (vl-consp (setq dwg-list (mapcar '(lambda (x)(strcat sourceFolder "\\" x))
                                            (vl-directory-files sourceFolder "*.dwg" 1)))))
    (foreach dwg dwg-list
      ;;; create name to save drawing
      (setq dwg-name (strcat targetfolder "\\" (vl-filename-base dwg) "-ELEC.dwg"))
      ;;; remove all xrefs if any
      (vl-catch-all-apply 'vl-cmdf (list "-xref" "detach" "*"))
      ;;; attach dwg as xref
      (vl-catch-all-apply 'vl-cmdf (list "-xref" "overlay" dwg '(0 0) 1 1 0))
      ;;; save the drawings
      (vla-saveas doc dwg-name)
    (prompt "\nFunction cancelled")

;;; $msg = message, $def = default path , %new = display create new folder option (t or nil)
(defun GetFolder ($m $def %new / sh fol pFol path)
  (vl-catch-all-apply (function (lambda nil (setq sh (vlax-get-or-create-object "Shell.Application"))
   (setq fol (vlax-invoke-method sh 'BrowseForFolder 0 (cond ($m)(""))(if %new 0 512)
    (cond ($def)((strcat (getenv "userprofile") "\\Desktop\\")))))
   (setq pFol (vlax-get-property fol 'ParentFolder)) (setq path (vlax-get-property
  (vlax-invoke-method pFol 'Parsename (vlax-get-property fol 'Title)) 'Path)))))
 (foreach x (reverse (list sh fol pFol path))(vl-catch-all-apply 'vlax-release-object (list x)))

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3 hours ago, BIGAL said:

Would using the vl file functions be easier than using shell ? 




if you're taking the copy & erase road ....maybe   , something like  (command "sh" "copy c:\projectA\model\*.dwg c:\projectA\elec\*-elec.dwg")  or whatever. Starting with empty dwg and using xref & saveas no need for copy , erase & purge etc. But I'll leave that choice to OP , his (or her) party...

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