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Using Old mnu files


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I'm using Autocad 2009


I have some custom mnu files(2004) I would like to use in 2009.

I use "menuload" but it doesn't behave the way I expect it to. How do I get an mnu file into this new interface. I see my toolbars but not my pulldown.




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I can't remember for sure but do you have to load the old . MNS file also. you could also use the migration if you still have the old version installed

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  • 1 month later...



You need to go into the new cui editor

Typpe cui at the command prompt


In there, you can load an .mns/.mnu file anytime which gets converted to a new cui file.


In the cui file, there are workspaces that control the visibility of your toolbars and pulldowns


On the right side, if you select customize workspace, you will be able to turn off and off pulldowns, per workspace


Hope this helps



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  • 2 years later...



I have always used Menuload to load several menu files too. If you select the menu from the "Menu Group", then click on the on the "Menu Bar" Tab, you can load the pull downs. Work from the bottom up and they will load in the right order.


Good Luck


Edited by Del
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Are the old menu's partial menu's or are they added on to the original acad menu if so pull your custom bits out and make into a standalone menu, I have had no problems using menuload with multiple menu's but they are all standalone with no duplicated commands.

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I was trying to address "lucky_lowell" who could not get pull-down menus to show up on one of his "old mnu files" when using [MENULOAD].


I have used this command for 20 years and have had no probolems with it... if I select the menu and goto the "menu bar" and load the "pull downs."


Here's an idea that I use to recomply automatically... After editing the mnu file in [Notepad]... I use a [bATCH FILE] to erase the mnc, mnr and mns files of the same "menu group" while Autocad is off. Start Autocad and everything is recomplied beautifully.



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Hi, everyone. If you will allow me to be a little bit opinionated here, I'm going to suggest a few things:


1. The "right" way to keep a menu in the old days before CUI, and this still applies, was to edit and load the mnu, not the mns, file. If you use MENULOAD to explicitly reload the mnu, it will recompile. We fought against this issue a lot in the 90's until I researched and learned to do it this "right" way, the MNU way. If you load the MNU and always have any bitmaps available, you don't ever have to delete mns, mnr, and mnc.


2. Partial menus with MENULOAD are the only way to go. Attaboy, Lowell. It keeps development clean.


3. The old school answer to Lowell's question is to have a MNL file to match your MNU file, then inside the MNL file, include code to place the pull-down as you desire. It would be something like this:


;;; PlaceCNMMenu

;;; Places the CNM pulldown to the left of the last pulldown already loaded

;;; Created 2/21/97 by Dominic Panholzer


(defun PlaceCNMMenu (/ CNT)

(setq CNT 1)

(while (

(if (menucmd (strcat "P" (itoa CNT) ".1=?"))

(setq CNT (1+ CNT))


(if (> CNT 2)

(setq CNT (1- CNT))

(setq CNT 2)


(menucmd (strcat "p" (itoa CNT) "=+CNM.pop1"))

(setq CNT 25)





(PlaceCNMMenu);Do it


Or more simply and manually:


(defun PlaceCNMMenu (/ CNT)

;;Edit this line to control where the pull-down is placed

(setq CNT 25)

(menucmd (strcat "p" (itoa CNT) "=+CNM.pop1"))


(PlaceCNMMenu);Do it

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