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convert region to lwpolyline


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Hi All,


It is possible to convert object from region to lwpolyline by lisp ? Beciase I have an object have ellispe inside when I try to use bpoly command to recreate the polyline again but the error message "polyline boundary cound not be derived, create region ? "


Thanks !

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A polyline can only contain right segments and circular arcs, none elliptical arc.


You can convert your ellipses and elliptical arcs withe the following routine.

It creates a polyline wich is an approximation ofthe ellipse the same way as do the ELLIPSE commande while PELLIPSE sysvar is set to 1.


;; EllipseToPolyline
;; Returns a polyline (vla-object) which is an approximation of the ellipse (or elleptical arc)
;; Argument : an ellipse (vla-object)

(defun EllipseToPolyline (el    /  doc   cl    norm  cen   elv   pt0   pt1   pt2
                         pt3   pt4   ac0   ac4   a04   a02   a24   bsc1  bsc2
                         bsc3  bsc4  plst  blst  spt   spa   fspa  srat  ept
                         epa   fepa  erat  n
 (setq doc (vla-get-ActiveDocument (vlax-get-acad-object))
       spc (if (= 1 (getvar 'cvport))
             (vla-get-PaperSpace doc)
             (vla-get-ModelSpace doc)
       cl   (and (= (vla-get-StartAngle el) 0.0)
                 (= (vla-get-EndAngle el) (* 2 pi))
       norm (vlax-get el 'Normal)
       cen  (trans (vlax-get el 'Center) 0 norm)
       elv  (caddr cen)
       cen  (3dTo2dPt cen)
       pt0  (mapcar '+ (trans (vlax-get el 'MajorAxis) 0 norm) cen)
       ac0  (angle cen pt0)
       pt4  (mapcar '+ cen (trans (vlax-get el 'MinorAxis) 0 norm))
       pt2  (3dTo2dPt (trans (vlax-curve-getPointAtparam el (/ pi 4.)) 0 norm))
       ac4  (angle cen pt4)
       a04  (angle pt0 pt4)
       a02  (angle pt0 pt2)
       a24  (angle pt2 pt4)
       bsc1 (/ (ang<2pi (- a02 ac4)) 2.)
       bsc2 (/ (ang<2pi (- a04 a02)) 2.)
       bsc3 (/ (ang<2pi (- a24 a04)) 2.)
       bsc4 (/ (ang<2pi (- (+ ac0 pi) a24)) 2.)
       pt1  (inters pt0
                    (polar pt0 (+ ac0 (/ pi 2.) bsc1) 1.)
                    (polar pt2 (+ a02 bsc2) 1.)
       pt3  (inters pt2
                    (polar pt2 (+ a04 bsc3) 1.)
                    (polar pt4 (+ a24 bsc4) 1.)
       plst (list pt4 pt3 pt2 pt1 pt0)
       blst (mapcar '(lambda (b) (tan (/ b 2.)))
                    (list bsc4 bsc3 bsc2 bsc1)
 (repeat 2
   (foreach b blst
     (setq blst (cons b blst))
 (foreach p (cdr plst)
   (setq ang  (angle cen p)
         plst (cons
                (polar cen (+ ang (* 2 (- ac4 ang))) (distance cen p))
 (foreach p (cdr plst)
   (setq ang  (angle cen p)
         plst (cons
                (polar cen (+ ang (* 2 (- ac0 ang))) (distance cen p))
 (setq pl
          (apply 'append
                 (setq plst
                        (reverse (if cl
                                   (cdr plst)
 (vlax-put pl 'Normal norm)
 (vla-put-Elevation pl elv)
 (mapcar '(lambda (i v) (vla-SetBulge pl i v))
         '(0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16)
 (if cl
   (vla-put-Closed pl :vlax-true)
     (setq spt  (vlax-curve-getClosestPointTo pl (vlax-get el 'Startpoint))
           spa  (vlax-curve-getParamAtPoint pl spt)
           fspa (fix spa)
           ept  (vlax-curve-getClosestPointTo pl (vlax-get el 'Endpoint))
           epa  (vlax-curve-getParamAtPoint pl ept)
           fepa (fix epa)
           n    0
       ((equal spt (trans pt0 norm 0) 1e-9)
        (if (= epa fepa)
          (setq plst (sublist plst 0 (1+ fepa))
                blst (sublist blst 0 (1+ fepa))
          (setq erat (/ (- (vlax-curve-getDistAtParam pl epa)
                      (vlax-curve-getDistAtParam pl fepa)
                   (- (vlax-curve-getDistAtParam pl (1+ fepa))
                      (vlax-curve-getDistAtParam pl fepa)
                plst (append (sublist plst 0 (1+ fepa))
                             (list (3dTo2dPt (trans ept 0 norm)))
                blst (append (sublist blst 0 (1+ fepa))
                             (list (k*bulge (nth fepa blst) erat))
       ((equal ept (trans pt0 norm 0) 1e-9)
        (if (= spa fspa)
          (setq plst (sublist plst fspa nil)
                blst (sublist blst fspa nil)
          (setq srat (/ (- (vlax-curve-getDistAtParam pl (1+ fspa))
                           (vlax-curve-getDistAtParam pl spa)
                        (- (vlax-curve-getDistAtParam pl (1+ fspa))
                           (vlax-curve-getDistAtParam pl fspa)
                plst (cons (3dTo2dPt (trans spt 0 norm))
                           (sublist plst (1+ fspa) nil)
                blst (cons (k*bulge (nth fspa blst) srat)
                           (sublist blst (1+ fspa) nil)
        (setq srat (/ (- (vlax-curve-getDistAtParam pl (1+ fspa))
                           (vlax-curve-getDistAtParam pl spa)
                        (- (vlax-curve-getDistAtParam pl (1+ fspa))
                           (vlax-curve-getDistAtParam pl fspa)
              erat (/ (- (vlax-curve-getDistAtParam pl epa)
                      (vlax-curve-getDistAtParam pl fepa)
                   (- (vlax-curve-getDistAtParam pl (1+ fepa))
                      (vlax-curve-getDistAtParam pl fepa)
        (if (< epa spa)
          (setq plst (append
                       (if (= spa fspa)
                         (sublist plst fspa nil)
                         (cons (3dTo2dPt (trans spt 0 norm))
                               (sublist plst (1+ fspa) nil)
                       (cdr (sublist plst 0 (1+ fepa)))
                       (if (/= epa fepa)
                         (list (3dTo2dPt (trans ept 0 norm)))
                blst (append
                       (if (= spa fspa)
                         (sublist blst fspa nil)
                           (k*bulge (nth fspa blst) srat)
                               (sublist blst (1+ fspa) nil)
                       (sublist blst 0 fepa)
                       (if (= epa fepa)
                         (list (nth fepa blst))
                         (list (k*bulge (nth fepa blst) erat))
          (setq plst (append
                       (if (= spa fspa)
                         (sublist plst fspa (1+ (- fepa fspa)))
                         (cons (3dTo2dPt (trans spt 0 norm))
                               (sublist plst (1+ fspa) (- fepa fspa))
                       (list (3dTo2dPt (trans ept 0 norm)))
                blst (append
                       (if (= spa fspa)
                         (sublist blst fspa (- fepa fspa))
                           (k*bulge (nth fspa blst) srat)
                               (sublist blst (1+ fspa) (- fepa fspa))
                       (if (= epa fepa)
                         (list (nth fepa blst))
                         (list (k*bulge (nth fepa blst) erat))
     (vla-delete pl)
     (setq pl (vlax-invoke spc 'AddLightWeightPolyline (apply 'append plst)))
     (vlax-put pl 'Normal norm)
     (vla-put-Elevation pl elv)
     (foreach b blst
       (vla-SetBulge pl n b)
       (setq n (1+ n))
 (or (zerop (getvar 'delobj)) (vla-delete el))

;; Ang<2pi
;; Returns the angle expression between 0 and 2*pi
(defun ang<2pi (ang)
 (if (and (<= 0 ang) (< ang (* 2 pi)))
   (ang<2pi (rem (+ ang (* 2 pi)) (* 2 pi)))

;; 3dTo2dPt
;; Retourne le point 2d (x y) d'un point 3d (x y z)
(defun 3dTo2dPt (pt) (list (car pt) (cadr pt)))

;; Tan
;; Returns the angle tangent
(defun tan (a) (/ (sin a) (cos a)))

;;; SUBLIST Returns a sub list
;;; Arguments
;;; lst : a list
;;; start : the start index (first item = 0)
;;; leng : the length (items number) of the sub list (or nil)
(defun sublist (lst start leng / n r)
 (if (or (not leng) (< (- (length lst) start) leng))
   (setq leng (- (length lst) start))
 (setq n (+ start leng))
 (while (< start n)
   (setq r (cons (nth (setq n (1- n)) lst) r))

;; Returns the proportional bulge
;; Arguments :
;; b : the bulge
;; k : the ratio (between angles or arc length)
(defun k*bulge (b k / a)
 (setq a (atan b))
 (/ (sin (* k a)) (cos (* k a)))


;; EL2PL
;; Convert selected ellipses and elliptical arcs in polylines
;; Source objects are deleted if DELOBJ is greater than 0

(defun c:el2pl (/ *error* fra acdoc ss)
 (defun *error* (msg)
   (if (and (/= msg "Fonction annulée")
            (/= msg "Function cancelled")
     (princ (strcat (if (= "FRA" (getvar 'locale))
                      "\nErreur: "
                      "\Error: "
   (vla-endUndoMark acdoc)
 (setq acdoc (vla-get-ActiveDocument (vlax-get-acad-object)))
 (if (ssget '((0 . "ELLIPSE")))
     (vla-StartUndoMark acdoc)
     (vlax-for e (setq ss (vla-get-ActiveSelectionSet acdoc))
       (EllipseToPolyline e)
     (vla-delete ss)
     (vla-EndUndoMark acdoc)

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You could explode the region perhaps?

But after explode the region all of them become a individual segment, because I need the objects as a polyline and to do something on it.

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Thanks ! But after the lisp convert the ellipse to polyline, and join all polyline again. the total area is less than before. (see attached image)image.jpg




A polyline can only contain right segments and circular arcs, none elliptical arc.


You can convert your ellipses and elliptical arcs withe the following routine.

It creates a polyline wich is an approximation ofthe ellipse the same way as do the ELLIPSE commande while PELLIPSE sysvar is set to 1.


;; EllipseToPolyline
;; Returns a polyline (vla-object) which is an approximation of the ellipse (or elleptical arc)
;; Argument : an ellipse (vla-object)

(defun EllipseToPolyline (el    /  doc   cl    norm  cen   elv   pt0   pt1   pt2
                         pt3   pt4   ac0   ac4   a04   a02   a24   bsc1  bsc2
                         bsc3  bsc4  plst  blst  spt   spa   fspa  srat  ept
                         epa   fepa  erat  n
 (setq doc (vla-get-ActiveDocument (vlax-get-acad-object))
       spc (if (= 1 (getvar 'cvport))
             (vla-get-PaperSpace doc)
             (vla-get-ModelSpace doc)
       cl   (and (= (vla-get-StartAngle el) 0.0)
                 (= (vla-get-EndAngle el) (* 2 pi))
       norm (vlax-get el 'Normal)
       cen  (trans (vlax-get el 'Center) 0 norm)
       elv  (caddr cen)
       cen  (3dTo2dPt cen)
       pt0  (mapcar '+ (trans (vlax-get el 'MajorAxis) 0 norm) cen)
       ac0  (angle cen pt0)
       pt4  (mapcar '+ cen (trans (vlax-get el 'MinorAxis) 0 norm))
       pt2  (3dTo2dPt (trans (vlax-curve-getPointAtparam el (/ pi 4.)) 0 norm))
       ac4  (angle cen pt4)
       a04  (angle pt0 pt4)
       a02  (angle pt0 pt2)
       a24  (angle pt2 pt4)
       bsc1 (/ (ang<2pi (- a02 ac4)) 2.)
       bsc2 (/ (ang<2pi (- a04 a02)) 2.)
       bsc3 (/ (ang<2pi (- a24 a04)) 2.)
       bsc4 (/ (ang<2pi (- (+ ac0 pi) a24)) 2.)
       pt1  (inters pt0
                    (polar pt0 (+ ac0 (/ pi 2.) bsc1) 1.)
                    (polar pt2 (+ a02 bsc2) 1.)
       pt3  (inters pt2
                    (polar pt2 (+ a04 bsc3) 1.)
                    (polar pt4 (+ a24 bsc4) 1.)
       plst (list pt4 pt3 pt2 pt1 pt0)
       blst (mapcar '(lambda (b) (tan (/ b 2.)))
                    (list bsc4 bsc3 bsc2 bsc1)
 (repeat 2
   (foreach b blst
     (setq blst (cons b blst))
 (foreach p (cdr plst)
   (setq ang  (angle cen p)
         plst (cons
                (polar cen (+ ang (* 2 (- ac4 ang))) (distance cen p))
 (foreach p (cdr plst)
   (setq ang  (angle cen p)
         plst (cons
                (polar cen (+ ang (* 2 (- ac0 ang))) (distance cen p))
 (setq pl
          (apply 'append
                 (setq plst
                        (reverse (if cl
                                   (cdr plst)
 (vlax-put pl 'Normal norm)
 (vla-put-Elevation pl elv)
 (mapcar '(lambda (i v) (vla-SetBulge pl i v))
         '(0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16)
 (if cl
   (vla-put-Closed pl :vlax-true)
     (setq spt  (vlax-curve-getClosestPointTo pl (vlax-get el 'Startpoint))
           spa  (vlax-curve-getParamAtPoint pl spt)
           fspa (fix spa)
           ept  (vlax-curve-getClosestPointTo pl (vlax-get el 'Endpoint))
           epa  (vlax-curve-getParamAtPoint pl ept)
           fepa (fix epa)
           n    0
       ((equal spt (trans pt0 norm 0) 1e-9)
        (if (= epa fepa)
          (setq plst (sublist plst 0 (1+ fepa))
                blst (sublist blst 0 (1+ fepa))
          (setq erat (/ (- (vlax-curve-getDistAtParam pl epa)
                      (vlax-curve-getDistAtParam pl fepa)
                   (- (vlax-curve-getDistAtParam pl (1+ fepa))
                      (vlax-curve-getDistAtParam pl fepa)
                plst (append (sublist plst 0 (1+ fepa))
                             (list (3dTo2dPt (trans ept 0 norm)))
                blst (append (sublist blst 0 (1+ fepa))
                             (list (k*bulge (nth fepa blst) erat))
       ((equal ept (trans pt0 norm 0) 1e-9)
        (if (= spa fspa)
          (setq plst (sublist plst fspa nil)
                blst (sublist blst fspa nil)
          (setq srat (/ (- (vlax-curve-getDistAtParam pl (1+ fspa))
                           (vlax-curve-getDistAtParam pl spa)
                        (- (vlax-curve-getDistAtParam pl (1+ fspa))
                           (vlax-curve-getDistAtParam pl fspa)
                plst (cons (3dTo2dPt (trans spt 0 norm))
                           (sublist plst (1+ fspa) nil)
                blst (cons (k*bulge (nth fspa blst) srat)
                           (sublist blst (1+ fspa) nil)
        (setq srat (/ (- (vlax-curve-getDistAtParam pl (1+ fspa))
                           (vlax-curve-getDistAtParam pl spa)
                        (- (vlax-curve-getDistAtParam pl (1+ fspa))
                           (vlax-curve-getDistAtParam pl fspa)
              erat (/ (- (vlax-curve-getDistAtParam pl epa)
                      (vlax-curve-getDistAtParam pl fepa)
                   (- (vlax-curve-getDistAtParam pl (1+ fepa))
                      (vlax-curve-getDistAtParam pl fepa)
        (if (< epa spa)
          (setq plst (append
                       (if (= spa fspa)
                         (sublist plst fspa nil)
                         (cons (3dTo2dPt (trans spt 0 norm))
                               (sublist plst (1+ fspa) nil)
                       (cdr (sublist plst 0 (1+ fepa)))
                       (if (/= epa fepa)
                         (list (3dTo2dPt (trans ept 0 norm)))
                blst (append
                       (if (= spa fspa)
                         (sublist blst fspa nil)
                           (k*bulge (nth fspa blst) srat)
                               (sublist blst (1+ fspa) nil)
                       (sublist blst 0 fepa)
                       (if (= epa fepa)
                         (list (nth fepa blst))
                         (list (k*bulge (nth fepa blst) erat))
          (setq plst (append
                       (if (= spa fspa)
                         (sublist plst fspa (1+ (- fepa fspa)))
                         (cons (3dTo2dPt (trans spt 0 norm))
                               (sublist plst (1+ fspa) (- fepa fspa))
                       (list (3dTo2dPt (trans ept 0 norm)))
                blst (append
                       (if (= spa fspa)
                         (sublist blst fspa (- fepa fspa))
                           (k*bulge (nth fspa blst) srat)
                               (sublist blst (1+ fspa) (- fepa fspa))
                       (if (= epa fepa)
                         (list (nth fepa blst))
                         (list (k*bulge (nth fepa blst) erat))
     (vla-delete pl)
     (setq pl (vlax-invoke spc 'AddLightWeightPolyline (apply 'append plst)))
     (vlax-put pl 'Normal norm)
     (vla-put-Elevation pl elv)
     (foreach b blst
       (vla-SetBulge pl n b)
       (setq n (1+ n))
 (or (zerop (getvar 'delobj)) (vla-delete el))

;; Ang<2pi
;; Returns the angle expression between 0 and 2*pi
(defun ang<2pi (ang)
 (if (and (<= 0 ang) (< ang (* 2 pi)))
   (ang<2pi (rem (+ ang (* 2 pi)) (* 2 pi)))

;; 3dTo2dPt
;; Retourne le point 2d (x y) d'un point 3d (x y z)
(defun 3dTo2dPt (pt) (list (car pt) (cadr pt)))

;; Tan
;; Returns the angle tangent
(defun tan (a) (/ (sin a) (cos a)))

;;; SUBLIST Returns a sub list
;;; Arguments
;;; lst : a list
;;; start : the start index (first item = 0)
;;; leng : the length (items number) of the sub list (or nil)
(defun sublist (lst start leng / n r)
 (if (or (not leng) (< (- (length lst) start) leng))
   (setq leng (- (length lst) start))
 (setq n (+ start leng))
 (while (< start n)
   (setq r (cons (nth (setq n (1- n)) lst) r))

;; Returns the proportional bulge
;; Arguments :
;; b : the bulge
;; k : the ratio (between angles or arc length)
(defun k*bulge (b k / a)
 (setq a (atan b))
 (/ (sin (* k a)) (cos (* k a)))


;; EL2PL
;; Convert selected ellipses and elliptical arcs in polylines
;; Source objects are deleted if DELOBJ is greater than 0

(defun c:el2pl (/ *error* fra acdoc ss)
 (defun *error* (msg)
   (if (and (/= msg "Fonction annulée")
            (/= msg "Function cancelled")
     (princ (strcat (if (= "FRA" (getvar 'locale))
                      "\nErreur: "
                      "\Error: "
   (vla-endUndoMark acdoc)
 (setq acdoc (vla-get-ActiveDocument (vlax-get-acad-object)))
 (if (ssget '((0 . "ELLIPSE")))
     (vla-StartUndoMark acdoc)
     (vlax-for e (setq ss (vla-get-ActiveSelectionSet acdoc))
       (EllipseToPolyline e)
     (vla-delete ss)
     (vla-EndUndoMark acdoc)

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But after explode the region all of them become a individual segment, because I need the objects as a polyline and to do something on it.


I was thinking you could explode then Polyline Join them... :geek:

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Thanks Lee Mac, but pedit can't join the ellispe and polyline at the same time.





I was thinking you could explode then Polyline Join them... :geek:
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Thanks ! But after the lisp convert the ellipse to polyline, and join all polyline again. the total area is less than before. (see attached image)


Yes, as the polyline is not a true ellipse but an approximation, it may have a difference in lengths and areas of the objects, but it should be very small...


Try drawing to ellipses with same major and minor axis lengthes, one with PELLIPSE set to 0 the other with PELLIPSE set to 1 and compare lengthes and areas...

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thank you so much for your help !

Yes, as the polyline is not a true ellipse but an approximation, it may have a difference in lengths and areas of the objects, but it should be very small...


Try drawing to ellipses with same major and minor axis lengthes, one with PELLIPSE set to 0 the other with PELLIPSE set to 1 and compare lengthes and areas...

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