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Zoom Window Error What i am doing wrong??


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Using Autocad VBA ediyor...


Dim item1 As AcadObject

Dim ustsx(2), altsx(2) as double 'or variant 'both not working

Dim vector1 As Variant


vector1 = item1.Coordinates

If vector1(0) > vector1(4) Then

ustsx(0) = vector1(0)

altsx(0) = vector1(4)


ustsx(0) = vector1(4)

altsx(0) = vector1(0)

End If

If vector1(1) > vector1(3) Then

ustsx(1) = vector1(1)

altsx(1) = vector1(3)


ustsx(1) = vector1(3)

altsx(1) = vector1(1)

End If

ustsx(2) = 0#

altsx(2) = 0#

MyAcad.ZoomWindow ustsx, altsx '(error)



Run Time error '-2147024809 (80070057)

Invalid argument LowerLeft in ZoomWindow



After some search on internet i found an explanation for this type of errors. It may be good to learn for other members:

I find such description:

[in AutoCAD, VBA input arrays are automatically converted to


This means that you don’t have to provide a variant array as input to

the ActiveX Automation methods and properties when using them from VBA. However,

all the output arrays will be in the form of variants, so remember to

handle them appropriately.


Converting Arrays to Variants

AutoCAD ActiveX Automation provides a utility method to convert an

array of data into a variant. This method is the CreateTypedArray method,

which creates a variant that contains an array of integers, floating numbers,

dou-bles, and so forth.]



I corrected my code as follows:

Dim p1, p2 As Variant

Dim utilObj As Object ' late bind the Utility object

Set utilObj = ThisDrawing.Utility

utilObj.CreateTypedArray p1, vbDouble, ustsx(0), ustsx(1), ustsx(2)

utilObj.CreateTypedArray p2, vbDouble, altsx(0), altsx(1), altsx(2)

MyAcad.ZoomWindow p1, p2

Edited by mftbrothers
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Dim p1(0 To 2) As Double

Dim p2(0 To 2) As Double


I think you may have to dimension the array explicitly, 0 to 2, 0 to 3, or whatever your min max dimension is

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