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I want to resolve this problem.


Here is the problem. I create a program for increase the size of text, Text.Height


Now the text sometimes intersect with other objects, when this append I take the Text.Insertion point and move a little up, down, left, right, and review with command intersectwith if the object text intersect with other object on drawing.


But some times the Intersectwith give me a False intersection, for example if I have a text with 6.13 degree of rotation the program give me a intersection with text 767R2654-1052FC-2 False Intersection.jpg


A false intersection, The autocad create a BoundingBox around text but this box not considerer the text rotation, the box is not on angle of rotation like a box create with QTEXT command, I need a Box like QTEXT, but Qtext is imposible to get and use for intersectwith. Maybe a polyline like a QText box.


Now I need a box around the text for review if the text intersect with the yellow polyline. I need to do this for 7894 dxf drawings, I have a list of dxf drawings and path and autocad open file by file automatic and increse size and move the text with intersection but the problem is the false intersection. So I need a code for create a rectangle around the text, I try the command Qtext but I can't get the rectangle, I try to create Text.GetBoundingBox (MinPnt, MaxPnt) the result is a box on (0,0).


My both Function Code

Private Function Intersecta(Texto As AcadObject) As Boolean

'Dim Entidades() As AcadObject

Dim Entidades() As AcadEntity

Dim InsPntTexto As Variant, InsPntEntidades() As Variant

Dim BETA As Variant

Dim y As Integer, w As Integer

For y = 0 To ThisDrawing.Blocks.Count - 1

For w = 0 To ThisDrawing.Blocks.Item(y).Count - 1

'ReDim Entidades(2)

ReDim Entidades(1)

'ReDim InsPntEntidades(0)

ReDim InsPntEntidades(2)

On Error Resume Next

Set Entidades(1) = ThisDrawing.Blocks.Item(y).Item(w)

InsPntTexto = Texto.InsertionPoint

BETA = Entidades(1).InsertionPoint

InsPntEntidades(0) = BETA(0): InsPntEntidades(1) = BETA(1): InsPntEntidades(2) = BETA(2)

'InsPntEntidades = Entidades(1).InsertionPoint

If InsPntTexto(0) = InsPntEntidades(0) And InsPntTexto(1) = InsPntEntidades(1) And Entidades(1).EntityName = "AcDbText" Then

GoTo amonos


If (IntersectWith(Texto, Entidades(1))) = True Then

'MsgBox "intersecta"

Wrksheet.Cells(RowCount, 9) = "X: " & Entidades(1).EntityName

Intersecta = True

Exit Function


Intersecta = False

End If

End If


Next w

Next y

End Function

Public Function IntersectWith(Object1 As AcadEntity, Object2 As AcadEntity) As Boolean

Dim Intersection As Variant

Intersection = Object1.IntersectWith(Object2, AcExtendOption.acExtendNone)

If UBound(Intersection) = -1 Then

IntersectWith = False


IntersectWith = True

End If

End Function


Thanks for your help.


Code for Text Movement


Private Sub Change_Size()

Dim Texto As AcadObject

Dim i As Integer

Dim z As Integer

For i = 0 To ThisDrawing.Blocks.Count - 1

For z = 0 To ThisDrawing.Blocks.Item(i).Count - 1

On Error Resume Next

Set Texto = ThisDrawing.Blocks.Item(i).Item(z)

If Texto.EntityName = "AcDbText" Then

If UCase(Trim(Texto.TextString)) Like "*BK*" Or UCase(Trim(Texto.TextString)) Like "*FC*" Then

Wrksheet.Cells(RowCount, 5) = Texto.Height

ThisDrawing.Blocks.Item(i).Item(z).Height = 0.26

ThisDrawing.Regen acAllViewports

If Intersecta(Texto) = True Then Movimientos i, z

Wrksheet.Cells(RowCount, 6) = ThisDrawing.Blocks.Item(i).Item(z).Height

Wrksheet.Cells(RowCount, 7) = Texto.TextString

If Wrksheet.Cells(RowCount, 10) = "Imposible Correct" Then

Alfa = False


Alfa = True

End If

End If

End If

If Err 0 Then Err.Clear

Next z

Next i

End Sub



Public Sub Movimientos(i As Integer, z As Integer)

Dim Intersect As Boolean

Dim TextObjPoint As Variant

Dim ObjectUnknowPoint As Variant

Dim Rotation As Variant

Dim pi As Variant

Dim Correccion As Boolean

Dim Texto As AcadObject

pi = 4 * Atn(1)

Set Texto = ThisDrawing.Blocks.Item(i).Item(z)

If Texto.EntityName = "AcDbText" Then

If UCase(Trim(Texto.TextString)) Like "*FC*" Or UCase(Trim(Texto.TextString)) Like "*BK*" Then 'Izquierda

'****************************** CORRECCION DE POSICION ************************

TextObjPoint = Texto.InsertionPoint

ptn = Texto.InsertionPoint

Rotation = Texto.Rotation

ThisDrawing.Regen acAllViewports


TextObjPoint(0) = TextObjPoint(0) + (0.4 * ((2 * Cos(Rotation - pi))))

TextObjPoint(1) = TextObjPoint(1) + (0.4 * ((2 * Sin(Rotation - pi))))

Texto.InsertionPoint = TextObjPoint

ThisDrawing.Regen acAllViewports

If Intersecta(ThisDrawing.Blocks.Item(i).Item(z)) = True Then

Texto.InsertionPoint = ptn

TextObjPoint = Texto.InsertionPoint

ThisDrawing.Regen acAllViewports


TextObjPoint(0) = TextObjPoint(0) - (0.4 * ((2 * Cos(Rotation - pi))))

TextObjPoint(1) = TextObjPoint(1) - (0.4 * ((2 * Sin(Rotation - pi))))

Texto.InsertionPoint = TextObjPoint

ThisDrawing.Regen acAllViewports


If Intersecta(ThisDrawing.Blocks.Item(i).Item(z)) = True Then '**** Abajo

Texto.InsertionPoint = ptn

TextObjPoint = Texto.InsertionPoint

ThisDrawing.Regen acAllViewports


TextObjPoint(0) = TextObjPoint(0) + (0.2 * ((2 * Sin(Rotation - pi))))

TextObjPoint(1) = TextObjPoint(1) + (0.2 * ((2 * Cos(Rotation - pi))))

Texto.InsertionPoint = TextObjPoint

ThisDrawing.Regen acAllViewports

If Intersecta(ThisDrawing.Blocks.Item(i).Item(z)) = True Then ' ***** Arriba

Texto.InsertionPoint = ptn

TextObjPoint = Texto.InsertionPoint

ThisDrawing.Regen acAllViewports

' Arriba

TextObjPoint(0) = TextObjPoint(0) - (0.2 * ((2 * Sin(Rotation - pi))))

TextObjPoint(1) = TextObjPoint(1) - (0.2 * ((2 * Cos(Rotation - pi))))

Texto.InsertionPoint = TextObjPoint

ThisDrawing.Regen acAllViewports

If Intersecta(ThisDrawing.Blocks.Item(i).Item(z)) = True Then ' ***** Abajo Derecha

Texto.InsertionPoint = ptn

TextObjPoint = Texto.InsertionPoint

ThisDrawing.Regen acAllViewports

'Abajo Derecha

TextObjPoint(0) = TextObjPoint(0) - (0.2 * ((2 * Cos(Rotation - 45 - pi))))

TextObjPoint(1) = TextObjPoint(1) - (0.2 * ((2 * Sin(Rotation - 45 - pi))))

Texto.InsertionPoint = TextObjPoint

ThisDrawing.Regen acAllViewports

If Intersecta(Texto) = True Then ' ***** Abajo Izquierda

Texto.InsertionPoint = ptn

TextObjPoint = Texto.InsertionPoint

ThisDrawing.Regen acAllViewports

'Abajo Izquierda

TextObjPoint(0) = TextObjPoint(0) + (0.2 * ((2 * Cos(Rotation + 45 - pi))))

TextObjPoint(1) = TextObjPoint(1) + (0.2 * ((2 * Sin(Rotation + 45 - pi))))

Texto.InsertionPoint = TextObjPoint

ThisDrawing.Regen acAllViewports

If Intersecta(ThisDrawing.Blocks.Item(i).Item(z)) = True Then ' ***** Arriba Derecha

Texto.InsertionPoint = ptn

TextObjPoint = Texto.InsertionPoint

ThisDrawing.Regen acAllViewports

'Arriba Derecha

TextObjPoint(0) = TextObjPoint(0) - (0.2 * ((2 * Sin(Rotation + 45 - pi))))

TextObjPoint(1) = TextObjPoint(1) - (0.2 * ((2 * Cos(Rotation + 45 - pi))))

Texto.InsertionPoint = TextObjPoint

ThisDrawing.Regen acAllViewports

If Intersecta(Texto) = True Then ' ***** Arriba Izquierda

Texto.InsertionPoint = ptn

TextObjPoint = Texto.InsertionPoint

ThisDrawing.Regen acAllViewports

'Arriba Izquierda

TextObjPoint(0) = TextObjPoint(0) + (0.2 * ((2 * Sin(Rotation - 45 - pi))))

TextObjPoint(1) = TextObjPoint(1) + (0.2 * ((2 * Cos(Rotation - 45 - pi))))

Texto.InsertionPoint = TextObjPoint

ThisDrawing.Regen acAllViewports


Wrksheet.Cells(RowCount, 10) = "OK RW"

Alfa = True

GoTo Vamonos

End If '**** Arriba Izquierda


Wrksheet.Cells(RowCount, 10) = "OK RW"

Alfa = True

GoTo Vamonos

End If '**** Arriba Derecha


Wrksheet.Cells(RowCount, 10) = "OK RW"

Alfa = True

GoTo Vamonos

End If '**** Abajo Izquierda


Wrksheet.Cells(RowCount, 10) = "OK RW"

Alfa = True

GoTo Vamonos

End If '**** Abajo Derecha


Wrksheet.Cells(RowCount, 10) = "OK RW"

Alfa = True

GoTo Vamonos

End If '**** Arriba


Wrksheet.Cells(RowCount, 10) = "OK RW"

Alfa = True

GoTo Vamonos

End If '**** Abajo


Wrksheet.Cells(RowCount, 10) = "OK RW"

Alfa = True

GoTo Vamonos

End If '**** Derecha


Wrksheet.Cells(RowCount, 10) = "OK RW"

Alfa = True

GoTo Vamonos

End If 'FC & BK Izquierda

End If 'AcDbText

If Intersecta(ThisDrawing.Blocks.Item(i).Item(z)) = True Then 'Corrección Imposible

Texto.InsertionPoint = ptn

TextObjPoint = Texto.InsertionPoint

ThisDrawing.Regen acAllViewports

Wrksheet.Cells(RowCount, 10) = "Imposible Correct"


End If


End Sub

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Perhaps this:

Angle = Text.Rotation

Set the Text’s Rotation property to 0.

Get BoundingBox.

Create LWPoly from the min and max.

Reset Text.Rotation = Angle.

Rotate the LWPoly, BasePoint = Text. TextAlignmentPoint, RotationAngle = Angle

Use LWPoly with IntersectWith

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Thanks for your help, you are rigth.


This is a very easy solution ;-)


Eng. Zeus Alberto Páez Rentería


Perhaps this:


Angle = Text.Rotation

Set the Text’s Rotation property to 0.

Get BoundingBox.

Create LWPoly from the min and max.

Reset Text.Rotation = Angle.

Rotate the LWPoly, BasePoint = Text. TextAlignmentPoint, RotationAngle = Angle

Use LWPoly with IntersectWith

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