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[LISP] Offset without indicating the point


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I need a function to offset any object for a distance X without indicating the point.

The function must self find the point.


For example:

(defun c:set_offset (entObj set_dist side) ... )


entObj - (car(entsel))

set_dist - eg. 150.0

side - 0 or 1 where 0 - inside, 1 - outside


Now I draw to offset line for any object:

I have two points from LWPOLYLINE, and function "polar" +/- 90 degree, distance 0.1

For CIRCLE and ARC I have center point +/- radius, distance 0.1



and then check the length of the line.

If I want inside - the shortest

If I want outside - the longest


Do you have any idea how to write the function, and simple way how to find a two points for any object?

Or maybe other way... to offset the objects?


best regards,


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Thank you Lee - it's working also in other CAD not for only AutoCAD - super ;)


(vla-offset (vlax-ename->vla-object (car(entsel)))) 150.0)


(vla-offset (vlax-ename->vla-object (car(entsel)))) -150.0)


can you tell me where can I find help for functions that are not in the AutoCAD help?

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Good stuff :)


As an aside, if you are looking to manipulate the resultant offset objects, it may be easier to use:


(vlax-invoke <VLA-Object> 'Offset <Offset Distance>)

Since this will return a list of VLA-Objects and you needn't convert the Safearray Variant of objects returned by vla-offset or vlax-invoke-method.

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My function:


(defun zk:Offset (entObj dist par_wz / vlaObj1 vlaObj2 dlg_1 dlg_2)

(cond ((equal (vla-Get-ObjectName (vlax-ename->vla-object entObj)) "AcDbPolyline")
(setq vlaObj1 (vlax-invoke (vlax-ename->vla-object entObj) 'Offset dist))
(setq dlg_1   (vla-Get-Length (vlax-ename->vla-object (entlast))))
(setq vlaObj2 (vlax-invoke (vlax-ename->vla-object entObj) 'Offset (* -1 dist)))
(setq dlg_2   (vla-Get-Length (vlax-ename->vla-object (entlast))))
     ((equal (vla-Get-ObjectName (vlax-ename->vla-object entObj)) "AcDbCircle")
(setq vlaObj1 (vlax-invoke (vlax-ename->vla-object entObj) 'Offset dist))
(setq dlg_1   (vla-Get-Circumference (vlax-ename->vla-object (entlast))))
(setq vlaObj2 (vlax-invoke (vlax-ename->vla-object entObj) 'Offset (* -1 dist)))
(setq dlg_2   (vla-Get-Circumference (vlax-ename->vla-object (entlast))))
(if (= par_wz 1)
(progn (if (< dlg_1 dlg_2) (vlax-erased-p (car vlaObj1)) (vlax-erased-p (car vlaObj2))))
(progn (if (> dlg_1 dlg_2) (vlax-erased-p (car vlaObj2)) (vlax-erased-p (car vlaObj1))))

(princ (list vlaObj1 vlaObj2))

(zk:Offset (car(entsel)) 50.0 1)


Tell me please, why not remove objects: vlaObj1 or vlaObj2?

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A very quick modification to your code to get it working for you:


(defun zk:Offset ( obj dist par_wz / vlaObj1 vlaObj2 dlg_1 dlg_2 )
     ( (equal (vla-get-objectname obj) "AcDbPolyline")
       (setq vlaObj1 (car (vlax-invoke obj 'Offset dist))
             vlaObj2 (car (vlax-invoke obj 'Offset (- dist)))
             dlg_1   (vla-get-length vlaObj1)
             dlg_2   (vla-get-length vlaObj2)
     ( (equal (vla-get-objectname obj) "AcDbCircle")
       (setq vlaObj1 (car (vlax-invoke obj 'Offset dist))
             vlaObj2 (car (vlax-invoke obj 'Offset (- dist)))
             dlg_1   (vla-get-circumference vlaObj1)
             dlg_2   (vla-get-circumference vlaObj2)
   (if (= par_wz 1)
     (if (< dlg_1 dlg_2)
       (vla-delete vlaObj1)
       (vla-delete vlaObj2)
     (if (> dlg_1 dlg_2)
       (vla-delete vlaObj2)
       (vla-delete vlaObj1)

(defun c:test ( / e )
 (if (setq e (car (entsel)))
   (zk:Offset (vlax-ename->vla-object e) 50.0 1)


Note that vlax-erased-p tests whether an object is erased, and does not erase the object.

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Thank you Lee ;)


Note that vlax-erased-p tests whether an object is erased, and does not erase the object.

also for the explanation ;)

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my function looks like this:


;;----------------------------=={ zk:Offset }==------------------------------------;;
;;  entObj  - (vlax-ename->vla-object entity_name)                                 ;;
;;  dist    - distance offset                                                      ;;
;;  par_wz  - paramter ins/out, value = 1 or 2                                     ;;
;;  insPt   - point or nil                                                         ;;
;;  TEST:   (zk:Offset (vlax-ename->vla-object (car(entsel))) 20.0 1 (getpoint))   ;;
(defun zk:Offset (entObj dist par_wz insPt / oldSNAP vlaObj1 vlaObj2 dlg_1 dlg_2 objOffset)

(setq Err_NamePrc "zk:Offset")

(setq oldSNAP (getvar "OSMODE"))
(if entObj
		(setvar "OSMODE" 0)
		(if (not insPt)

				(cond ((equal (vla-Get-ObjectName entObj) "AcDbPolyline")		; or (vlax-get-property a 'ObjectName)
						(setq vlaObj1 (car(vlax-invoke entObj 'Offset dist))
						      vlaObj2 (car(vlax-invoke entObj 'Offset (- dist)))
						      dlg_1   (vla-Get-Length vlaObj1)
						      dlg_2   (vla-Get-Length vlaObj2))
					  ((equal (vla-Get-ObjectName entObj) "AcDbCircle")
						(setq vlaObj1 (car(vlax-invoke entObj 'Offset dist))
						      vlaObj2 (car(vlax-invoke entObj 'Offset (- dist)))
						      dlg_1   (vla-Get-Circumference vlaObj1)
						      dlg_2   (vla-Get-Circumference vlaObj2))
					  ((equal (vla-Get-ObjectName entObj) "AcDbArc")
						(setq vlaObj1 (car(vlax-invoke entObj 'Offset dist))
						      vlaObj2 (car(vlax-invoke entObj 'Offset (- dist)))
						      dlg_1   (vla-Get-ArcLength vlaObj1)
						      dlg_2   (vla-Get-ArcLength vlaObj2))
					  (T (princ "\nAre you crazy?!? This object comes from Mars - don't touch this!"))
				(if (and vlaObj1 vlaObj2)
						(if (= par_wz 1)
							(if (< dlg_1 dlg_2) (vla-delete vlaObj2) (vla-delete vlaObj1) )
							(if (> dlg_1 dlg_2) (vla-delete vlaObj2) (vla-delete vlaObj1) )
						(setq objOffset (entlast))

				(command "_offset" dist (vlax-vla-object->ename entObj) insPt "")
				(setq objOffset (entlast))
		(setvar "OSMODE" oldSNAP)(princ)



(zk:Offset (vlax-ename->vla-object (car(entsel))) 20.0 1 (getpoint))


(zk:Offset (vlax-ename->vla-object (car(entsel))) 20.0 1 nil)


and I have question about SPLINE - this object haven't "Length" property... :


Command: (vlax-dump-object vlaobj1)

; IAcadSpline: AutoCAD Spline Interface

; Property values:

; Application (RO) = #

; Area (RO) = 21551.3

; Closed (RO) = 0

; ControlPoints = (1305.96 1023.88 0.0 1307.02 1031.16 0.0 ... )

; Degree (RO) = 3

; Document (RO) = #

; EndTangent = AutoCAD.Application: General modeling failure

; FitPoints = nil

; FitTolerance = 0.0

; Handle (RO) = "2DC"

; HasExtensionDictionary (RO) = 0

; Hyperlinks (RO) = #

; IsPeriodic (RO) = 0

; IsPlanar (RO) = -1

; IsRational (RO) = 0

; Knots = (267.117 267.117 267.117 267.117 293.057 293.057 ... )

; Layer = "0"

; Linetype = "ByLayer"

; LinetypeScale = 1.0

; Lineweight = -1

; Material = "ByLayer"

; NumberOfControlPoints (RO) = 40

; NumberOfFitPoints (RO) = 0

; ObjectID (RO) = 2129103776

; ObjectName (RO) = "AcDbSpline"

; OwnerID (RO) = 2129095928

; PlotStyleName = "ByLayer"

; StartTangent = AutoCAD.Application: General modeling failure

; TrueColor = #

; Visible = -1

; Weights = AutoCAD.Application: No weights available for polynomial spline




Command: _list

Select objects: 1 found


Select objects:


SPLINE Layer: "0"

Space: Model space

Handle = 2ac

Length: 2081.5120

Order: 4

Properties: Planar, Non-Rational, Non-Periodic

Parametric Range: Start 0.0000


Number of control points: 7

Control Points: X = 1254.1609, Y = 883.1064 , Z = 0.0000

X = 978.9713 , Y = 826.5475 , Z = 0.0000

X = 1463.5260, Y = 2025.8431, Z = 0.0000

X = 2002.1848, Y = 1239.5131, Z = 0.0000

X = 2038.4173, Y = 1933.1067, Z = 0.0000

X = 2300.6016, Y = 1919.6280, Z = 0.0000

X = 2356.5996, Y = 1900.6565, Z = 0.0000

Number of fit points: 5

User Data: Fit Points

X = 1254.1609, Y = 883.1064 , Z = 0.0000

X = 1612.9939, Y = 1645.7289, Z = 0.0000

X = 1913.4625, Y = 1472.8966, Z = 0.0000

X = 2179.3448, Y = 1894.1753, Z = 0.0000

X = 2356.5996, Y = 1900.6565, Z = 0.0000

Fit point tolerance: 1.0000E-10


Start Tangent

X = -0.9795 , Y = -0.2013 , Z = 0.0000


End Tangent

X = 0.9471 , Y = -0.3209 , Z = 0.0000


it's only way to get this parametr is:

Command: (getvar "PERIMETER")



exist alternative way??

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  • 8 years later...
On 04/07/2011 at 18:13, Lee Mac said:

A very quick modification to your code to get it working for you:



(defun zk:Offset ( obj dist par_wz / vlaObj1 vlaObj2 dlg_1 dlg_2 )
     ( (equal (vla-get-objectname obj) "AcDbPolyline")
       (setq vlaObj1 (car (vlax-invoke obj 'Offset dist))
             vlaObj2 (car (vlax-invoke obj 'Offset (- dist)))
             dlg_1   (vla-get-length vlaObj1)
             dlg_2   (vla-get-length vlaObj2)
     ( (equal (vla-get-objectname obj) "AcDbCircle")
       (setq vlaObj1 (car (vlax-invoke obj 'Offset dist))
             vlaObj2 (car (vlax-invoke obj 'Offset (- dist)))
             dlg_1   (vla-get-circumference vlaObj1)
             dlg_2   (vla-get-circumference vlaObj2)
   (if (= par_wz 1)
     (if (< dlg_1 dlg_2)
       (vla-delete vlaObj1)
       (vla-delete vlaObj2)
     (if (> dlg_1 dlg_2)
       (vla-delete vlaObj2)
       (vla-delete vlaObj1)

(defun c:test ( / e )
 (if (setq e (car (entsel)))
   (zk:Offset (vlax-ename->vla-object e) 50.0 1)



Note that vlax-erased-p tests whether an object is erased, and does not erase the object.



@Lee Mac, What about AcDbxline ? i want to offset xline. Please help me!!

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How are you making the xline in the 1st place if 2 points then calculate a direction dummy point that is based on the offset value + or -. You imply the direction via the two pick points.

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