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annotation demensions move after saving


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I seem to have a strange issue that I need to fix quickly.

After modeling my design. I moved to paperspace to add in demensions. I make sure I put demensions on its own layer. After finishing a layout I save my work...when i reopen the file and go to the layout page, all the demensions have moved around to other locations and many of the numbers have changed....how to i correct this?

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viewport is locked. adding in demensions in paperspace is giving me the issue. demensions seem to bunch up on the bottom or elswhere. I end up having to erase them all and start demensions over again....annoying. Im trying to demension now in modelspace to see if that stops the bunching but the new problem with that is the I get demension lines in the other views in paperspace.....i guess for this project im going to have to duplicate the geometry and add in demensions for each view which will take alot of time UNLESS you have a fix for this newbie

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what i found i could do is move the demensions in the front view straight back AND the ones in the top view straight down....that puts them out of the way of the other views but I dont think this is a solution, just my quick fix :)

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what i found i could do is move the demensions in the front view straight back AND the ones in the top view straight down....that puts them out of the way of the other views but I dont think this is a solution, just my quick fix :)


You are using associative dimensions and, or, annotative dimensions. Lots of people do, I am not one of those. I always dimension in paperspace using non-associative dimensions, without incident.

I am guessing that if you make your dimensions non-associative, you will no longer have this problem. You can turn off the associativity of a dimension in the properties palette; or in your saved OPTIONS PROFILE, as shown in the attachment, you can turn of the default associative nature of new dimensions.

The uses of associative and annotative features are entirely up to the user's personal preferences. I am sure there are those who use these features who would quickly clarify and promote another approach to the solution of your problem. They would no doubt espouse the use of these features vigorously, which is their right. :)

Another option instead of changing text elevations in modelspace would be to create different layers for the dimensions in each viewport. Once you have done that you can VIEWPORT FREEZE any offending dimensions on a by viewport basis, meaning you don't need to change their physical locations in modelspace.

nonassociative dims.JPG

Edited by Dadgad
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