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qc,filter, command not working in mac (autocad)

Rahim Shaikh

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Dear Friend,

Please reply me as soon as possible that why above command is not working in the autocad at MAC operating system.


Plz answer me its urgent...

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I'm not an AutoCAD for Mac user so I have no idea if the command even exists in that program although I assume that it does. I was looking for verification.


If you aren't in the office then what's the urgency?


I just came across an article about Grabert releasing their new ARES Commander Edition for 2014 and one of the things it specifically mentions is that one of the features, a Filter command, is missing from AutoCAD for Mac.


Find it mentioned under the heading "Mac Specific and Competition with AutoCAD".




ARES Commander Edition 2014 sells for 795 Euro.

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I added to my previous post.


I found a platform comparison chart on the AutoDesk website for AutoCAD 2013 (PC vs. Mac) and the Filter command was listed as not available for the Mac. Here's the link....




A comparison matrix for AutoCAD 2015 mentions Quick Select (available in both versions) but totally leaves out the Filter command.


BTW...you posted your question in the AutoCAD LT forum. Might want to double check what forum you are posting to in the future when you have a question.

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As Mac supports lisp you could write a few macros that use SSget that can include filters say Object + layer + color you could loop the questions just like filter building the ssget filter option. Have a look at help SSGET. To use run macro say line, mylayer Enter. Erase !SS all done. Would this help.

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  • 2 weeks later...

This is very much a work in progress and gives an idea of writing a filter style command via lisp step 1 works just have to debug step 2 & 3 any help would be appreciated.


 ;; Input  Dialog box with variable title
;; By Ah June 2012
;; code (ah:getval title limit width)

(defun AH:Getval (title width limit / fo fn)
(setq fo (open (setq fn (vl-filename-mktemp "" "" ".dcl")) "w"))
(write-line "ddgetval : dialog {" fo)
(write-line " : row {" fo)
(write-line ": edit_box {" fo)
(write-line (strcat "    key = "  (chr 34) "sizze" (chr 34) ";") fo)
(write-line  (strcat " label = "  (chr 34) title (chr 34) ";"  )   fo)
(write-line (strcat "     edit_width = " width ";") fo) 
(write-line (strcat "     edit_limit = " limit ";") fo)

(write-line "   is_enabled = true;" fo)        
(write-line "    }" fo)
(write-line "  }" fo)
(write-line "ok_cancel;}" fo)
(close fo)

(setq dcl_id (load_dialog  fn))
(if (not (new_dialog fn dcl_id))
(action_tile "sizze" "(setq item  $value)(done_dialog)")
(mode_tile "sizze" 3)
; returns the value of item

(defun AT:ListSelect (title label height width multi lst / fn fo d item f)
 ;; List Select Dialog (Temp DCL list box selection, based on provided list)
 ;; title - list box title
 ;; label - label for list box
 ;; height - height of box
 ;; width - width of box
 ;; multi - selection method ["true": multiple, "false": single]
 ;; lst - list of strings to place in list box
;; Alan J. Thompson, 09.23.08 / 05.17.10 (rewrite)
 (setq fo (open (setq fn (vl-filename-mktemp "" "" ".dcl")) "w"))
 (foreach x (list (strcat "list_select : dialog { label = \"" title "\"; spacer;")
                  (strcat ": list_box { label = \"" label "\";" "key = \"lst\";")
                  (strcat "allow_accept = true; height = " (vl-princ-to-string height) ";")
                  (strcat "width = " (vl-princ-to-string width) ";")
                  (strcat "multiple_select = " multi "; } spacer; ok_cancel; }")
   (write-line x fo)
 (close fo)
 (new_dialog "list_select" (setq d (load_dialog fn)))
 (start_list "lst")
 (mapcar (function add_list) lst)
 (setq item (set_tile "lst" "0"))
 (action_tile "lst" "(setq item $value)")
 (setq f (start_dialog))
 (unload_dialog d)
 (vl-file-delete fn)

); prog starts here 
(setq doc (vla-get-activedocument (vlax-get-acad-object)))

;1st option objects
(setq lst (vl-sort (list "Insert" "line" "Lwpolyline" "Arc" "Circle" "Text" "Mtext" "<None>")'<))
(setq obj (car (AT:ListSelect
"Select an object type"
"select object"

(if (= obj "<None>")  
(princ "skip obj")
(setq ssobj (cons 0 obj))

; layers

(vlax-for lay (vla-get-Layers doc)(setq laysel (cons (vla-get-name lay) laysel)))

(setq lay (cons "<None>" lay)) ;add none
(setq lay (vl-sort lay'<))
(setq laypick (car (AT:ListSelect
"Select layer name"
"select layer"

(if (= Laysel "<None>")  
(princ "skip layers")
(setq ssobj (cons (cons 8 lay) ssobj))

; colors
(ah:getval "Enter color number 0 for None" "4" "5")
(setq col (itoa item))
(if (= Col 0)  
(princ "skip color")
(setq ssobj (cons (cons 62 col) ssobj))

(setq ss (ssget "X" (list ssobj)))
(princ (sslength ss))
; using commands like erase then enter !ss as selection.

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