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Get UCS coordinates of a 3D Polyline


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Hallo CadTutors,



I am a bloody beginner in Lisp programming and i would need a way to get this to work for 3d-Polylines.



Basically it should give me the current UCS coordinates of every Point on this Polyline.



The Problem is, I just learnd how to do stuff like this in 2D, not 3D...






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Oh, I Forget the file I have so far.... sorry

Ist just a classic ptexport file








(defun c:ptexport ()

(setq sset (ssget '((-4 . "

(0 . "LWPOLYLINE")(-4 . "OR>"))))

(if sset


(setq itm 0 num (sslength sset))

(setq fn (getfiled "Point Export File" "" "txt" 1))

(if (/= fn nil)


(setq fh (open fn "w"))

(while (

(setq hnd (ssname sset itm))

(setq ent (entget hnd))

(setq obj (cdr (assoc 0 ent)))


((= obj "POINT")

(setq pnt (cdr (assoc 10 ent)))

(setq pnt (trans pnt 0 1));;**CAB

(princ (strcat (rtos (car pnt) 2 8) ","

(rtos (cadr pnt) 2 8) ","

(rtos (caddr pnt) 2 8)) fh)

(princ "\n" fh)


((= obj "LWPOLYLINE")

(if (= (cdr (assoc 38 ent)) nil)

(setq elv 0.0)

(setq elv (cdr (assoc 38 ent)))


(foreach rec ent

(if (= (car rec) 10)


(setq pnt (cdr rec))

(setq pnt (trans pnt 0 1));;**CAB

(princ (strcat (rtos (car pnt) 2 8) ","

(rtos (cadr pnt) 2 8) ","

(rtos elv 2 8)) fh)

(princ "\n" fh)





(t nil)


(setq itm (1+ itm))


(close fh)







(princ "\nPoint Export loaded, type PTEXPORT to run.")


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Consider the following:

(defun c:ptx ( / d f i n s x z )
   (if (and (setq s (ssget '((0 . "POINT,LWPOLYLINE"))))
            (setq f (getfiled "" "" "txt" 1))
       (if (setq d (open f "w"))
               (repeat (setq i (sslength s))
                   (setq x (entget (ssname s (setq i (1- i))))
                         z (cdr (assoc 038 x))
                         n (cdr (assoc 210 x))
                   (if (= "POINT" (cdr (assoc 0 x)))
                       (write-line (pnt2str (trans (cdr (assoc 10 x)) 0 1)) d)
                       (foreach g x
                           (if (= 10 (car g))
                               (write-line (pnt2str (trans (list (cadr g) (caddr g) z) n 1)) d)
               (close d)
           (princ "\nUnable to open the file for writing.")
(defun pnt2str ( p )
   (if (cdr p) (strcat (rtos (car p) 2) "," (pnt2str (cdr p))) (rtos (car p) 2))

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Thanks for you answer, but I think my question is a bit missunterstanding.



I dont have actual Points on the 3Dpolyline. What I Need are the Vertices.



Sorry for that, I´m a Survey engineer so everything is a Point to me ^^

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Just a headsup :


LWPOLYLINEs, POINTs and 3DPOLYLINEs are very very different entities. So it is a LWPOLYLINE you are dealing with?


POINTs LINEs 3DPOLYLINEs 3DPOLYMESHes all store there points values in 3 axis WCS coordinates.



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For a true 3DPOLYLINE, this could work :


[b][color=BLACK]([/color][/b]defun c:3dp2ucs [b][color=FUCHSIA]([/color][/b]/ ss en ed vl vn vd wf[b][color=FUCHSIA])[/color][/b]
 [b][color=FUCHSIA]([/color][/b]and [b][color=NAVY]([/color][/b]setq ss [b][color=MAROON]([/color][/b]ssget [b][color=GREEN]([/color][/b]list [b][color=BLUE]([/color][/b]cons 0 [color=#2f4f4f]"POLYLINE"[/color][b][color=BLUE])[/color][/b]
                            [b][color=BLUE]([/color][/b]cons -4 [color=#2f4f4f]"&"[/color][b][color=BLUE])[/color][/b]
                             [b][color=BLUE]([/color][/b]cons 70 8[b][color=BLUE])[/color][/b][b][color=GREEN])[/color][/b][b][color=MAROON])[/color][/b][b][color=NAVY])[/color][/b]
      [b][color=NAVY]([/color][/b]= [b][color=MAROON]([/color][/b]sslength ss[b][color=MAROON])[/color][/b] 1[b][color=NAVY])[/color][/b]
      [b][color=NAVY]([/color][/b]setq en [b][color=MAROON]([/color][/b]ssname ss 0[b][color=MAROON])[/color][/b]
            ed [b][color=MAROON]([/color][/b]entget en[b][color=MAROON])[/color][/b]
            vn [b][color=MAROON]([/color][/b]entnext en[b][color=MAROON])[/color][/b]
            vd [b][color=MAROON]([/color][/b]entget vn[b][color=MAROON])[/color][/b][b][color=NAVY])[/color][/b]
      [b][color=NAVY]([/color][/b]while [b][color=MAROON]([/color][/b]= [color=#2f4f4f]"VERTEX"[/color] [b][color=GREEN]([/color][/b]cdr [b][color=BLUE]([/color][/b]assoc 0 vd[b][color=BLUE])[/color][/b][b][color=GREEN])[/color][/b][b][color=MAROON])[/color][/b]
             [b][color=MAROON]([/color][/b]setq vl [b][color=GREEN]([/color][/b]cons [b][color=BLUE]([/color][/b]trans [b][color=RED]([/color][/b]cdr [b][color=PURPLE]([/color][/b]assoc 10 vd[b][color=PURPLE])[/color][/b][b][color=RED])[/color][/b] 0 1[b][color=BLUE])[/color][/b] vl[b][color=GREEN])[/color][/b]
                   vn [b][color=GREEN]([/color][/b]entnext vn[b][color=GREEN])[/color][/b]
                   vd [b][color=GREEN]([/color][/b]entget vn[b][color=GREEN])[/color][/b][b][color=MAROON])[/color][/b][b][color=NAVY])[/color][/b]

      [b][color=NAVY]([/color][/b]setq wf [b][color=MAROON]([/color][/b]open [color=#2f4f4f]"POINT.DAT"[/color] [color=#2f4f4f]"w"[/color][b][color=MAROON])[/color][/b][b][color=NAVY])[/color][/b]
      [b][color=NAVY]([/color][/b]foreach v [b][color=MAROON]([/color][/b]reverse vl[b][color=MAROON])[/color][/b]
             [b][color=MAROON]([/color][/b]prin1 v wf[b][color=MAROON])[/color][/b]
             [b][color=MAROON]([/color][/b]write-line [color=#2f4f4f]""[/color] wf[b][color=MAROON])[/color][/b][b][color=NAVY])[/color][/b]
      [b][color=NAVY]([/color][/b]close wf[b][color=NAVY])[/color][/b][b][color=FUCHSIA])[/color][/b]





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Thanks for your fast reply David,



but i cant get it to create and write in a ucs file.



It gets ridiculious by now, so I will just ask my Boss to send me to an Seminar for this stuff.



Thanks guys.

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Heres another - using some list manipulation and visual lisp (after learning from LM's code) :

; Pline's vertices to txt file
(defun C:test ( / LM:group-n SS i o e L fp opn )
 ;; Group by Number  -  Lee Mac
 ;; Groups a list 'l' into a list of lists, each of length 'n'
 (defun LM:group-n ( l n / r )
   (if l
       (reverse (repeat n (setq r (cons (car l) r) l (cdr l)) r))
       (LM:group-n l n)
         (setq SS (ssget '((0 . "*POLYLINE"))))
         (repeat (setq i (sslength SS))
           (setq o (vlax-ename->vla-object (setq e (ssname SS (setq i (1- i))))))
           (if (vlax-property-available-p o 'Coordinates)
             (setq L (cons (cons (cdr (assoc 210 (entget e))) (LM:group-n (vlax-get o 'Coordinates) 3)) L))
         ); repeat
     (princ "\nInvalid objects selected.")
   ( (not (setq fp (getfiled "Create vertices data" "" "txt" 1)))
     (princ "\nText file not specified.")
   ( (setq opn (open fp "w"))
     (princ "X \tY \tZ" opn)
       '(lambda (a b)
           '(lambda (x) 
               (strcat "\n" 
                 (vl-string-left-trim "\t"
                   (vl-string-right-trim ", " 
                     (apply 'strcat (mapcar '(lambda (n) (strcat "\t" (rtos n 2 2) ", ")) (trans x a 1)))
       (mapcar 'car L)
       (mapcar 'cdr L)
     (close opn)
     (initget "Yes No")
     (if (= "Yes" (cond ((getkword "\nDo you want to open the file? [Yes/No] <Yes>: ")) ("Yes")))
       (startapp "explorer" fp)
 ); cond
);| defun |; (vl-load-com) (princ)

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Thanks for your fast reply David,


An drawing example would be helpful I don't know if you can post a file attachment until you have 10 posts. -Davud

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An drawing example would be helpful I don't know if you can post a file attachment until you have 10 posts. -Davud


They may post anything, Links are moderated, Images and Files posted to CADTutor via Advanced>Manage Attachments come through with no moderation.

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