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Publishing title blocks in model space using paper space


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Files are setup with all title blocks, details, dims, everything 100% in model space.


Some files have 1 title block per file, some files have 50, 60, 80, 100 drawings / title blocks per file.


Drawings are done true scale, 1:1 and title blocks are scaled up to properly fit.


In model space if you plot any title block... window to scale, window to fit or extents it comes out correct.


I want to get all tweaked to be able to publish from paper space.


I was thinking of putting a viewport to the proper scale in paper space and go through the page setup manager to be able to publish. The only thing in paper space would be the viewport.


The problem I have is that I am not sure how to get it setup so that the bottom left corner of the title block that is in model space is always in the exact same spot on paper space.


I'm sure there is a smart way to do this but I'm struggling with it.

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I believe most people will draw the title block in paper space according to their paper size minus the margin and creat a viewport in the title block.

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Agreed. Title block in paper space with viewport in title block would be best and how most insist on doing it. However in this case I'm dealing with all the drawings already created 100% in model space. I'm just trying to figure out a way to batch plot them.


I can put a Viewport in paper space. Adjust the scale inside the VP to match the scale of the model space title block I'm looking at. But I need the lower left corner of the title block to be at 0,0 of the paper space. If it is not when I publish it wont capture the are correctly.

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My guess is the OP is trying very hard to avoid drawing a title block in paper space. And if he really did want one in paper space why not use the CHANGE SPACE command and bring the title block from model space into paperspace? It would save redrawing it.

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Draw once and get it done with. And the next guy won't have this problem. What does it take, like 5 minutes to cut and paste the title block from model to paper, then scale to fit the printable area and edit any text necessary to reflect the drawing. Creat viewport, save as template, then add new additional layouts from template. Bing bam pow done.


I find myself repeating this process a lot whenever I receive a dwg from the builder. So I just spent the better part of the afternoon creating a couple of script files to automate my layout creating process.


(setvar "useri5" (1- (getvar "useri5")))
(if (zerop (getvar "useri5"))
(alert "Done!")
(command "._script" "C:\\Users\\Lim\\Dropbox\\NSS\\Project\\AutoCAD_Scripts\\epson13x19.scr")

Edited by hakmawongzi
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Here is a plot titles in model space but really a plot from layouts would be better. Using this code as a start you could automate the convert title to a layout using chspace as others have mentioned, as you only need to select the title block, then you can use publish or in my case a plot lisp. Maybe post a sample dwg with a couple of title blocks.


; plot all title blocks in model space
; by Alan H
(PROMPT ".....PRINTING DRAWING TO plotter....")
(setq oldsnap (getvar "osmode"))
(setvar "osmode" 0)
; block name is da1drsht
(setq ss2 (ssget "x" '((0 . "INSERT")(2 . "Da1drsht")(410 . "Model"))))
(setq n (sslength ss2))

(setq index 0)
(repeat n
   (setq en (ssname ss2 index))
   (setq el (entget en))
   (setq inspt (assoc 10 el)) ; insertion pt

  (setq xmin (- (cadr inspt) 6.0))
  (setq ymin (- (caddr inspt) 6.0))
  (setq xymin (strcat (rtos xmin 2 1) "," (rtos ymin 2 1)))

  (setq xmax (+ xmin 813.0)) ; hard coded for 813 wide 6mm offset
  (setq ymax (+ ymin 566.0)) ;hard code for 566 high
  (setq xymax (strcat (rtos xmax 2 1) "," (rtos ymax 2 1)))

 (COMMAND "-PLOT"  "Y"     "" "//PRODPRN01/Design-5100"
       "A3"	"M"     "LANDSCAPE"   "N"
       "W"	  xymin   xymax "1=2"  "C"
       "y"	  "Designlaser.ctb"      "Y"   ""	"n"   "n"
 (setq index (+ index 1))


(setvar "osmode" oldsnap)

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However in this case I'm dealing with all the drawings already created 100% in model space. I'm just trying to figure out a way to batch plot them.


There is a program for batch printing from model.

But there are some conditions.

Attach your sample file .dwg

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  • 2 weeks later...
My guess is the OP is trying very hard to avoid drawing a title block in paper space. And if he really did want one in paper space why not use the CHANGE SPACE command and bring the title block from model space into paperspace? It would save redrawing it.




to me that would make sense. although everything would wind up in paper pace.



create a layout with a viewport.

pan / zoom so that the particular titleblock and drawing is in the viewport.

Select the title block and all its contents use chspace to bring it all into paper space.

delete the viewport

select the paper space object and scale relative to make it the correct size in paper space.

select it all once again, and move the corner to 0,0




but is that really any faster than just printing each title block from model space?

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It's been a while since I have used the Change Space command but I thought users could select the object or objects they wanted to move from one space to another.

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I started doing something to solve this problem and like Remark it finds the Title block, makes a new layout, chspace the title block then adds a mview and rescales the view to correct original scale. It is at home and still being worked on, testing the code bit by bit and doing some manual settings in between it worked but once I put all together it stopped a couple of times so I just need to debug a bit more. It will handle different scale title blocks in model space as this is one of the parts of remaking the title block back to a 1:1 scale.

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