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DCL action_tile string is too long


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I m having an issue with my lisp code for a DCL dialog box I made. It seems my string is too long for action_tile "accept" and I m getting error "bad argument type: lselsetp nil". The problem is, apparently, that I have too many input values that makes it long. If I remove one or two lines it works but I need to get them all in, store them and do validation checking.


Is there a way to make it work like spiting the string or maybe rewrite it better to alleviate the problem?


Any suggestions will be appreciated.


Here is the section I m talking about.


(action_tile "accept"
			(setq lfm_ (get_tile \"lfm\"))
			(setq lfv_ (get_tile \"lfv\"))
			(setq lhd_ (get_tile \"lhd\"))
			(setq lbl_ (get_tile \"lbl\"))
			(setq nhb_ (get_tile \"nhb\"))
			(setq nbl_ (get_tile \"nbl\"))
			(setq los_ (get_tile \"los\"))
			(setq lor_ (get_tile \"lor\"))
			(setq lom_ (get_tile \"lom\"))
			(setq nsr_ (get_tile \"nsr\"))
			(setq orient_ (nth (atoi (get_tile \"orient\")) orientls))
			(setq sud_ (nth (atoi (get_tile \"sud\")) sudls))
			(setq rbn_ (get_tile \"rbn\"))
			(setq ris_ (get_tile \"ris\"))
			(setq off_ (get_tile \"off\"))

				((or (not (distof lfm_)) (<= (atof lfm_) 0))
					(set_tile \"error\" \"Invalid input!\")
					(mode_tile \"lfm\" 2)							; set focus on error item
				((or (not (distof lfv_)) (<= (atof lfv_) 0))
					(set_tile \"error\" \"Invalid input!\")
					(mode_tile \"lfv\" 2)							; set focus on error item
				((or (not (distof lhd_)) (<= (atof lhd_) 0))
					(set_tile \"error\" \"Invalid input!\")
					(mode_tile \"lhd\" 2)							; set focus on error item
				((or (not (distof lbl_)) (<= (atof lbl_) 0))
					(set_tile \"error\" \"Invalid input!\")
					(mode_tile \"lbl\" 2)							; set focus on error item
				((or (not (distof nhb_)) (vl-string-position (ascii \".\") nhb_) (<= (atof nhb_) 0))
					(set_tile \"error\" \"Invalid input!\")
					(mode_tile \"nhb\" 2)							; set focus on error item
				((or (not (distof nbl_)) (vl-string-position (ascii \".\") nbl_) (<= (atof nbl_) 0))
					(set_tile \"error\" \"Invalid input!\")
					(mode_tile \"nbl\" 2)							; set focus on error item
				((or (not (distof los_)) (<= (atof los_) 0))
					(set_tile \"error\" \"Invalid input!\")
					(mode_tile \"los\" 2)							; set focus on error item
				((or (not (distof lor_)) (<= (atof lor_) 0))
					(set_tile \"error\" \"Invalid input!\")
					(mode_tile \"lor\" 2)							; set focus on error item
				((or (not (distof lom_)) (<= (atof lom_) 0))
					(set_tile \"error\" \"Invalid input!\")
					(mode_tile \"lom\" 2)							; set focus on error item
				((or (not (distof nsr_)) (vl-string-position (ascii \".\") nsr_) (<= (atof nsr_) 0) (> (atoi nsr_) (atoi nhb_)))
					(set_tile \"error\" \"Invalid input!\")
					(mode_tile \"nsr\" 2)							; set focus on error item

				(t (done_dialog) (setq userclick T))

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Heres my suggestion, it could be shortened more:


(action_tile "accept"
     (mapcar 'set '(lfm_ lfv_ lhd_ lbl_ nhb_ nbl_ los_ lor_ lom_ nsr_ rbn_ ris_ off_)
       (mapcar 'get_tile '("lfm" "lfv" "lhd" "lbl" "nhb" "nbl" "los" "lor" "lom" "nsr" "rbn" "ris" "off"))
     (setq orient_ (nth (atoi (get_tile "orient")) orientls))
     (setq sud_ (nth (atoi (get_tile "sud")) sudls))
       (and (set_tile "error" "Invalid input!")
         (vl-some (function (lambda (x) (if (eval (car x)) (mapcar 'eval (cdr x)))))  
           '(( (or (not (distof lfm_)) (<= (atof lfm_) 0)) (mode_tile "lfm" 2) )
             ( (or (not (distof lfv_)) (<= (atof lfv_) 0)) (mode_tile "lfv" 2) )
             ( (or (not (distof lhd_)) (<= (atof lhd_) 0)) (mode_tile "lhd" 2) )
             ( (or (not (distof lbl_)) (<= (atof lbl_) 0)) (mode_tile "lbl" 2) )
             ( (or (not (distof nhb_)) (vl-string-position (ascii ".") nhb_) (<= (atof nhb_) 0)) (mode_tile "nhb" 2) )
             ( (or (not (distof nbl_)) (vl-string-position (ascii ".") nbl_) (<= (atof nbl_) 0)) (mode_tile "nbl" 2) )
             ( (or (not (distof los_)) (<= (atof los_) 0)) (mode_tile "los" 2) )
             ( (or (not (distof lor_)) (<= (atof lor_) 0)) (mode_tile "lor" 2) )
             ( (or (not (distof lom_)) (<= (atof lom_) 0)) (mode_tile "lom" 2) )
             ( (or (not (distof nsr_)) (vl-string-position (ascii ".") nsr_) (<= (atof nsr_) 0) (> (atoi nsr_) (atoi nhb_))) (mode_tile "nsr" 2) )
           ); list 
         ); vl-some
       ); and
       (setq userclick (done_dialog))
     ); or
   ); progn
 ); vl-prin1-to-string
); action_tile 


However I'm not sure that this is the cause of the error.



Shortening, such as replacing the (vl-some) block, with:

 (vl-some (function (lambda (x) (if (or (not (distof (car x))) (<= (atof (car x)) 0)) (mode_tile (cadr x) 2))))
   '((lfm_ "lfm") (lfv_ "lfv") (lhd_ "lhd") (lbl_ "lbl") (los_ "los") (lor_ "lor") (lom_ "lom")) 
 (vl-some (function (lambda (x) (if (or (not (distof (car x))) (vl-string-position (ascii ".") (car x)) (<= (atof (car x)) 0)) (mode_tile (cadr x) 2))))
   '((nhb_ "nhb") (nbl_ "nbl"))
 (if (or (not (distof nsr_)) (vl-string-position (ascii ".") nsr_) (<= (atof nsr_) 0) (> (atoi nsr_) (atoi nhb_))) (mode_tile "nsr" 2) )
); or

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Usually, each tile has it's own action, like this:

(action_tile "lfm" "(setq lfm_ $value) (err $key $value)")
(action_tile "lfv" "(setq lfv_ $value) (err $key $value)")

If you like, you can use this:

 '(lambda (key var)
    (action_tile key
        (vl-prin1-to-string (list 'setq var '$value))
        (vl-prin1-to-string '(err $key $value))
 '("lfm" "lfv" "lhd" "lbl" "nhb" "nbl" "los" "lor" "lom" "nsr" "orient" "sud" "rbn" "ris" "off")
 '(lfm_ lfv_ lhd_ lbl_ nhb_ nbl_ los_ lor_ lom_ nsr_ orient_ sud_ rbn_ ris_ off_)

The error function called in each tile, can be like this:

(defun err (key val / n)
     (not (setq n (distof val)))
     (minusp n)
     (set_tile "error" "Invalid input!")
     (mode_tile key 2)

Of course, you have to set the error function to fit your need.


By default, "accept" exit with value 1 and "cancel" with 0, but it is not wrong to assign an action to these tiles.

I would prefer to use this schema:

(setq r (start_dialog))
(unload_dialog dcl_ID)
 (= r 1)
 (do_some_stuff lfm_ lfv_ ..... )

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thank you, you first suggestion works great and it have helped me to understand how can I consolidate my code a bit. However your second suggestion, which I prefer, does not seem to work. I replaced the vl-sort block but I just cant make it work.



thank you. The implementation of your method seems easier but when i tried to do it I was getting errors with my variables while converting to reals with atof.


EDIT: Ok, I managed to fixed that and it s working OK now.

Edited by MJLM
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Another, untested:

(action_tile "accept"
                  '(lambda ( pat lst )
                          '(lambda ( key )
                               (if (wcmatch (get_tile key) pat)
                                       (mode_tile key 2)
                                       (set_tile "error" "Invalid input!")
                  '("*[~.0-9]*,*`.*`.*" "*[~0-9]*")
                  '(("lfm" "lfv" "lhd" "lbl" "los" "lor" "lom") ("nhb" "nbl" "nsr" "rbn" "ris" "off"))
           (done_dialog 1)

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My main problem with this DCL is that I cannot follow the steps while executing inside the visual lisp editor. When I run the code the program does not break on error and I cannot know what is going wrong. Am I doing something wrong here or DCL sucks so much?

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just curios did Lee's suggestion work?



I know that you usually use the if function, but note that

(if (not <test expr>) <then expr>)

could be shortened a bit, to:

(or <test expr> <then expr>)


Although awesome suggestion, I'll keep it if MJLM confirm that it works.

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I tried to implement Lee's way but I think there is something going wrong with the pattern ("*[~.0-9]*,*`.*`.*" "*[~0-9]*"). I get "invalid input" for almost all boxes.

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The pattern checks for numerical input in the decimal format. Your comment suggests you are working in the imperial format.

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