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Vla-GetInterfaceObject what is this?


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This is the code i'm currently working with to create an MleaderStyle


;; original code by VVA
(defun Create_MleaderStyle	(mleaderstylename
			; acaddoc
			; mldrdict
			; newldrstyle
 (setq acadobj		(vlax-get-acad-object)
acaddoc		(vla-get-activedocument acadobj)
mldrdict	(vla-item (vla-get-dictionaries acaddoc) "ACAD_MLEADERSTYLE")
 ) ;_ end of setq
 (setq	newldrstyle (vlax-invoke-method  mldrdict 'addobject mleaderstylename "AcDbMLeaderStyle"
 ) ;_ end of vlax-invoke-method

 ) ;_ end of setq
 (setq	objcolor (vla-getinterfaceobject acadobj (strcat "AutoCAD.AcCmColor." (substr (getvar "acadver") 1 2)) ;_ end of strcat
	   ) ;_ end of vla-getinterfaceobject       [b][color="red"];;what is vla-getinerfaceobject, and what am i retreiving?[/color][/b]
) ;_ end of setq
 (vla-put-colorindex objcolor 2)
 (vla-put-textcolor newldrstyle objcolor)      [color="red"][b];;howcome I have to set color this way instead of the alternate in code below[/b][/color]
 (vla-put-colorindex objcolor 0)
 (vla-put-leaderlinecolor newldrstyle objcolor)

 (foreach item
     '("AlignSpace" 0.18)
     '("Annotative" 0)
     '("ArrowSize" 0.125)
     ;'("ArrowSymbol" "")
     '("BitFlags" 0)
     ;'("Block" "")
     '("BlockConnectionType" 0)
     '("BlockRotation" 0.0)
     '("BlockScale" 1.0)
     '("BreakSize" 0.125)
     '("ContentType" 2)		;mtext
     '("Description" "")
     '("DoglegLength" 0.125)
     '("DrawLeaderOrderType" 0)
     '("DrawMLeaderOrderType" 1)
     '("EnableBlockRotation" -1)
     '("EnableBlockScale" -1)
     '("EnableDogleg" -1)
     '("EnableFrameText" 0)
     '("EnableLanding" -1)
     '("FirstSegmentAngleConstraint" 0)
     '("LandingGap" 0.09)
     '("LeaderLineType" 1)
     '("LeaderLineTypeId" "ByBlock")
     '("LeaderLineWeight" -2)
     '("MaxLeaderSegmentsPoints" 0)
     (list "ScaleFactor" MldScale)
     '("SecondSegmentAngleConstraint" 0)
     '("TextAlignmentType" 0)
     '("TextAngleType" 0)
     '("TextAttachmentDirection" 0)
     '("TextBottomAttachmentType" 0)
     '("TextHeight" 0.09375)
     '("TextLeftAttachmentType" 1) 
     '("TextRightAttachmentType" 1)
     '("TextString" "")
     '("TextStyle" "StyleName")			;need to add check for existing
     '("TextTopAttachmentType" 0)
   ) ;_ end of list

   (vlax-put newldrstyle (car item) (cadr item))
 ) ;_ end of foreach
) ;_ end of defun


How come this wont wont? I've tried it, it wont work.


(vlax-put-property (vlax-get-property newldrstyle 'Textcolor) 'ColorIndex 5)

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Have a look at "acadver" it returns a different number for every version of Autocad etc Sometimes when opening the Autocad database you have to use the correct number with a version. For this reason I have some code that checks which version is running before opening the, in my case CIV3D database.


((vl-string-search "R20.0" vrsn)(setq appstr "10.4"));;2015
((vl-string-search "R20.1" vrsn)(setq appstr "10.5"));;2016     
((vl-string-search "R21.0" vrsn)(setq appstr "11.0"));;2017   

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Yes, i get that part


So the line evaluates like this essentially.


(setq objcolor (vla-getinterfaceobject acadobj "AutoCAD.AcCmColor.21") )


This gives me this


objcolor = '#<VLA-OBJECT IAcadAcCmColor 000001607b35b8b0>


What is this? Is this a color? Which object does this color belong to? It's used here like this

 (vla-put-colorindex objcolor 2)
 (vla-put-textcolor newldrstyle objcolor)      
 (vla-put-colorindex objcolor 0)
 (vla-put-leaderlinecolor newldrstyle objcolor)


Why cant I just do this


(vlax-put-property (vlax-get-property newldrstyle 'Textcolor) 'ColorIndex 5)

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Use the vlax-dump-object and look at what comes out it may help to work out whats going on, the styles can rely on a different levels being changed rather than going further down the tree stucture. I did find something that pointed to where you may be able to do direct I will have to do again.

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