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؟؟- I Need export dimensions to excel -??


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HI ,, i wanna help to do lisp which export dimensions to excel sheet with the same Order i chose object ..

hope all be fine and thnxx to all

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thnnx rlx but i cannt use it

it dosent work with me



haven't really looked at the code and don't use dimensions often myself so if anybody else has something on the shelf... otherwise post a sample and maybe I can have a look (that is , if the wife hasn't found an other gruwlsome task planned for me , new floortiling , painting , new bedroom , new kitchen... does it ever stop , the horror....)



gr. Rlx

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Have done verry little testing (and have to leave for now within a few minutes) but try this :



; Dimensions to CSV - written for CadTutor by RLX on 5 th of july 2017 
(defun c:RlxDimensionsToCSV
      ( / p1 p2 txt-selection dim-selection fuzz hit-list row row-list e dim dim-y dim-tst csv-name)
   ((null (setq p1 (getpoint "\nSelect first corner for markers & dimensions : ")))
    (princ "\nSelection process cancelled"))
   ((null (setq p2 (getcorner p1 "\nOther corner : ")))
    (princ "\nInvalid selection or selection process cancelled"))
   ((null (setq txt-selection (ssget "c" p1 p2 '((0 . "TEXT")))))
    (princ "\nNo text markers were found - ending function"))
   ((null (setq dim-selection (ssget "c" p1 p2 '((0 . "DIMENSION")))))
    (princ "\nNo dimensions were found - ending function"))
   ((null (setq fuzz (getdist "\nEnter or specify tolerance between text marker and dimension insertionpoint : ")))
    (princ "\nYou have to give a distance in order for this routine to sort all dimensions to rows"))
    ; first sort txt-selection which will function as row name
    (setq txt-selection (sssort txt-selection) dim-selection (sssort dim-selection) row-list '())
    ; Now built list for each (text) marker, for example (("marker1" 176.25) ("marker2" 158.75) ...)
    ; each sublist is text string from marker and its y coordinate
    (setq hit-list (mapcar '(lambda (x / e) (list (cdr (assoc 1 (setq e (entget x)))) (caddr (assoc 10 e)))) txt-selection))
    ;now to put each dimension in the right row
    (foreach dim dim-selection
      (setq dim-y (caddr (assoc 13 (setq dim (entget dim)))) dim-txt (cdr (assoc 1 dim)))
      (if (= dim-txt "")(setq dim-txt (rtos (cdr (assoc 42 dim)) 2 2)))
      (mapcar '(lambda (x)
   (if (equal dim-y (cadr x) fuzz)
     (if (setq row (assoc (car x) row-list))
       (setq row-list (subst (reverse (cons dim-txt (reverse row))) row row-list))
       (setq row-list (cons (append x (list dim-txt)) row-list)))))
 (if (vl-consp row-list) (write_to_csv (reverse row-list))(princ "\nNothing to write"))
 (if (and csv-name (and (findfile csv-name)))(RlxDimensionsToCSV_OpenCSV))

;el = elist , xl = x , yl = y , ml = matrix , sl = sorted elist
(defun sssort ( ss / e el i xl yl ml sl)
 (if (and ss (> (sslength ss) 1)(setq i 0))
     ;ss -> elist ( ((ip)e1) ((ip)e2) .. )
     (while (setq e (ssname ss i))
(setq el (append el (list (list (getip e) e))) i (1+ i)))
     (setq xl (vl-sort (rdup (mapcar 'caar el)) '<)
    yl (vl-sort (rdup (mapcar 'cadar el)) '>))  
     (foreach y yl (foreach x xl (setq ml (append ml (list (list x y))))))
     (setq sl (vl-remove 'nil (mapcar '(lambda (x) (if (assoc x el)(cadr (assoc x el)))) ml))))))
(defun rdup ( i / o );remove duplicates
 (vl-remove-if '(lambda (x) (cond ((vl-position x o) t) ((setq o (cons x o)) nil))) i))
(defun getip (e);get insertionpoint
 (list (cadr (assoc 10 (entget e)))(caddr (assoc 10 (entget e)))))
;LOG (("marker3" 126.25 "38.75" "92.5" "97.5") ("marker2" 158.75 "32.5" "13.75" "101.25") ("marker1" 176.25 "31.25" "130" "40mm"))
;[0] ("marker3" 126.25 "38.75" "92.5" "97.5")
;[1] ("marker2" 158.75 "32.5" "13.75" "101.25")
;[2] ("marker1" 176.25 "31.25" "130" "40mm")
(defun write_to_csv ( %lst / pref dname csv-fp row )
 (setq pref (getvar "dwgprefix") dname (vl-filename-base (getvar "dwgname")) csv-name (strcat pref dname ".csv"))
 (if (setq csv-fp (open csv-name "w"))
     (foreach row %lst
(write-line (strcat (car row) "," (cadddr row)) csv-fp)
(mapcar '(lambda (x)(write-line (strcat "," x) csv-fp)) (cdddr row)))
     (close csv-fp)(gc)
(defun RlxDimensionsToCSV_OpenCSV ()
 (princ "\nPress space to open csv report , any other key to exit")
 (if (equal (grread) '(2 32)) (or (shell_open (findfile csv-name))(command "notepad" (findfile csv-name)))))

(defun shell_open ( target / shell result )
 (if (and (setq target (findfile target))
   (setq shell (vla-getInterfaceObject (vlax-get-acad-object) "Shell.Application")))
     (setq result (vl-catch-all-apply 'vlax-invoke (list shell 'open target)))
     (vlax-release-object shell)(not (vl-catch-all-error-p result)))))


Just select text and dims at one go and give a tolerance for the distance (y) between the insertion point for your row-names (way 1 , way 3 etc) and the y coordinate of your dimension (the nodes). Roughly they should be at the same height.



Yes I know sorting code isn't great but it will have to do for now.



Gotta go now.



gr. Rlx

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thnnx rlx ,, but lisp is more complex i cant use it ..and repeat dimentions (may i not understand how to adjust tolerence )

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thnnx rlx ,, but lisp is more complex i cant use it ..and repeat dimentions (may i not understand how to adjust tolerence )


ok , maybe different approach , no automatic but manual selection


; Dimensions to CSV - written for CadTutor by RLX on 7 th of july 2017
; Purpose is to create csv file with format :
; --------------------
; |    A   |    B    |
; --------------------
; |  Dim1  |   100   |
; --------------------
; |        |   110   |
; --------------------
; |  Dim2  |  97.5   |
; --------------------
; |        |  23.9   |
; --------------------
; Program will loop until the user presses space, enter, R-mouse or escape [sERmoE]
; step 1 : select (text) description for placement in column A
; step 2 : program will directly switch to dimension selection mode and will do so util [sERmoE]
; step 3 : after step 2 program will go back to step 1 (text selection mode) again until [sERmoE]
; step 4 : data will be processed and saved to same name as dwg but with extension csv
; step 5 : if user presses space the created csv file will be opened with associated program (if any)
; since program uses grread to directly read keyboard and mouse input I've programmed also a few keys for zooming
; + and - , z(oom) and e(xtents) , keys are case insensitive.
; Program directly reads cursor position and when no entity is found under selected point it switches to window
; mode (crossing actually).
; Since opp on CadTutor expressed the wish to be able to select each dimension individually, when program switches
; to window mode , still only one entity will get selected , just so you know you know...
; If dimension has text override , this will be the value saved to csv file
(defun c:RlxDimensionToCSV ( / dim-title dim dim-sel csv-list csv-name)
 (princ "\nSelect dimension title (text) : ")
 (setq dim-title (RlxSel1 "TEXT"))
 (while dim-title
   (setq dim-title (cdr (assoc 1 (entget dim-title))))
   (if (assoc dim-title csv-list)
     (alert "Dimension title allready in list")
(setq dim-sel '())
(princ "\nSelect dimensions : ")
(while (setq dim (RlxSel1 "DIMENSION"))
  (if (not (member dim dim-sel))
    (setq dim-sel (reverse (cons dim (reverse dim-sel))))))
(if (and dim-title dim-sel)
  (setq csv-list (reverse (cons (list dim-title dim-sel) (reverse csv-list)))))
     ); end progn
   ); end if
   (princ "\nSelect next dimension title or enter to write selection to csv file : ")
   (setq dim-title (RlxSel1 "TEXT"))
 ); end while
 ; refresh drawing
 (vla-regen (vla-get-ActiveDocument (vlax-get-acad-object)) acActiveViewport)
 ;selection process is complete , now process & save data
 (if (not (vl-consp csv-list))
   (alert "No data to process - ending program")
     (setq csv-list (_convert csv-list))
     (if (vl-consp csv-list) (write_to_csv csv-list)(alert "Nothing to write"))
     (if (and csv-name (and (findfile csv-name)))(RlxDimensionsToCSV_OpenCSV))
(defun write_to_csv ( %lst / pref dname csv-fp row )
 (setq pref (getvar "dwgprefix") dname (vl-filename-base (getvar "dwgname")) csv-name (strcat pref dname ".csv"))
 (if (setq csv-fp (open csv-name "w"))
     (foreach row %lst
(write-line (strcat (car row) "," (cadr row)) csv-fp)
(mapcar '(lambda (x)(write-line (strcat "," x) csv-fp)) (cddr row)))
     (close csv-fp)(gc)
(defun RlxDimensionsToCSV_OpenCSV ()
 (princ "\nPress space to open csv report , any other key to exit")
 (if (equal (grread) '(2 32)) (or (shell_open (findfile csv-name))(command "notepad" (findfile csv-name)))))
(defun shell_open ( target / shell result )
 (if (and (setq target (findfile target))
   (setq shell (vla-getInterfaceObject (vlax-get-acad-object) "Shell.Application")))
     (setq result (vl-catch-all-apply 'vlax-invoke (list shell 'open target)))
     (vlax-release-object shell)(not (vl-catch-all-error-p result)))))
(defun get_type ( %o )
   ((= (type %o) 'ENAME)(cdr (assoc 0 (entget %o))))
   ((= (type %o) 'VLA-object)(cdr (assoc 0 (entget (vlax-vla-object->ename  %o)))))
   (t nil)

(defun RlxSel1 ( $e-type / done-selecting inp i p2 result e ent)
 (princ (strcat "\nEsc, enter, Rmouse to cancel, zoom with E(extend), Z(oom) or + / -\nSelect " $e-type))
 (setq done-selecting nil)
 (while (not done-selecting)
   (setq inp (vl-catch-all-apply 'grread (list nil 4 2)))
   (if (vl-catch-all-error-p inp)
     (setq done-selecting t result nil)
; if point selected
((= (car inp) 3)
 ; if point has object under it
 (if (setq ent (nentselp (cadr inp))) (setq e (car ent) typ (get_type e)))
   ; if we have object and object is the right type we have a winner
   ((and e typ (eq $e-type typ))
    (redraw e 3)(setq done-selecting t result e))
   ; maybe its the parent
   ; this happens when type is dimension and you select dimensions text
   ((and (caddr ent) (setq ent (last (last ent)))(eq $e-type (get_type ent)))
    (redraw ent 3)(setq done-selecting t result ent))
   ; sorry object is not the right stuf
   ((and e typ (not (eq $e-type typ)))
    (princ (strcat "\nYou selected the wrong type (" $e-type ")")))
   ; else try crossing selection
    (if (and (setq i 0 p2 (getcorner (cadr inp) "\tOther corner : "))
      (setq ss (ssget "c" (cadr inp) p2)))
      (while (setq e (ssname ss i))
 (if (= (cdr (assoc 0 (entget e))) $e-type)
   (progn (redraw e 3) (setq result e done-selecting t)))
 (setq i (1+ i))))
   );end t
  ); end cond
       ); end (= (car inp) 3)

; user pressed E of e
((member inp '((2 69)(2 101))) (command "zoom" "e"))
; user clicked R-mouse button, pressed enter or space (done selecting)
((or (equal (car inp) 25)(member inp '((2 13)(2 32))))
 (setq done-selecting t result nil))
; user pressed +
((equal inp '(2 43)) (command "zoom" "2x"))
; user pressed -
((equal inp '(2 45)) (command "zoom" ".5x"))
; user pressed z or Z
((member inp '((2 122)(2 90))) (command "'zoom" ""))
(defun _convert ( %lst / item name dim-ent dim-strings lst )
 (foreach item %lst
   (setq name (car item) dim-strings '())
   (foreach dim-ent (cadr item) (setq dim-strings (cons (get_dim_string dim-ent) dim-strings)))
   (setq lst (cons (cons name (reverse dim-strings)) lst))
 (reverse lst)
(defun get_dim_string ( %dim / dim dim-txt)
 (setq dim (entget %dim) dim-txt (cdr (assoc 1 dim)))
 (if (= dim-txt "")(setq dim-txt (rtos (cdr (assoc 42 dim)) 2 2)) dim-txt))

gr. Rlx



updated code july 10th with check for double dimensions and dimension titles.

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  • 8 months later...

Hello everyone.

even if the subject starts to date. this lisp is important to me, thank you for your efforts.

allow me to ask a question. is there the possibility to modify the lisp to allow to choose the dimension on autoucad by two clicks (that is to say to select the text and then to make two clicks for the dimension and the result on excel as follows:


; --------------------

; | A | B |

; --------------------

; | Dim1 | 100 |

; --------------------

; | Dim2 | 110 |

; --------------------

; | Dim3 | 97.5 |

; --------------------

; | Sun 4 | 23.9 |

; --------------------

; | .... | ..... |

; --------------------

;; | etc | etc |

; --------------------


can someone help me please.

thank you.

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Please rearrange the dwg , each enty kind at it´s own layer , hatches, magenta polylines that seem to be beam section dimensions , and so on , so lisp can do it

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