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Create multiple as build surveyed layer to existing design cross section drawings


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On road construction project we need to prepare as build cross section drawing at every embankment layer finished. We have design cross sections that already created by design company by cad file. And then when we build the embankment layer by layer we need to add finished layer in to that cross section. In this situation my using method is

1. Prepare on excel surveyed layer by offset and level

2. Convert that data using CONCATENATE command

3. In cad every cross section centerline point origin move to 0,centerline level

4. PL command and copy from excel data that converted CONCATENATE command

5. Paste into cad command line

Now we see that design cross section with actual as build layer.

Those procedure are we make on every cross section its mean we spend lot of time.

Any solution for one time copy excel data to cad by multiple polylines?

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We have design cross sections that already created by design company by cad file..


IMO CAD automation is difficult because i believe the cross section different base? datum? or different vertical scale?


In this case, you should attach example dwg & excel format,

need to workaround maybe some macro, hopefully somebody familiar in this can jump in to assist you.

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I think your company should hire someone to create a custom lisp routine. While they may balk at the prospect of hiring someone for the task in the long run it will save them tons of money.

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If your using excel then you can work it all out in excel. Enter horizontal & vertical scale, enter datum, enter co-ords of zero offset on cross section, then its just a scale problem for the x,y of the known points. Then use "Pline" at top of a column of x,y points needs a blank as last entry to complete pline command, just copy and paste to command line.


eg ver 1:50 metric has a scale factor of 20 so take rl of point - datum level / 20 is the required offset from the datum line new Y value.

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Make a csv file as below, then do the following pick chainage on dwg, pick datum rl, pick zero offset point, you can then read the file find corresponding ch values and make a new paired list and recalulate the dwg points then draw pline etc you could have as many points as you like.









You could also export out of Autocad the values and work out the new pline points in excel. It just a +- to xy values.


This is not a 5 minute job to put together.


This worked though just copied column K



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Discarded it after screen grab, just used concatenate I think I column was A-G J B-H, then each row is the equivalent to typing at command line hence the gaps in the row, I just used ID copy and pasted to excel G & H did a quick edit to remove y=123.445


  <-- blank line ends pline
  <-- blank line ends pline

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