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radians to degree, minutes and seconds (No text)


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Function that converts radians to degrees, minutes and seconds, as numbers to operate with them (not text)


Thanks :)


(defun rtod( x) ;radians to degrees
 (/ (x 180.0) pi)

(defun dtor(x) ;degress to radians
 (* (/ x 180.0) pi)

(setq deg 90.)
(setq rad (dtor deg))

(cvunit rad "radians" "degrees")


not sure what you mean (not text)?

(angof 1.5708 1 4) 


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Thank you for responding so quickly. Please allow the function not only to convert RAD to DEC, but to DMS (degrees, minutes and seconds)


. Example :

Question = 0.5811849 (RAD)

Answer 1 = 33.2994444 (DEC)

Answer 2 = 33 ° 17' 58 "(DMS)


Additionally, I would appreciate if possible, that data be sent by reference (not by value) to the function


It was mentioned that they are not texts, because I have to perform operations with the DMS angle returned by the function



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Or this


(setq ang 2.40542)
(setq ang (/ (*  ang 180.0) pi)) ; convert to decimal degrees
(setq deg (fix ang))
(setq mins (* 60.0 (- ang (fix ang))))
(setq sec (* 60.0 (- mins (fix mins))))
(setq mins (fix mins)) 
(alert (strcat "Degs = " (rtos deg 2 0) "\nMins = " (rtos mins 2 0) "\nSecs = " (rtos sec 2 0)))

Edited by BIGAL
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not sure what you mean (not text)?

(angof 1.5708 1 4) 



Oops.. :facepalm: just notices typos should be

([color="blue"]angtos[/color] 1.5708 1 4)

angtos accepts 3 argument

angtof only accepts single argument which converts angle (string) to radians


Thanks Lee's input for OP :thumbsup:



Or this

(setq [color="blue"]min[/color] ...

protected symbol



Answer 2 = 33 ° 17' 58 "(DMS)


Additionally, I would appreciate if possible, that data be sent by reference (not by value) to the function


It was mentioned that they are not texts, because I have to perform operations with the DMS angle returned by the function





The DMS value converted by angtos is a string (you mean Text?), which you can't perform arithmetic calculations (+ - * / etc..), argument should be numbers

unless (angtos (+ ang1 ang2) 1 4) ;where ang1 ang2 must be numbers (radians)


If reference means argument? from library but maybe not you want due to the result is "Text" (string)

; limitation prec <= 4 
(defun _dmmss (ang prec / $ l n s)
 $ (angtos ang 1 prec)
       l (mapcar ''((x) (vl-string-search x $)) '("\"" "'" "d")))
 (if (and (cadr l)
     (setq n (apply '- (cdr l))
    l (if (car l)(list (- (car l) (cadr l)) n) n)
    s (strcat (if (minusp ang)"-""") (vl-string-translate "d-" "°0"(cadr (eval (cons 'cond
         (mapcar '(lambda (i j)(vl-list* (equal l i)
 	           (mapcar 'cons '(setq mapcar)
		      (list '(s $)
                                     ' ((a b) (setq s (vl-string-subst (strcat a b) a s)))
			(mapcar 'cons '(list list) (list '("'" "d") (mapcar ''((x)(strcat x)) j))))))))
			'((2 2) (3 2) (2 3) (3 3) 2 3 )'(("0" "0") ("" "0") ("0" "") ("" "")("" "0")("" ""))))
    s $
) ;_ end of defun


The results may differ by drawing settings , angbase & angdir !!

(angtos (- pi) 1 4 )
; "180d0'-0\"" 
(_dmmss (- pi) 4 )


[EDIT] Upgraded version, with angtos precision

;hp:dmmss ,similar angtos conversion for surveyor jobs angle d.mmss readout
;ang = real , radians
;prec = integer, precision
;tos = t/nil , to string mode if a non-nil value is supplied output returns a string, else output as a list[/color]

(defun hp:dmmss (ang prec tos / str l $)
;;;hanhphuc 24.08.2017 
 (setq	str (angtos (abs ang) 1 prec)
l   (read
      (apply 'strcat
	     (list "("(if (minusp ang)"-""")
		     "    "
		     (strcat (itoa (+ (* (fix (/ (abs ang) (* 2. pi))) 360)
				      (atoi (setq $ (substr str 1 (vl-string-search "d" str))))
			     (vl-string-left-trim $ str)
 (if tos
   (apply 'strcat
   (mapcar ''((a b c)
		(< (fix (abs a)) 10)
	       (rtos a 2 c)
	   '("°" "'" "\"")
	   (list 0 0 (if(< prec 4)0 (- prec 4)))
	   ) ;_ end of mapcar
   ) ;_ end of apply
   ) ;_ end of if
 ) ;_ end of defun


(hp:dmmss 2.465538 2 [color="blue"]t[/color])[color="green"]; "141°16'"[/color]
(hp:dmmss -2.465538 3 [color="blue"]t[/color])[color="green"]; "-141°15'54\""[/color] 
(hp:dmmss 3.2745648 4 [color="blue"]t[/color])[color="green"]; "187°37'07\""[/color]
(hp:dmmss -5.8827050 5 [color="blue"]t[/color])[color="green"]; "-337°03'15.00\"" [/color]
(hp:dmmss -5.8827050 6 [color="blue"]nil[/color])[color="green"]; (-337 3 15.01) [/color]

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ignarous said:


It was mentioned that they are not texts, because I have to perform operations with the DMS angle returned by the function



i think i figure out "no texts" ? return a list


This code adapted from old thread


(defun angltof (l) ;hanhphuc 
      (vl-every ''((x) (and (<= 0. x) (< x 60.))) (cdr l))
    ((if (minusp (car l)) - +) (angtof
       (apply 'strcat
	      (mapcar ''((a b c) (strcat (rtos (abs a) 2 c) b)) l '("d" "'" "\"") '(0 0 2))



;test dms in list to radian

(setq dms '(-123 45 56))

(angltof dms )

(angltof '(123 60 56))
;nil - no good?



(defun rad->ldms (ang  / str $) ;hanhphuc 
 (setq str (angtos (abs ang) 1 4))
   (apply 'strcat
   (list "("(if (minusp ang)"-""")
	   "    "
	   (strcat (itoa (+ (* (fix (/ (abs ang) (* 2. pi))) 360)
			    (atoi (setq $ (substr str 1 (vl-string-search "d" str))))
		   (vl-string-left-trim $ str)


;test radian to dms list

(rad->ldms 1.13456)
;(65 0 20) 

(rad->ldms (/ pi -1.5))
;(-120 0 0) 

(rad->ldms (angltof '(-123 45 55)))
;(-123 45 55) 

(setq sum '(0.304046 0.898362 2.67573 4.23933 6.60628))

(rad->ldms (apply '+ sum ))
;;;(843 36 31) 




BIGAL said:
Thanks changed code to MINS forgot about Minimum.


no worries Alan.. your signature always reminds us :thumbsup:

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