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layer reactor


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I was wondering if anyone has an example of a layer eractor that switches layers base on the layout tab.



my idea is to place text on different layers base on the tab the active tab.

Example I have one file with 5 layout so I want to place text on layer anno-text-sheet 1, or anno-text-sheet 2 and so on.



any help would be great.

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I use to have a lisp or reactor that when I witch layouts and keyed in txt is made a layer named c-anno-tabname-text (say c-anno-C005-text and then all I had to do was vpfreeze C-ANNO-C004-text and C-ANNO-C006-text layers. But I lost it some where.

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Hi Lisaj.


This relies on your layout tabs having correct naming:

i.e. C001, C002, etc.


Briefly tested.



(defun c:TabNameOn ()
 (if (not com:react)
     (setq com:react
  (vlr-command-reactor nil
    '((:vlr-commandWillStart . ComReactBegin)
      (:vlr-commandEnded . ComReactEnd)
      (:vlr-commandCancelled . ComReactCancel))))
     (princ "\n<<< Command reactor Switched ON >>>")
      ); end progn
     ); end if
   ); end of c:TabNameOn

 (defun c:TabNameOff ()
   (if com:react
      (vlr-Remove com:react)
      (setq com:react nil)
      (princ "\n<<< Command reactor Switched OFF >>> ")
      ); end progn
     ); end if
   ); end of c:TabNameOff

 (defun ComReactBegin (react args / layname comLst nLay)
   (setq layname (getvar 'ctab))
   (setq layname (strcase (strcat "C-ANNO-" layname "-TEXT")))
   (setq comLst '(((layname 3)
                 ) ; end comLst
   ) ; end setq

   (foreach itm comLst
     (if (member (car args) itm)
  (if (not (tblsearch "LAYER" layname))
     (setq nLay (vla-Add (vla-get-Layers
	  (vlax-get-acad-object))) layname))
     (vla-put-Color nLay (cadar itm))
     (setq com:resFlg T)
     ); end progn
    ); end if
   (setq com:oldLay (getvar 'clayer)
	 com:resFlg T)
   (setvar 'clayer layname)
  ); end progn
); end if
     ); end foreach
   ); end of ComReactBegin

 (defun ComReactEnd(react args)
   (if com:resFlg
(setq com:resFlg nil)
       (setvar 'clayer com:oldLay)
      ); end progn
     ); end if
   ); end of ComReactEnd

 (defun ComReactCancel(react args)
   (if com:resFlg
(setq com:resFlg nil)
       (setvar 'clayer com:oldLay)
      ); end progn
     ); end if
   ); end of ComReactCancel

(princ "\nType TABNAMEON to switch-on and TABNAMEOFF switch-off command reactor! ")

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Try this;

;; Tharwat - 16.Oct.2017	;;
(defun SetLayerApp ()
 (or *SetLayerReactor*
   (setq *SetLayerReactor* (vlr-sysvar-reactor nil '((:vlr-sysVarChanged . SetLayer)))) 

(defun SetLayer (e p / l)
 (if (or (eq (car p) "CLAYOUT") (eq (car p) "CTAB"))
   (and (or (tblsearch "LAYER" (setq l (strcat "anno-text-" (setq *currenttab* (getvar 'CTAB)))))
            (vla-add (vla-get-layers (vla-get-activedocument (vlax-get-acad-object))) l))
        (setvar 'CLAYER l)


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Probably easier to use the vlr-layoutswitched event...

(foreach rtr (cdar (vlr-reactors :vlr-miscellaneous-reactor))
   (if (= "layout-text-reactor" (vlr-data rtr)) (vlr-remove rtr))
(vlr-miscellaneous-reactor "layout-text-reactor" '((:vlr-layoutswitched . layout-text-reactor-callback)))
(defun layout-text-reactor-callback ( rtr arg / lyn )
   (if (/= "model" (strcase (car arg) t))
                       ((setq layout-text-reactor-layers (vla-get-layers (vla-get-activedocument (vlax-get-acad-object)))))
                   (setq lyn (strcat "anno-text-" (car arg)))
           (setvar 'clayer lyn)

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