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Issue with startup running of LISP

K Baden

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Good afternoon all!


the community here never ceases to amaze me so, I have a question. I have created a routine, that runs multiple other routines to do some general maintenance on my drawings. It has worked without fail for months, so i decided to pick a few routines from the original, and place them into a separate startup "Auto" lisp. when calling the command itself, everything works great, but for some reason, it will not work upon startup of SITEPLAN drawings.


I know my if statement is working, because i have it posting a message for testing. For some reason though, it just refuses to utilize the command i'm calling.


Like I said, this works perfectly if I run it directly after the drawing is opened, but will not run within this statement i have placed into my acaddoc file.


 (if (wcmatch (getvar 'dwgname) "*SITEPLAN")
 (print "This will print."))


"This will print" pops up without fail on every drawing with SITEPLAN.dwg in it. I'm getting no errors or anything. Is there something I am missing when calling commands like this in the startup for acaddoc?


Any help is appreciated! Thanks!


(if necessary, i can post the code for the command im calling, but i really dont think its the problem, since it works perfectly on its own, let me know if that will help though)


EDIT: should i perhaps be using progn before calling the command?

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wcmatch function is case sensitive, so whats the value when you type (getvar 'dwgname) ?



2nd glance..

(wcmatch (getvar 'dwgname) "*SITEPLAN[color="red"].dwg[/color]")


Also this might be of interest:

; note: do not use range [] brackets for the pattern - it might fail.
; _$ (_noncasewcmatch "Hello World!1" "HELLO w*!#") -> T
(defun _noncasewcmatch ( str pat ) ; (87 114 105 116 116 101 110 32 66 121 32 71 114 114 114)
 (if (vl-every '(lambda (x) (eq 'STR (type x))) (list str pat))
   (wcmatch str
     (apply 'strcat
           (lambda (x / v) (setq v (chr x))
               ( (<= 48 x 57) v )
               ( (member x '(9 32 35 64 46 42 63 126 45 44 96 91 93 33 64 36 37 94 38 40 41 95 61 43 92 47 34)) v) ; "\t #@.*?~-,`[]!@$%^&()_=+\\/\""
               ( (strcat "[" (strcase v) (strcase v t) "]") )
             ); cond
           ); lambda
         ); function
         (vl-string->list pat)
       ); mapcar
     ); apply 'strcat
   ); wcmatch
   (prompt "\n_noncasewcmatch: invalid inputs.")
 ); if
); defun _noncasewcmatch

Edited by Grrr
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As Grrr pointed out, wcmatch is case sensitive and you're missing an asterisk:

(wcmatch ([color="red"]strcase[/color] (getvar 'dwgname)) "*SITEPLAN[color="red"]*[/color]")

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