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Change font type of attribute


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I forget where I got this from, but to do this via a lisp you could change this about:

;;Changes Block Text (Block Change Text)
;;Changes block text attributes
;;Note this changes the block itself and not just the attributes
(defun c:BlkChTxt (/ InsLst TxtStyl cTxtstyl TxtWidth TxtHeight)
 (setq InsLst (entget (car (entsel "\nPlease choose a Block: "))))
 (while (/= (cdr (assoc 0 InsLst)) "INSERT")
   (setq InsLst (entget (car (entsel "\nWrong, choose a Block: "))))
 (setq TxtStyl ""
   cTxtstyl (getvar "TEXTSTYLE")
 (while (not (tblsearch "STYLE" TxtStyl))
   (initget 1)
   (setq TxtStyl
         "\nNew style name for block text (default is current text style) <"
   (if (= TxtStyl "")
     (setq TxtStyl cTxtstyl)
 (initget 4)
   TxtWidth (getreal
   "\nNew text width for block text(0 for no change)<0>: "
 (if (= TxtWidth nil)
   (setq TxtWidth 0)
 (initget 4)
   TxtHeight (getreal
   "\nNew text height for block text(0 for no change)<0>: "
 (if (= TxtHeight nil)
   (setq TxtHeight 0)
 ($ChBlkTxt InsLst TxtStyl TxtWidth TxtHeight)

(defun $ChBlkTxt (InsLst TxtStyl TxtWidth TxtHeight / x edata)
 x (cdr
   (assoc -2 (cdr (tblsearch "BLOCK" (cdr (assoc 2 InsLst)))))
 (while x
   (if x
     (progn (setq edata (entget x))
       (if (or (= (cdr (assoc 0 edata)) "TEXT")
       (= (cdr (assoc 0 edata)) "MTEXT")
       (= (cdr (assoc 0 edata)) "ATTDEF")
       (if (/= TxtWidth 0)
         (setq edata (entmod
           (subst (cons 41 TxtWidth)
           (assoc 41 edata)
            (if (/= TxtHeight 0)
              (setq edata (entmod
                (subst (cons 40 TxtHeight)
                  (assoc 40 edata)
            (setq edata (entmod
              (subst (cons 7 TxtStyl)
                (assoc 7 edata)
   (setq x (entnext x))
 (if (getvar "DIMASSOC")
   (command "_ATTSYNC" "N" (cdr (assoc 2 InsLst)))
   ($attsync (cdr (assoc 2 InsLst)) TxtWidth TxtHeight TxtStyl)
 (command "REGEN")

   (defun $attsync (BlkName TxtWidth TxtHeight TxtStyl / ss1 i sh)
     (defun @attsync (sh / edata)
       (if (= (cdr (assoc 0 (entget sh))) "ATTRIB")
         (progn (setq edata (entget sh))
           (if (/= TxtWidth 0)
             (setq edata (entmod
               (subst (cons 41 TxtWidth)
                 (assoc 41 edata)
           (if (/= TxtHeight 0)
             (setq edata (entmod
               (subst (cons 40 TxtHeight)
                 (assoc 40 edata)
           (setq edata (entmod
             (subst (cons 7 TxtStyl)
               (assoc 7 edata)
       (entupd sh)
   (setq ss1 nil
     ss1 (ssget "X"
       (list '(0 . "INSERT") '(66 . 1) (cons 2 BlkName)
     (setq i 0)
     (repeat (sslength ss1)
       (setq sh (ssname ss1 i))
       (while (/= (cdr (assoc 0 (entget sh))) "SEQEND")
       (@attsync sh)
       (setq sh (entnext sh)
   (setq i (1+ i)
;;                         End of File                        ;;

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I forget where I got this from, but to do this via a lisp you could change this about:

;;Changes Block Text (Block Change Text)
;;Changes block text attributes
;;Note this changes the block itself and not just the attributes
(defun c:BlkChTxt (/ InsLst TxtStyl cTxtstyl TxtWidth TxtHeight)
 (setq InsLst (entget (car (entsel "\nPlease choose a Block: "))))
 (while (/= (cdr (assoc 0 InsLst)) "INSERT")
   (setq InsLst (entget (car (entsel "\nWrong, choose a Block: "))))

 (setq TxtStyl ""
   cTxtstyl (getvar "TEXTSTYLE")
 (while (not (tblsearch "STYLE" TxtStyl))
   (initget 1)
   (setq TxtStyl
         "\nNew style name for block text (default is current text style) <"
   (if (= TxtStyl "")
     (setq TxtStyl cTxtstyl)
 (initget 4)
   TxtWidth (getreal
   "\nNew text width for block text(0 for no change)<0>: "
 (if (= TxtWidth nil)
   (setq TxtWidth 0)
 (initget 4)
   TxtHeight (getreal
   "\nNew text height for block text(0 for no change)<0>: "
 (if (= TxtHeight nil)
   (setq TxtHeight 0)
 ($ChBlkTxt InsLst TxtStyl TxtWidth TxtHeight)

(defun $ChBlkTxt (InsLst TxtStyl TxtWidth TxtHeight / x edata)
 x (cdr
   (assoc -2 (cdr (tblsearch "BLOCK" (cdr (assoc 2 InsLst)))))
 (while x
   (if x
     (progn (setq edata (entget x))
       (if (or (= (cdr (assoc 0 edata)) "TEXT")
       (= (cdr (assoc 0 edata)) "MTEXT")
       (= (cdr (assoc 0 edata)) "ATTDEF")
       (if (/= TxtWidth 0)
         (setq edata (entmod
           (subst (cons 41 TxtWidth)
           (assoc 41 edata)
            (if (/= TxtHeight 0)
              (setq edata (entmod
                (subst (cons 40 TxtHeight)
                  (assoc 40 edata)
            (setq edata (entmod
              (subst (cons 7 TxtStyl)
                (assoc 7 edata)
   (setq x (entnext x))
 (if (getvar "DIMASSOC")
   (command "_ATTSYNC" "N" (cdr (assoc 2 InsLst)))
   ($attsync (cdr (assoc 2 InsLst)) TxtWidth TxtHeight TxtStyl)
 (command "REGEN")

   (defun $attsync (BlkName TxtWidth TxtHeight TxtStyl / ss1 i sh)
     (defun @attsync (sh / edata)
       (if (= (cdr (assoc 0 (entget sh))) "ATTRIB")
         (progn (setq edata (entget sh))
           (if (/= TxtWidth 0)
             (setq edata (entmod
               (subst (cons 41 TxtWidth)
                 (assoc 41 edata)
           (if (/= TxtHeight 0)
             (setq edata (entmod
               (subst (cons 40 TxtHeight)
                 (assoc 40 edata)
           (setq edata (entmod
             (subst (cons 7 TxtStyl)
               (assoc 7 edata)
       (entupd sh)
   (setq ss1 nil
     ss1 (ssget "X"
       (list '(0 . "INSERT") '(66 . 1) (cons 2 BlkName)
     (setq i 0)
     (repeat (sslength ss1)
       (setq sh (ssname ss1 i))
       (while (/= (cdr (assoc 0 (entget sh))) "SEQEND")
       (@attsync sh)
       (setq sh (entnext sh)
   (setq i (1+ i)
;;                         End of File                        ;;

Thanks a lot mr steval P

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