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Ascending order of strings - Query


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Hi All,


I am trying to sort multiple strings in an ascending order. However the results are not as expected because of the format. Please have a look.


(SETQ A "XXX, 3\", (STD) X  1'-0 1/4\" PIECE")
(SETQ B "XXX, 3\", (STD) X  8\" PIECE")


(< A B) ; gives me T whereas it should be nil 
       ; because A is of 1 foot and B is only 8 inch piece


Please note there could be multiple instances in one string.


My approach is to convert each pattern into the decimal (but how? I am confused here).


Any help would be appreciated.



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Thanks for your reply Tharwat but this is not what I was looking for.


The strings are the description of the piping components which contains the length in architectural units. I want to sort them in ascending order according to length mentioned somewhere between in the description.


A new examples are:


(setq a "(STD) X  1'-0 1/4\" - TEST")
(setq b "(STD) X  8\" - TEST")


Hope my question is clear.



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(vl-sort '("(STD) X  1'-0 1/4\" - TEST"	    "(STD) X  8\" - TEST"
   "(STD) X  6\" - TEST"	    "(STD) X  9\" - TEST"
   "(STD) X  3\" - TEST"
;;;("(STD) X  9\" - TEST"
;;;  "(STD) X  8\" - TEST"
;;;  "(STD) X  6\" - TEST"
;;;  "(STD) X  3\" - TEST"
;;;  "(STD) X  1'-0 1/4\" - TEST"

Edited by ronjonp
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Nice one ronjonp but I can see problems maybe that if the descriptions dont have patterns will not sort correct. It may need some form of converting the lengths to real numbers then sort this would remove the description dependency.

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; (KGA_String_ParseNumbers "12'3/4\" ABC 5.6D.7.8 -9-10.0")      => (144.75 5.6 0.7 0.8 -9 -10.0)
; (KGA_String_ParseNumbers "XXX, 1\", (STD) X 1'-0 1/4\" PIECE") => (1.0 12.25)
(defun KGA_String_ParseNumbers (str / N_Str_To_Num ret sub)
 (defun N_Str_To_Num (str)
   ((if (not (wcmatch str "*[~-0-9]*,-,?*-*")) atoi distof) str)
 (setq str (vl-string->list str))
 (repeat (1+ (length str)) ; 1+ to ensure processing of final sub.
     ((<= 48 (car str) 57) ; 0-9.
       (setq sub (cons (car str) sub))
     ((vl-position (car str) '(32 34 39 47)) ; (vl-string->list " \"'/")
           (vl-position (car str) sub)
           (not (<= 48 (car sub) 57)) ; Previous item added to sub must be a number.
           (and (= (car str) 32) (not (vl-position 39 sub)))
         (if sub
             (setq ret (cons (N_Str_To_Num (vl-list->string (reverse sub))) ret))
             (setq sub nil)
         (setq sub (cons (car str) sub))
     ((= (car str) 45) ; (ascii "-")
       (if (= (car sub) 39) ; (ascii "'")
         (setq sub (cons (car str) sub))
           (if sub ; "-" has to be added to sub first if the number is decimal.
             (setq ret (cons (N_Str_To_Num (vl-list->string (reverse sub))) ret))
           (setq sub (list (car str)))
     ((= (car str) 46) ; (ascii ".")
           (vl-position (car str) sub)
           (= (car sub) 47) ; "." should not come after "/".
           (if sub
             (setq ret (cons (N_Str_To_Num (vl-list->string (reverse sub))) ret))
           (setq sub (list (car str)))
         (setq sub (cons (car str) sub))
       (setq ret (cons (N_Str_To_Num (vl-list->string (reverse sub))) ret))
       (setq sub nil)
   (setq str (cdr str))
 (vl-remove nil (reverse ret))

; (setq lst
;   '(
;     "XXX, 3\", (STD) X  6\" PIECE"
;     "XXX, 1\", (STD) X  6\" PIECE"
;     "XXX, 3\", (STD) X  1'-0 1/4\" PIECE"
;     "XXX, 1\", (STD) X  1'-0 1/4\" PIECE"
;     "XXX, 3\", (STD) X  8\" PIECE"
;     "XXX, 1\", (STD) X  8\" PIECE"
;   )
; )

; (SortTest lst) =>
; (
;   "XXX, 1\", (STD) X  6\" PIECE"
;   "XXX, 1\", (STD) X  8\" PIECE"
;   "XXX, 1\", (STD) X  1'-0 1/4\" PIECE"
;   "XXX, 3\", (STD) X  6\" PIECE"
;   "XXX, 3\", (STD) X  8\" PIECE"
;   "XXX, 3\", (STD) X  1'-0 1/4\" PIECE"
; )
(defun SortTest (lst)
       '(lambda (str) (list (KGA_String_ParseNumbers str) str))
     '(lambda (a b / ret)
         '(lambda (c d)
             ((< c d) (setq ret T) T)
             ((> c d) (setq ret nil) T)
         (car a)
         (car b)

Edited by Roy_043
Improved parser funtion
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Shouldn't the result have the 8" and 6" swapped like so?

; (SortTest lst) =>

; ( "XXX, 1\", (STD) X 8\" PIECE"

; "XXX, 1\", (STD) X 6\" PIECE"

; "XXX, 1\", (STD) X 1'-0 1/4\" PIECE"

; "XXX, 3\", (STD) X 8\" PIECE"

; "XXX, 3\", (STD) X 6\" PIECE"

; "XXX, 3\", (STD) X 1'-0 1/4\" PIECE"

; )

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No: 6"


The parser function doesn't handle 1'-0 1/4" properly as it assumes that the minus sign can only occur at the start of a numerical string.


Edit: Fixed the parser function in the code above. It can now handle 1'-0 1/4".

Edited by Roy_043
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