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Select a definited block, capture determinated attributes and save them in clipboard


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hello! I'm a new member of this fantastic forum that I met through google searches...I'am Italian and this is the first time I write to a foreign forum...sorry for my english!

I write to ask how to solve a problem using LISP (but I'm not a programmer)

There is an operation that I perform continuously: select attributes values and copy them out of autocad! and for this operation I always use the same block "CA5"...in my files there are a lot of "CA5", but I always use one only at a time...so:

1) I want to select a single block "CA5" by mouse click

2) I want to "read" the value of 2 definited attributes (es. DESCRIPT1 and DESCRIPT2)

3) I want to combine the 2 values in a single value (es. DESCRIPT1value+space+DESCRIPT2value)

4) I want to save this new value in the windows clipboard

someone can help me write this lisp?

Thank you in advance

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How about this:


(defun C:test ( / a e enx s )
   (or _SetClipBoardText (prompt "\nNo function definition \"_SetClipBoardText\"."))
   (setq a (car (entsel "\nSelect attributed block: ")))
   (setq a (entget a))
   (or (vl-every '(lambda (x) (member x a)) '((0 . "INSERT")(66 . 1))) (prompt "\nInvalid object."))
   (setq e (cdr (assoc -1 a)))
   (setq s "")
     (while (member '(0 . "ATTRIB") (setq enx (entget (setq e (entnext e)))))
       (setq s (strcat s " " (cdr (assoc 1 enx))))
     (_SetClipBoardText (substr s 2))
 ); and 
); defun

;;  MP
;;  http://www.theswamp.org/index.php?topic=21764.msg263322#msg263322
(defun _SetClipBoardText ( text / htmlfile result )
 ;;  Caller's sole responsibility is to pass a
 ;;  text string. Anything else? Pie in face.
 (setq result
       (vlax-get (setq htmlfile (vlax-create-object "htmlfile")) 'ParentWindow)
   'SetData  "Text"  text)
 (vlax-release-object htmlfile)

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First of all thanks for the help! Well, I tried your LISP and it could be useful but I need to be faster using a dedicated solution...but I do not have the knowledge to correct myself, to my needs your lisp ...

In only one click on the block "ca5" i want to obtain the string


could you explain to me how write the code that combines only the attributes I need in a previously chosen block?


For see an example of what I want to do...



P.S. why you post your LISP with the name "TEXT"? I had to rename it

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Try this:

(defun C:test ( / a e enx L )
   (or _SetClipBoardText (prompt "\nNo function definition \"_SetClipBoardText\"."))
   (setq a (car (entsel "\nSelect attributed block: ")))
   (setq a (entget a))
   (or (vl-every '(lambda (x) (member x a)) '((0 . "INSERT")(66 . 1))) (prompt "\nInvalid object."))
   (setq e (cdr (assoc -1 a)))
     (while (member '(0 . "ATTRIB") (setq enx (entget (setq e (entnext e)))))
       (setq L (cons (mapcar '(lambda (x) (cdr (assoc x enx))) '(2 1)) L))
       (apply '(lambda (a b c) (strcat a " " b " " c))
         (mapcar '(lambda (x) (cond ( (cadr (assoc x L)) ) (""))) '("DENOM" "DENOM2" "SIGUTE"))
 ); and 
); defun


P.S. why you post your LISP with the name "TEXT"? I had to rename it


Do you mean test ? - its generally accepted default name for a routine, so you have to rename it by yourself later.

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(while (member '(0 . "ATTRIB") (setq enx (entget (setq e (entnext e)))))         (setq L (cons (mapcar '(lambda (x) (cdr (assoc x enx))) '(2 1)) L))       )       (_SetClipBoardText         (apply '(lambda (a b c) (strcat a " " b " " c))           (mapcar '(lambda (x) (cond ( (cadr (assoc x L)) ) (""))) '("DENOM" "DENOM2" "SIGUTE"))         )       )

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Now I think Grrr it is the diminutive for Grrreat!

Now I can make a series of copies of the lisp so each copy will have a particular combination!

I think I will have to modify this part

(apply '(lambda (a b c) (strcat a " " b " " c))

(mapcar '(lambda (x) (cond ( (cadr (assoc x L)) ) (""))) '("DENOM" "DENOM2" "SIGUTE"))

...a b c are variables where the lisp saves the text right? If I want to save four attributes I have to add one more variable and combine the necessary attributes...

I will write to you in the next days...Thanks again!

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Thanks for the complimens, itacad!

I just liked that you listed the steps in your first post, for what you wanted the routine to do, so I decided to help.

Indeed the a b c are the variables where the attribute values are stored from the tags '("DENOM" "DENOM2" "SIGUTE").

So for further modifications I think you know what to change.

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It can be done also directly just adding the attributes as you pick them using nentsel, this would be ok if you only had to do a few.

As many attributes as you like.

(defun c:add-att ( /  ans obj )
(while (/= (setq ent (nentsel)) nil)
(setq obj (vlax-ename->vla-object (car ent)))
(if (= ans nil)
(setq ans (vla-get-textstring obj))
(setq ans (strcat ans "-" (vla-get-textstring obj)))

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