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Draw lines and circles with some rules


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Hi guys!


I've wrote this lisp in order to draw these circles + lines in a fasted way.


As you can see it doesn't work very good with the vertical edge of 30cm, but it works if I put 60cm.. :unsure:




The program asks me the following:

1. number of lines

2. number of circles for each line

3. 2 points where to draw them

4. side of the line I've just draw with the 2 points


(defun C:pu (/ linea)
 (setq n1 (getint "\nQuante legature? ") ;how many lines
       n2 (getint "\nQuante file? ")) ; how many circles for each line
 (command "_Line" pause pause "")
 (setq linea (entlast))
 ;(command "_divide" linea (* 2 n1)) 
 (setq p1 (cdr (assoc 10 (entget linea)))
     p2 (cdr (assoc 11 (entget linea)))
       dist (/ (distance p1 p2) (* 2 n1)))
 (entdel linea)
 (setq ref (getpoint))

 (setq passo 0.16
       dist1 0.08
       n 0
       j 1

 (IF (> (nth 0 p1) (nth 0 p2))
        (setq swap p2
              p2 p1
              p1 swap)
 (IF (> (nth 1 p1) (nth 1 p2))
        (setq swap p2
              p2 p1
              p1 swap)
 (COND ((= (fix (nth 1 p1)) (fix (nth 1 p2)))
(IF (< (nth 1 ref) (nth 1 p1))
        (setq passo (* passo -1)
         dist1 (* dist1 -1)

      (while (< n  n1 )
        (setq i 1)
        (Entmake (list (cons 0 "CIRCLE")
                     (cons 8 "SCHÖCK_BOLE")
                     (cons 10 (list (+ (nth 0 p1) (* j dist)) (+ (nth 1 p1) dist1) (nth 2 p1)))
                     (cons 40 0.035)
                     (cons 62 3)
   (while (< i n2)
         (Entmake (list (cons 0 "CIRCLE")
                     (cons 8 "SCHÖCK_BOLE")
                     (cons 10 (list (+ (nth 0 p1) (* j dist)) (+ (nth 1 p1) dist1 (* i passo)) (nth 2 p1)))
                     (cons 40 0.035)
                     (cons 62 3)
         (setq i (+ i 1))
        (entmake (list (cons 0 "LINE")
                       (Cons 8 "SCHÖCK_BOLE")
                       (cons 10 (list (+ (nth 0 p1) (* j dist)) (+ (nth 1 p1) dist1) (nth 2 p1)))
                       (cons 11 (list (+ (nth 0 p1) (* j dist)) (+ (nth 1 p1) dist1 (* (- i 1) passo)) (nth 2 p1)))
                       (cons 62 3)
        (setq j (+ j 2)
              n (+ n 1))

       ((= (fix (nth 0 p1)) (fix (nth 0 p2)))
   (IF (< (nth 0 ref) (nth 0 p1))
        (setq passo (* passo -1)
         dist1 (* dist1 -1)

        (while (< n  n1 )
        (setq i 1)
        (Entmake (list (cons 0 "CIRCLE")
                     (cons 8 "SCHÖCK_BOLE")
                     (cons 10 (list  (+ (nth 0 p1) dist1) (+ (nth 1 p1) (* j dist)) (nth 2 p1)))
                     (cons 40 0.035)
                     (cons 62 3)
   (while (< i n2)
         (Entmake (list (cons 0 "CIRCLE")
                     (cons 8 "SCHÖCK_BOLE")
                     (cons 10 (list  (+ (nth 0 p1) dist1 (* i passo)) (+ (nth 1 p1) (* j dist)) (nth 2 p1)))
                     (cons 40 0.035)
                     (cons 62 3)
         (setq i (+ i 1))
        (entmake (list (cons 0 "LINE")
                       (Cons 8 "SCHÖCK_BOLE")
                       (cons 10 (list  (+ (nth 0 p1) dist1) (+ (nth 1 p1) (* j dist)) (nth 2 p1)))
                       (cons 11 (list  (+ (nth 0 p1) dist1 (* (- i 1) passo)) (+ (nth 1 p1) (* j dist)) (nth 2 p1)))
                       (cons 62 3)
        (setq j (+ j 2)
              n (+ n 1))


How can I handle non vertical/horizontal lines?


How can I draw in the corner as well?








Edited by MastroLube
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One suggestion in your code you repeat the entmake multiple times this could exist maybe twice line,circle as you can use a defun that you pass the variables to, this is a standard type of thing in programming to not write bits of code repeatedly.


(defun ML:Makeline (lay pt1 pt2 /  )
   (entmake (list (cons 0 "LINE")
      (Cons 8 Lay)
      (cons 10 pt1)
      (cons 11 pt2)
      (cons 62 3)

; put at start
(setq clay "SCHÖCK_BOLE")

; example
(setq p1 (list  (+ (nth 0 p1) dist1) (+ (nth 1 p1) (* j dist)) (nth 2 p1)))
(setq p2 (list (+ (nth 0 p1) (* j dist)) (+ (nth 1 p1) dist1 (* (- i 1) passo)) (nth 2 p1)))
(ML:Makeline clay p1 p2)

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Thank you guys for your help!

Yes I should learn to code a little bit better :lol: my code looks always like a mess..


I'll try to fix it!


See you soon!




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  • 2 months later...

Hello guys!!


Today I had some time to continue this project!


I've totally rewrote the code:

(defun c:test (/)
 (setq n1 2
       n2 3
       diam 0.035
       dist_y 0.10
 (command "_Line" pause pause "")
       linea (ENTLAST)
       p1    (CDR (ASSOC 10 (ENTGET linea)))
       p2    (CDR (ASSOC 11 (ENTGET linea)))
       dist_x  (/ (DISTANCE p1 p2) (* 2 n1))
       ang   (angle p1 p2)
 (entdel linea)
;inversione in funzione di ref
 (setq inv 1
       k 1

(repeat n1 ;direzione X
 (setq j 1)
 (ML:Makeline  "SCHÖCK_BOLE"
           (polar (polar p1 ang (* k dist_x)) (+ ang (* inv (/ pi 2))) (* 1 dist_y))
               (polar (polar p1 ang (* k dist_x)) (+ ang (* inv (/ pi 2))) (* (- (* n2 2) 1) dist_y))
(repeat n2 ;direzione Y
  ; J=1;3;5 etc
 (setq pnt (polar (polar p1 ang (* k dist_x)) (+ ang (* inv (/ pi 2))) (* j dist_y) ))

(Entmake (list (cons 0 "CIRCLE")
                     (cons 8 "SCHÖCK_BOLE")
                     (cons 10 pnt)
                     (cons 40 diam)
                     (cons 62 3)
 (setq j (+ j 2))
 (setq k (+ k 2))


(defun ML:Makeline (lay pt1 pt2 /  )
   (entmake (list (cons 0 "LINE")
      (Cons 8 Lay)
      (cons 10 pt1)
      (cons 11 pt2)
      (cons 62 3)

I'm very proud of that :)


Can you give me an hint please?


There is a REF point at the beginning.. I want to use this point to say the direction of my circles+lines instead of going always counterclockwise for external and clockwise for internal.. How can I check it? the INV goes "-1" or "+1" to consider that.


Do you think I need to write a new function to draw in the 45° direction for the edges?


Thanks for your help :)




EDIT: maybe something like that but I don't like it very much.. The original idea is to divide the 90 degree in half (one line+circle at 45°) and in 3 parts (2 lines+circles at 30°). Any suggestion?

(defun legatura_diagonale (a / j k)
 (setq j 1
       k 1)
 (repeat n2 ;direzione Y
  ; J=1;3;5 etc
 (setq pnt (polar p1 (+ ang (* inv a)) (* j dist_y) ))

(Entmake (list (cons 0 "CIRCLE")
                     (cons 8 "SCHÖCK_BOLE")
                     (cons 10 pnt)
                     (cons 40 diam)
                     (cons 62 3)
 (setq j (+ j 2))
 (ML:Makeline  "SCHÖCK_BOLE"
           (polar p1 (+ ang (* inv a)) (* 1 dist_y))
               (polar p1 (+ ang (* inv a)) (* (- (* n2 2) 1) dist_y))


Edited by MastroLube
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I tried not to change the way of coding you did so hope it is clear enough to you to learn from. :)


(defun c:test (/ gap clr diam len p1 p2 p3 ang rot dis pcs div lft a b)
 (setq gap  2
       crl  3
       diam 0.035
       len  0.40
 (if (and (setq p1 (getpoint "\nSpecify start point :"))
          (setq p2 (getpoint "\nNext point :" p1))
          (setq p3 (getpoint "\nSpecify direction of Lines & Circles :"))
          (setq ang (angle p1 p2))
     (setq rot (+ ang (* pi (if (minusp (sin (- (angle p1 p2) (angle p1 p3)))) 0.5 1.5)))
           dis (/ (distance p1 p2) (1+ gap))
           pcs dis
     (repeat gap (ml:makeline "SCHÖCK_BOLE" (setq a (polar p1 ang pcs)) (setq b (polar a rot len)))
       (setq div (/ (distance a b) (1+ crl))
             lft div
       (repeat crl
         (ml:makecircle (polar a rot lft) diam)
         (setq lft (+ lft div))
       (setq pcs (+ pcs dis)
(defun ml:makecircle (pnt diam)
 (entmake (list (cons 0 "CIRCLE")
                (cons 8 "SCHÖCK_BOLE")
                (cons 10 pnt)
                (cons 40 diam)
                (cons 62 3)

(defun ml:makeline (lay pt1 pt2)
 (entmake (list (cons 0 "LINE")
                (cons 8 lay)
                (cons 10 pt1)
                (cons 11 pt2)
                (cons 62 3)

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Maybe next version if the rectang is a pline then you only need imply Inside or out or none. No need to pick points. Look at this it has the co-ords of the corner point so can do the pt1-pt2 etc


; pline co-ords example
; By Alan H
(defun getcoords (ent)

(defun co-ords2xy ()
; convert now to a list of xy as co-ords are x y x y x y if 3d x y z x y z
(setq len (length co-ords))
(if (= (vla-get-objectname obj) "AcDbLwpolyline")
(setq numb (/ len 2)) ; even and odd check required

(setq I 0)
(repeat numb
(setq xy (list (nth i co-ords)(nth (+ I 1) co-ords) ))
; odd (setq xy (list (nth i co-ords)(nth (+ I 1) co-ords)(nth (+ I 2) co-ords) ))
(setq co-ordsxy (cons xy co-ordsxy))
(setq I (+ I 2))

; program starts here
(setq obj (vlax-ename->vla-object (car (entsel "\nplease pick pline"))))
(setq co-ords (getcoords obj))
(co-ords2xy) ; list of 2d points making pline
; co-ordsxy holds the list of points ((X Y)(X Y)...

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