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Cilinder effect 2d (error in 2018)


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This routine give a nice touch to round stuff in 2D.

Problem is i can't get it to work in 2018, it quits after findfile "acad.exe"

Any idea what this could be?



Also: i need to get it to work in a rotated UCS, not WCS.



; cilinder effect
(defun c:cef (/ p1 p2 obj ll ur ltp sc ent an OldOsmode DIR FILE VARLST VARLT X)
 (vl-arx-import 'BPOLY)  
 (or (findfile "cyl1.pat")
(setq dir  (vl-filename-directory (findfile "acad.exe"))
      file (open (strcat dir "[url="file://cyl1.pat/"]\\cyl1.pat[/url]")
(mapcar (function(lambda (x)
    (princ x file)
    (princ "\n" file)
   "*cyl1,Cylinder effect"  "0, 0,0.01, 0,1"
   "0, 0,0.02, 0,1"    "0, 0,0.04, 0,1"
   "0, 0,0.08, 0,1"    "0, 0,0.16, 0,1"
   "0, 0,0.30, 0,1"    "0, 0,0.50, 0,1"
   "0, 0,0.70, 0,1"    "0, 0,0.84, 0,1"
   "0, 0,0.92, 0,1"    "0, 0,0.96, 0,1"
   "0, 0,0.98, 0,1"    "0, 0,0.99, 0,1"
(close file)
 (foreach var
       '(("cmdecho" . 0)
  ("osmode" . nil)
  ("cecolor" . "253")
  ("snapbase" . nil)
  ("hporiginmode" . nil)
  ("hporigin" . nil)
   (setq varlst (cons (cons (car var) (getvar (car var)))
   (if (cdr var)
     (setvar (car var) (cdr var))
 (or sc (setq sc 1.00))
 (or an (setq an (/ pi 2)))
 (setq OldOsmode (getvar "osmode"))
 (if (/= (logand oldosmode 16384) 16384)
   (setvar "osmode" (+ oldosmode 16384))
 (setq ent (bpoly (getpoint "\n Specify internal point:"))
 (if ent
     (setvar "osmode" oldosmode)
p1 (getpoint (strcat "\n Specify first point for distance: <"
       (rtos sc 2 2)
     (if p1
(setq p2 (getpoint p1 "\n Specify second point: ")
    (vlax-ename->vla-object ent)
    ltp (mapcar 'vlax-safearray->list (list ll ur))
    p1 (car ltp)
    p2 (list (car (cadr ltp)) (cadr (car ltp)))
    ; (command "line" (trans p1 0 1) (trans
    ; p2 0
    ; 1))
     (setq sc (distance (trans p1 0 1) (trans p2 0 1))
    an (+ (angle p1 p2) (/ pi 2))
     (if (>= (atof (substr (getvar "acadver") 1 4)) 16.2)
  (setvar "hporiginmode" 0)
  (setvar "hporigin" (reverse (cdr (reverse p1))))
(setvar "snapbase" (reverse (cdr (reverse p1))))
     (command "-bhatch"
       (radian->degrees an)
     (entdel ent)
 (if varlst
   (mapcar '(lambda (x)
       (setvar (car x) (cdr x))
(DEFUN Radian->Degrees (nbrOfRadians /)
 (* 180.0 (/ nbrOfRadians PI))
) ;_ end of defun



Edited by halam
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Regarding issue #1:

Windows restricts access to certain critical folders and you probably do not have permission to write to the folder where acad.exe is located. Try changing "acad.exe" to "acad.pat".

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Thanks Roy, that did the trick indeed.

The angle of the created hatch (& units set in grad) results in funny cilinders

But that's all cosmetics ;-) glad you made it work again!

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