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**Lisp routine to move text or mtext to midpoint of 2 points**


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Good morning all,


Does anyone have a iisp routine that they can share that will first make mtext or text insertion point as MC for moving purposes and then be able move it to "mid between 2 points"? The text or mtext does not need to keep MC insertion point after moving it. I sure would appreciate it. I need to move alot of text on a nameplate schedule and want it to look professional. Cab wrote one years ago that works great if you have a rectangle but I need it to work for mid between 2 points.


Link to Cab's post:




Thank you for reading,


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I don't mind moving one at a time. The table is generated manually. I just would like something to pick the text from middle center and picking 2 endpoints to center text. Did you happen to see Cab's lisp? It works but only if the second point is a rectangle. I would like to choose 2 points.

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IMO .. the first thing that should be done is figure out how to generate the table automatically. Then you can format to whatever needed.

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I have other type of drawings that use different size tables/schedules


This is still a task to be automated...


Here's some quick code to help you with your manual process.

(defun c:foo (/ _mid e p p1 p2)
 (defun _mid (p1 p2) (polar p1 (angle p1 p2) (/ (distance p1 p2) 2.)))
 ;; RJP - 03.22.2018
 (if (and (setq p1 (getpoint "\nSpecify first corner point: "))
   (setq p2 (getcorner p1 "\nSpecify other corner point: "))
   (setq e (ssget "_C" p1 p2 '((0 . "*text"))))
   (setq e (vlax-ename->vla-object (ssname e 0)))
   (vlax-write-enabled-p e)
   (progn (vla-getboundingbox e 'll 'ur)
   (setq p (mapcar 'vlax-safearray->list (list ll ur)))
   (vlax-invoke e 'move (_mid (car p) (cadr p)) (_mid p1 p2))

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mid between 2 points
the text is not necessarily already near the two points so the crossing ssget wil pick something else or maybe nothing, will need 3 picks text & p1 p2, like your _mid idea with bounding box will use as a library routine.



;; Ronjonp - 03.22.2018 mid pt of two pts
(defun _mid (p1 p2) (polar p1 (angle p1 p2) (/ (distance p1 p2) 2.)))
; modified by Alan H basicly supports any object that can have a bounding box 03.23.2018

(defun c:foo (/ e p p1 p2)
(setq e (vlax-ename->vla-object (car (entsel "pick object"))))
(vla-getboundingbox e 'll 'ur)
(setq p (mapcar 'vlax-safearray->list (list ll ur)))
(setq p1 (getpoint "pick 1st point"))
(setq p2 (getpoint "pick 2nd point"))
(vlax-invoke e 'move (_mid (car p) (cadr p)) (_mid p1 p2))


tested on blocks, *text, objects, lines etc

Edited by BIGAL
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ronjonp the text is not necessarily already near the two points so the crossing ssget wil pick something else or maybe nothing, will need 3 picks text & p1 p2, like your _mid idea with bounding box will use as a library routine.



;; Ronjonp - 03.22.2018 mid pt of two pts
(defun _mid (p1 p2) (polar p1 (angle p1 p2) (/ (distance p1 p2) 2.)))
; modified by Alan H basicly supports any object that can have a bounding box 03.23.2018

(defun c:foo (/ e p p1 p2)
(setq e (vlax-ename->vla-object (car (entsel "pick object"))))
(vla-getboundingbox e 'll 'ur)
(setq p (mapcar 'vlax-safearray->list (list ll ur)))
(setq p1 (getpoint "pick 1st point"))
(setq p2 (getpoint "pick 2nd point"))
(vlax-invoke e 'move (_mid (car p) (cadr p)) (_mid p1 p2))


tested on blocks, *text, objects, lines etc

My code is based on the sample drawing so it should work.

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Ronjonp really the problem could be solved by using a table which is what you have hinted at, the central text is supported in a table. I did not look at sample dwg, but took it on face value move text to a point. I am sure it will be usefull.


Re the numbers in a shape you can get TTF that will do this sort of stuff, I think its dingbats has 0-9 in a circle but I have a TTF that allows for numbers 10+ it makes it as two part text 7+5 = 75


Thinking a bit more re sample dwg, 1 pick maybe all done !


Pick the text do a bpoly this gives corners of text. Only gotcha is text pick point must be inside a rectang. Then do bpoly outside text box -lower left a fraction ?


A start just to se if I could manually get somewhere

(setq ent (entsel))
(setq pt (cadr ent))
(command "bpoly" pt "")
(setq obj1 (vlax-ename->vla-object (entlast)))
(vla-getboundingbox obj1 'll 'ur)
(setq p (mapcar 'vlax-safearray->list (list ll ur)))
(setq p3 (list ( - (car (nth 0 p)) 0.00001) (cadr (nth 0 p))))
(command "bpoly" p3 "")
(setq obj2 (vlax-ename->vla-object (entlast)))
(vla-getboundingbox obj2 'll 'ur)
(setq p2 (mapcar 'vlax-safearray->list (list ll ur)))

Edited by BIGAL
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I'm sure code could be written to cleanup the table in one pick, but I don't have time right now. Plus I still feel that the process of making the table needs to be automated, but that's just me ( I'm SUPER impatient & lazy 8) ).

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... but that's just me ( I'm SUPER impatient & lazy 8) ).


weekend used to be lazy mood :oops:

Thanks nice idea - BIGAL bpoly

hiccups: if more than 2 TEXT entities in one cell, then all overlapped


Try this click at the outer box only..

(defun c:m2cen (/ ss en i lp pl tx p obj box ll rr)
;hanhphuc 23.03.2018 
   (while (not ss)
ss (ssget "_:S:E+."
	  '((0 . "LWPOLYLINE") (-4 . "&=") (70 . 1) (90 . 4))
   (setq lp '((en)(mapcar 'cdr (vl-remove-if ''((x) (/= (car x) 10)) (entget en))))
  en  (ssname ss 0)
  pl (lp en)
   	  tx (ssget "_WP" (mapcar ''((x)(trans x en 1)) pl) '((0 . "*TEXT"))))
   (repeat (setq i (sslength tx))
     (setq obj (vlax-ename->vla-object (ssname tx (setq i (1- i) )))
    p 	(vlax-get obj 'InsertionPoint))
           (if (vlax-property-available-p obj 'AttachmentPoint)
 	(vla-put-AttachmentPoint obj 5)
(setq box (bpoly (trans p 0 1)))
(setq pl (lp box)
	     (mapcar ''((f) (/ (apply '+ (mapcar 'f pl)) (length pl)))
		     (list cadr car)
(entdel box)
  (vla-getboundingbox obj 'll 'ur)
    (apply 'mapcar
	   (cons ''((a b) (* (+ a b) 0.5))
		 (mapcar 'vlax-safearray->list (list ll ur))





p/s: why @OP does not use built-in (command: table) to fill your data?

i prefer activeX addtable method automated is more easy & flexible

Edited by hanhphuc
localize ll rr , extra en
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Hanhpuc your right actually forgot about something I had done already that is find text inside pline so just pick near text this makes a bpoly of the box and allows for the txt to be found using a "C" with two points, again a single pick, this also gets around a problem if the txt is bottom left and sits just over a line. You are correct though about two texts, would need testing.

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