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generate X & Y coordinates into table

The Courage Dog

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I working on urban planning drawings where i work on huge numbers of villas everyday. All the property limit of villas are POLYLINE. I'am taking X & Y coordianteseach of corner of the polyline (villa) one by one & pasting it into table (see the image) ...i know this is a very slow method. Is anybody down there who has the code to make this automatic...i mean by just clicking the POLYLINE & it will automatically gets all the X & Y coordinates (i mean all the corners) & put it automatically on the TABLE.


your help is very much appreciated.




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Give that a try






I try your code & it didn't work. there's an error saying: ; error: AutoCAD.Application: AcRxClassName entry is not in the system registry

what does it mean?

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I’m not sure about the source of the error but I can say, once that issue is sorted out, you will be quite pleased with the performance of the routine. Nice work Fixo.

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I try your code & it didn't work. there's an error saying: ; error: AutoCAD.Application: AcRxClassName entry is not in the system registry

what does it mean?


What the Acad version you uses?

Guess the problem is with 'AutoCAD.AcCmColor' object

Try other helper function instead:

(defun add-table-style (adoc / ;|acmcol|; adoc clsname keyname newstyleobj tbldict tblstylename)
 (setq	tbldict
     (vla-get-database adoc)
 (setq	keyname	     "NewStyle"
clsname    "AcDbTableStyle"
tblstylename "Coordinates" ;change name
 (setq	newstyleobj
 (vlax-invoke tbldict 'Addobject keyname clsname)
 (vlax-put newstyleobj 'TitleSuppressed :vlax-false)
 (vlax-put newstyleobj 'HeaderSuppressed :vlax-false)
;;;  (setq	acmcol (vla-GetInterfaceObject
;;;		 (vlax-get-acad-object)
;;;		 (strcat "AutoCAD.AcCmColor." (itoa (atoi (getvar "acadver"))))
;;;	       )
;;;  )
;;;  (vlax-put acmcol 'Colorindex 24)
 (vlax-put newstyleobj 'Name TblStyleName)
 (vlax-put newstyleobj 'Description "Coordinates Table")
 (vlax-put newstyleobj 'BitFlags 1)
 (vlax-put newstyleobj 'HorzCellMargin 0.06)
 (vlax-put newstyleobj 'VertCellMargin 0.06)

;;;  (vlax-invoke newstyleobj 'SetColor acDataRow acmcol)
 (vlax-invoke newstyleobj
 (vlax-invoke newstyleobj 'SetTextStyle acDataRow "Standard")
;;;  (vlax-invoke newstyleobj 'SetTextHeight acTitleRow 0.25)
 (vlax-invoke newstyleobj 'SetTextHeight acHeaderRow 0.2)
 (vlax-invoke newstyleobj 'SetTextHeight acDataRow 0.18)
 (vlax-invoke newstyleobj 'SetGridVisibility acVertInside acDataRow
 (vlax-invoke newstyleobj
 (vla-update newstyleobj)
;;;  (vlax-release-object acmcol)
 ;| ETC |;



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I’m not sure about the source of the error but I can say, once that issue is sorted out, you will be quite pleased with the performance of the routine. Nice work Fixo.


Thanks for the kind words

Happy computing :)



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> The Courage Dog


I have not forgotten about you. Simply it has borrowed 2 hours of time per quiet conditions. But quiet conditions was not. I feel that on this site is time to take holiday... Another one, text size depends on TEXTSIZE sysem variable (and table dimensions also):


(defun c:tabord(/ aCen cAng cCen cPl cRad cReg
	fDr it lCnt lLst mSp pCen pT1
	pT2 ptLst R tHt tLst vlaPl vlaTab
	vLst cTxt oldCol nPl clFlg *error*)


 (defun Extract_DXF_Values(Ent Code)
   (mapcar 'cdr
     '(lambda(a)(=(car a)Code))
 (entget Ent)))
   ); end of

 (defun *error*(msg)
   (setvar "CMDECHO" 1)
   ); end of *error*

     (setq cPl(entsel "\nSelect LwPoliline > "))
     (= "LWPOLYLINE"(car(Extract_DXF_Values(car cPl)0)))
     ); end and
  (setq vlaPl(vlax-ename->vla-object(car cPl))
	ptLst(mapcar 'append
		       (setq vLst(Extract_DXF_Values(car cPl)10))
		       (mapcar 'list(Extract_DXF_Values(car cPl)42)))
	lLst '("A" "B" "C" "D" "E" "F" "G" "H" "I" "J" "K" "L" "M"
		"N" "O" "P" "Q" "R" "S" "T" "U" "V" "W" "X" "Y" "Z")
	r 2 lCnt 0
	tLst '((1 0 "Point")(1 1 "X")(1 2 "Y")(1 3 "Radius"))
	tHt(getvar "TEXTSIZE")
	    ); end setq
    (setvar "CMDECHO" 0)
    (foreach vert ptLst
      (setq vert(trans vert 0 1)
	    tLst(append tLst
		  (list(list r 0 (nth lCnt lLst))
		  (list r 1(rtos(car vert)2 4))
		  (list r 2(rtos(cadr vert)2 4))
		  (list r 3 ""))))
	   (/= 0.0(last vert))
	    (setq pt1(vlax-curve-GetPointAtParam vlaPl lCnt))
	    (setq pt2(vlax-curve-GetPointAtParam vlaPl(1+ lCnt)))
	   ); end and
	(setq r(1+ r)
	      cRad(abs(/(distance pt1 pt2)
		  2(sin(/(* 4(atan(abs(last vert))))2))))
	      aCen(vlax-curve-GetPointAtParam vlaPl(+ 0.5 lCnt))
	      fDr(vlax-curve-getFirstDeriv vlaPl
		   (vlax-curve-getParamAtPoint vlaPl aCen))
		    (polar aCen(-(if(minusp(last vert)) pi(* 2 pi))
		      (atan(/(car fDr)(cadr fDr))))cRad)0 1)
	      tLst(append tLst(list
		    (list r 0 "center")
		    (list r 1(rtos(car pCen)2 4))
		    (list r 2(rtos(cadr pCen)2 4))
		    (list r 3(rtos cRad 2 4))))
	      ); end setq
	); end if
      (setq r(1+ r) lCnt(1+ lCnt))
      ); end foreach
  (setq vlaTab(vla-AddTable mSp (vlax-3D-point '(0 0 0))
		(+ 1(/(length tLst)4)) 4 (* 3 tHt)(* 18 tHt)))
  (foreach i tLst
    (vl-catch-all-apply 'vla-SetText(cons vlaTab i))
    (vla-SetCellTextHeight vlaTab(car i)(cadr i)tHt)
    (vla-SetCellAlignment vlaTab(car i)(cadr i)acMiddleCenter)
    ); end foreach
  (vla-DeleteRows vlaTab 0 1)
  (princ "\n<<< Place Table >>> ")
  (command "_.copybase" (trans '(0 0 0)0 1)(entlast) "")
  (command "_.erase" (entlast) "")
  (command "_.pasteclip" pause)
  (if(= :vlax-true(vla-get-Closed vlaPl))
     (setq nPl(vla-Copy vlaPl))
     (command "_.region" (entlast) "")
     (setq cCen(vlax-get(setq cReg
      (vla-Delete cReg)
      (setq clFlg T)
     ); end progn
    ); end if
  (setq lCnt 0)
  (foreach v vLst
    (if clFlg
     (setq cAng(angle cCen(trans v 0 1))
           iPt(polar v cAng (* 2 tHt)))
     (setq fDr(vlax-curve-getFirstDeriv vlaPl
		   (vlax-curve-getParamAtPoint vlaPl v))
		(polar v(-(* 2 pi)(atan(/(car fDr)(cadr fDr))))
		       (* 2 tHt))0 1)
	   ); end if
      ); end if
    (setq cTxt(vla-AddText mSp(nth lCnt lLst)
	       (vlax-3d-point iPt) tHt)
	  lCnt(1+ lCnt)
	  ); end setq
    (setq oldCol(getvar "CECOLOR"))
    (setvar "CECOLOR" "1")
    (command "_.circle" v (/ tHt 3))
    (setvar "CECOLOR" oldCol)
    ); end foreach
  (setvar "CMDECHO" 1)
  ); end progn
    (princ "\n<!> It isn't LwPolyline! Quit. <!> ")
   ); end if
   ); end of c:tabord


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you are a real genius, this code is fantastic....this is exactly what i'm lookingfor.....thanks Asmi.


Thanks to you also Mr. Fixo

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Asmi i tried your super powerful code, it works very fine...is it possible to set the height & width of cells & set the text style into ARIAL with 2.5 height & .90 width factor?


your code really help me a lot...




the courage dog

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Of course I can to make it. But... I not so wish to make it as it reduces universality of the program. Probably other users do not wish to use Arial. You can make text style with font Arial and width factor 0.9 and table style with this text style. In this case all will work as you want.


Concerning height and width of cells. It too is possible. At present the height and width depend on current value of variable TEXTSIZE. I can or add inquiries of height and width or to change proportions of dependence from TEXTSIZE. This way seems to me to more correct. Publish one more picture with demanded proportions.


If inquiries of height are necessary and width of cells I also am able to do it. Cell width for every column do you thing? I thing - too many requests :)

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Dear ASMI..the code really great..just to ask how to change the point

to numbering which we dont have a limit

because the method i use will have and limit as shown on below


lLst '("1" "2" "3" "4" "5" "6" "7" "8" "9" "10" "11" "12" "13"

"14" "15" "16" "17" "18" "19" "20" "21" "22" "23" "24" "25" "26" "27" "28" "29" "30" "31" "32")


and i find that if that the label seem to stop when come to 0degree, 90 degree or 180 degree(if the line is not a close line)..


Hope to learn from you, and i will alway keep reading on your

web page www.asmitools.com :)

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> jason tay


Come tomorrow Jason. I have urgent job today and havn't time alternate my code. Thank you for bug catching, I guess it can be 'Divide to 0', I try to fix it tomorrow.

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> The Courage Dog & jason tay


There is new version with some improvements.


'Letters' version for Courage Dog:


(defun c:tabord(/ aCen cAng cCen cPl cRad cReg
	fDr it lCnt lLst mSp pCen pT1
	pT2 ptLst R tHt tLst vlaPl vlaTab
	vLst cTxt oldCol nPl clFlg actDoc
	tPt1 tPt2 cAng tiPt oSnp *error*)


 (defun Extract_DXF_Values(Ent Code)
   (mapcar 'cdr
     '(lambda(a)(=(car a)Code))
 (entget Ent)))
   ); end of

 (defun *error*(msg)
   (setvar "CMDECHO" 1)
   (if oSnp(setvar "OSMODE" oSnp))
   (if mSp(vla-EndUndoMark actDoc))
   ); end of *error*

 (defun Alph_Num(Counter / lLst cRes)
 (setq lLst '("A" "B" "C" "D" "E" "F" "G" "H" "I" "J"
       "K" "L" "M" "N" "O" "P" "Q" "R" "S" "T"
       "U" "V" "W" "X" "Y" "Z"))
 (if(<= 1.0(setq cRes(/ Counter 26.0)))
    (strcat(itoa(fix cRes))
   (nth(- Counter(* 26(fix cRes)))lLst))
    (nth Counter lLst)
   ); end if
 ); end of Alph_Num

     (setq cPl(entsel "\nSelect LwPoliline > "))
     (= "LWPOLYLINE"(car(Extract_DXF_Values(car cPl)0)))
     ); end and
  (princ "\nPlease Wait... \n")
  (setq vlaPl(vlax-ename->vla-object(car cPl))
	ptLst(mapcar 'append
		       (setq vLst(Extract_DXF_Values(car cPl)10))
		       (mapcar 'list(Extract_DXF_Values(car cPl)42)))
	r 2 lCnt 0
	tLst '((1 0 "Point")(1 1 "X")(1 2 "Y")(1 3 "Radius"))
	mSp(vla-get-ModelSpace actDoc)
	tHt(getvar "TEXTSIZE")
	    ); end setq
    (setvar "CMDECHO" 0)
    (setq oSnp(getvar "OSMODE"))
    (vla-StartUndoMark actDoc)
    (foreach vert ptLst
      (setq vert(trans vert 0 1)
	    tLst(append tLst
		  (list(list r 0(Alph_Num lCnt))
		  (list r 1(rtos(car vert)2 4))
		  (list r 2(rtos(cadr vert)2 4))
		  (list r 3 ""))))
	   (/= 0.0(last vert))
	    (setq pt1(vlax-curve-GetPointAtParam vlaPl lCnt))
	    (setq pt2(vlax-curve-GetPointAtParam vlaPl(1+ lCnt)))
	   ); end and
	(setq r(1+ r)
	      cRad(abs(/(distance pt1 pt2)
		  2(sin(/(* 4(atan(abs(last vert))))2))))
	      aCen(vlax-curve-GetPointAtParam vlaPl(+ 0.5 lCnt))
	      fDr(vlax-curve-getFirstDeriv vlaPl
		   (vlax-curve-getParamAtPoint vlaPl aCen))
		    (polar aCen(-(if(minusp(last vert)) pi(* 2 pi))
		      (atan(/(car fDr)(cadr fDr))))cRad)0 1)
	      tLst(append tLst(list
		    (list r 0 "center")
		    (list r 1(rtos(car pCen)2 4))
		    (list r 2(rtos(cadr pCen)2 4))
		    (list r 3(rtos cRad 2 4))))
	      ); end setq
	); end if
      (setq r(1+ r) lCnt(1+ lCnt))
      ); end foreach
  (setq vlaTab(vla-AddTable mSp (vlax-3D-point '(0 0 0))
		(+ 1(/(length tLst)4)) 4 (* 3 tHt)(* 20 tHt)))
  (foreach i tLst
    (vl-catch-all-apply 'vla-SetText(cons vlaTab i))  
    (vla-SetCellTextHeight vlaTab(car i)(cadr i)tHt)
    (vla-SetCellAlignment vlaTab(car i)(cadr i)acMiddleCenter)
    ); end foreach
  (vla-put-VertCellMargin vlaTab (* 0.75 tHt))
  (vla-put-Height vlaTab(* 1.75(/(length tLst)4)))
  (vla-SetColumnWidth vlaTab 0 (* 10 tHt))
  (vla-SetColumnWidth vlaTab 3 (* 12 tHt))
  (vla-put-RepeatTopLabels vlaTab :vlax-true)
  (vla-put-BreakSpacing vlaTab (* 3 tHt))
  (vla-DeleteRows  vlaTab 0 1)
  (princ "\n<<< Place Table >>> ")
  (command "_.copybase" (trans '(0 0 0)0 1)(entlast) "")
  (command "_.erase" (entlast) "")
  (command "_.pasteclip" pause)
  (if(= :vlax-true(vla-get-Closed vlaPl))
     (setq nPl(vla-Copy vlaPl))
     (command "_.region" (entlast) "")
     (setq cCen(vlax-get(setq cReg
      (vla-Delete cReg)
      (setq clFlg T)
     ); end progn
    ); end if
  (setq lCnt 0)
  (foreach v vLst
    (if clFlg
      (setq cAng(angle cCen(trans v 0 1))
            iPt(polar v cAng (* 2 tHt)))
      (setq tPt1(vlax-curve-GetPointAtParam vlaPl
		  (- lCnt 0.0000001))
	    tPt2(vlax-curve-GetPointAtParam vlaPl
		  (+ lCnt 0.0000001))
	    iPt(polar v(+(* pi 0.5)(if(minusp
		(setq cAng(angle tPt1(if tPt2 tPt2
		   (polar tPt1(* 0.5 pi)0.0000001)))))
		cAng(- cAng)))(* 2 tHt))
	    ); end setq
      ); end if
    (setvar "OSMODE" 0)
    (setq cTxt(vla-AddText mSp(Alph_Num lCnt)
	       (vlax-3d-point iPt) tHt)
	  tiPt(vla-get-InsertionPoint cTxt)
	  lCnt(1+ lCnt)
	  ); end setq
    (vla-put-Alignment cTxt 10)
    (vla-put-TextAlignmentPoint cTxt tiPt)
    (setq oldCol(getvar "CECOLOR"))
    (setvar "CECOLOR" "1")
    (command "_.circle" v (/ tHt 3))
    (setvar "CECOLOR" oldCol)
    ); end foreach
  (setvar "OSMODE" oSnp)
  (setvar "CMDECHO" 1)
  (vla-EndUndoMark actDoc)
  ); end progn
    (princ "\n<!> It isn't LwPolyline! Quit. <!> ")
   ); end if
   ); end of c:tabord


'Number' version for jason tay:


(defun c:tabord2(/ aCen cAng cCen cPl cRad cReg
	fDr it lCnt lLst mSp pCen pT1
	pT2 ptLst R tHt tLst vlaPl vlaTab
	vLst cTxt oldCol nPl clFlg actDoc
	tPt1 tPt2 cAng tiPt oSnp *error*)


 (defun Extract_DXF_Values(Ent Code)
   (mapcar 'cdr
     '(lambda(a)(=(car a)Code))
 (entget Ent)))
   ); end of

   (defun *error*(msg)
     (setvar "CMDECHO" 1)
     (if oSnp(setvar "OSMODE" oSnp))
     (if mSp(vla-EndUndoMark actDoc))
   ); end of *error*

     (setq cPl(entsel "\nSelect LwPoliline > "))
     (= "LWPOLYLINE"(car(Extract_DXF_Values(car cPl)0)))
     ); end and
  (princ "\nPlease Wait... \n")
  (setq vlaPl(vlax-ename->vla-object(car cPl))
	ptLst(mapcar 'append
		       (setq vLst(Extract_DXF_Values(car cPl)10))
		       (mapcar 'list(Extract_DXF_Values(car cPl)42)))
	r 2 lCnt 0
	tLst '((1 0 "Point")(1 1 "X")(1 2 "Y")(1 3 "Radius"))
	mSp(vla-get-ModelSpace actDoc)
	tHt(getvar "TEXTSIZE")
	    ); end setq
    (vla-StartUndoMark actDoc)
    (setvar "CMDECHO" 0)
    (setq oSnp(getvar "OSMODE"))
    (foreach vert ptLst
      (setq vert(trans vert 0 1)
	    tLst(append tLst
		  (list(list r 0(itoa(1+ lCnt)))
		  (list r 1(rtos(car vert)2 4))
		  (list r 2(rtos(cadr vert)2 4))
		  (list r 3 ""))))
	   (/= 0.0(last vert))
	    (setq pt1(vlax-curve-GetPointAtParam vlaPl lCnt))
	    (setq pt2(vlax-curve-GetPointAtParam vlaPl(1+ lCnt)))
	   ); end and
	(setq r(1+ r)
	      cRad(abs(/(distance pt1 pt2)
		  2(sin(/(* 4(atan(abs(last vert))))2))))
	      aCen(vlax-curve-GetPointAtParam vlaPl(+ 0.5 lCnt))
	      fDr(vlax-curve-getFirstDeriv vlaPl
		   (vlax-curve-getParamAtPoint vlaPl aCen))
		    (polar aCen(-(if(minusp(last vert)) pi(* 2 pi))
		      (atan(/(car fDr)(cadr fDr))))cRad)0 1)
	      tLst(append tLst(list
		    (list r 0 "center")
		    (list r 1(rtos(car pCen)2 4))
		    (list r 2(rtos(cadr pCen)2 4))
		    (list r 3(rtos cRad 2 4))))
	      ); end setq
	); end if
      (setq r(1+ r) lCnt(1+ lCnt))
      ); end foreach
  (setq vlaTab(vla-AddTable mSp (vlax-3D-point '(0 0 0))
		(+ 1(/(length tLst)4)) 4 (* 3 tHt)(* 20 tHt)))
  (foreach i tLst
    (vl-catch-all-apply 'vla-SetText(cons vlaTab i))  
    (vla-SetCellTextHeight vlaTab(car i)(cadr i)tHt)
    (vla-SetCellAlignment vlaTab(car i)(cadr i)acMiddleCenter)
    ); end foreach
  (vla-put-VertCellMargin vlaTab (* 0.75 tHt))
  (vla-put-Height vlaTab(* 1.75(/(length tLst)4)))
  (vla-SetColumnWidth vlaTab 0 (* 10 tHt))
  (vla-SetColumnWidth vlaTab 3 (* 12 tHt))
  (vla-put-RepeatTopLabels vlaTab :vlax-true)
  (vla-put-BreakSpacing vlaTab (* 3 tHt))
  (vla-DeleteRows  vlaTab 0 1)
  (princ "\n<<< Place Table >>> ")
  (command "_.copybase" (trans '(0 0 0)0 1)(entlast) "")
  (command "_.erase" (entlast) "")
  (command "_.pasteclip" pause)
  (if(= :vlax-true(vla-get-Closed vlaPl))
     (setq nPl(vla-Copy vlaPl))
     (command "_.region" (entlast) "")
     (setq cCen(vlax-get(setq cReg
      (vla-Delete cReg)
      (setq clFlg T)
     ); end progn
    ); end if
  (setq lCnt 0)
  (foreach v vLst
    (if clFlg
      (setq cAng(angle cCen(trans v 0 1))
            iPt(polar v cAng (* 2 tHt)))
      (setq tPt1(vlax-curve-GetPointAtParam vlaPl
		  (- lCnt 0.0000001))
	    tPt2(vlax-curve-GetPointAtParam vlaPl
		  (+ lCnt 0.0000001))
	    iPt(polar v(+(* pi 0.5)(if(minusp
		(setq cAng(angle tPt1(if tPt2 tPt2
		   (polar tPt1(* 0.5 pi)0.0000001)))))
		cAng(- cAng)))(* 2 tHt))
	    ); end setq
      ); end if
    (setvar "OSMODE" 0)
    (setq cTxt(vla-AddText mSp(itoa(1+ lCnt))
	       (vlax-3d-point iPt) tHt)
	  tiPt(vla-get-InsertionPoint cTxt)
	  lCnt(1+ lCnt)
	  ); end setq
    (vla-put-Alignment cTxt 10)
    (vla-put-TextAlignmentPoint cTxt tiPt)
    (setq oldCol(getvar "CECOLOR"))
    (setvar "CECOLOR" "1")
    (command "_.circle" v (/ tHt 3))
    (setvar "CECOLOR" oldCol)
    ); end foreach
  (setvar "OSMODE" oSnp)
  (setvar "CMDECHO" 1)
  (vla-EndUndoMark actDoc)
  ); end progn
    (princ "\n<!> It isn't LwPolyline! Quit. <!> ")
   ); end if
   ); end of c:tabord2

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A very useful routine, thank you ASMI. :D:thumbsup::D


I have been trying out the "number" version, and I noticed a couple of differences from the original. The table goes to 0,0 instead of being able to pick the position, and no circles and numbers are drawn by each vertex.


Two insignificant bugs, but I can't spot what code makes it different.

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I am confused, I can't get it to work as it was :cry:


I am using 2005, so it might be a version difference.


ASMI, could you please put a header in your programmes with your name and the date and time of the latest version? Then in years to come, we can remember the author of these very useful routines. Thank you :D

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