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Cut and Fill w/ assemblies


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I am having a difficult time applying a basic 3:1 cut/fill slope end treatment. I have a minimum requirement of 0.3m ditch depth from the subbase shoulder extension.


To date I have just drawn my road cross-section and traced it with a polyline to develop my road structure subassembly. Now I need to apply the ditching criteria and I'm stuck! The predeveloped subassemblies are confusing.


Once again, please help.

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I've read up. I understand building a cross-section model through subassemblies. I cannot map the damn corridor. I continually get errors like: ("Value on wrong side of alignment or profile

Width alignment", "No sideslope intersect found",etc.). I have been at this for hours......... Why can't I build ANY assembly, pick my proposed alignment/profile and run the program. Whats with these target parameters? Wow, Inroads software is so much easier! This is the pits.


If anyone can help, it'd be greatly appreciated. As you can tell, I'm extremely frustrated here

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I would strongly suggest visiting the vertical > land lubber forum over at theswamp.org for help in this department as there are guys and gals there who are much more experienced with complex corridors.

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Not sure but your errors sound like your model is not wide enough, the no intersect is normally a give away that it can not calculate a batter intercept if this is the case add some dummy 3D points then it should work.

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