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Revcloud Macro

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Im not sure if there's a direct macro for that (but please correct me if im wrong). perhaps a LISP could be better. try to start a thread in the LISP section on this topic, those guys are goooood with this things :D

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iam sorry i forget explain what i mean i need rectangular revcloud macro.

sorry again


I have two lisp you might like.


First one:


1. Make Rev Triangle Layer

2. Make RevCloud Layer

3. Draw Rectangle

4. Make the Rectangle into a reccloud. (The Arc is predetermined by the dimscale)

5. Make the revcloud thicker with pedit

6. Insert the revtriangle

7. Edit the triangles text inside


(defun c:rev1 ()                                                                
 (command "_.layer" "m" "RevT1" "c" "145" "" "")                               
 (command "_.layer" "m" "Revcloud1" "c" "2" "" "") ; Make layer & sets Current 
 (COMMAND "_.REVCLOUD" "_a" (* 0.35 (getvar "DIMSCALE")) "" "_o" "L" "_N")                                              
 (command "_pedit" "l" "w" (* (getvar "dimscale") 0.015) "")                   
 (command "_.layer" "s" "Revt1" "") ;; Make layer Revt1 Current                
 ;; Insert Revtri Block.                                                       
 (command "_INSERT" "RevTri" "s" (getvar "dimscale") pause "0")                
 (command "_attedit" "n" "y" "" "" "" "l" "1" "1")                             




Second one:


It is the same as above but it lets you make a revcloud out of a pline.


(defun c:rev1 () 
(command "_.layer" "m" "RevT1" "c" "145" "" "") 
(command "_.layer" "m" "Revcloud1" "c" "2" "" "") ; Make layer & sets Current 
(c:plev) ;; call the routine 
(command "_pedit" "l" "w" (* (getvar "dimscale") 0.015) "") 
(command "_.layer" "s" "Revt1" "") ;; Make layer Revt1 Current 
;; Insert Revtri Block. 
(command "_INSERT" "RevTri" "s" (getvar "dimscale") pause "0") 
(command "_attedit" "n" "y" "" "" "" "l" "1" "1") 

(defun c:plev (/ lOb nPl) 
(setq lOb (entlast)) 
(command "_.pline") 
(while (/= 0 (getvar "CMDACTIVE")) (command pause)) ; end while 
(if (not (equal c (setq nPl (entlast)))) 
(command "_.revcloud" "_a" (* 0.35 (getvar "DIMSCALE")) "" "_o" nPl "_n") 
) ; end if 
) ; end of c:plev


Hope you like. If you have any questions feel free to ask.

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  • 2 weeks later...

i have a question plz :D


i was just working on my own code

tho im having problems with the after math of the cloud, im useing pause, for the user to either select a rentanlge or pline or by doing by hand

which workings fine

but then it dosnt listen to the next bit of code where it inserts the revtriangle


(defun c:rrc ()
(setvar "cmdecho" 0)
(setq sc (getvar "dimscale"))
;(setq oldlayer (getvar "layer"))  
(command ".layer" "m" "REV" "c" "white" "REV"\)

(setq DNO (getvar "dwgname"))
(princ dnO)
(SETQ FL2 (- FL 4))
(setq ard (* 5 sc))
;Draws the revcloud
(command "revcloud" "ar" ard ard pause)
;added triangle
(setq tl (getpoint "\nInsertion point for revision triangle: "))
(command "-INSERT" "REVMARK" tl sc sc 0 rn)
;(COMMAND "CLAYER" oldlayer)
(setvar "cmdecho" 1)

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