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How to retrive 3D coordinate information of any object from AutoCAD VBA


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Does any one knows how to retrive 3D coordinate information of any object from AutoCAD VBA.


Please watch following program in AutoCAD VBA:unsure:



Dim entity As AcadEntity,my3Dobj As Acad3DSolid


For Each entity In ThisDrawing.ModelSpace

MsgBox "entity.ObjectName = " & entity.ObjectName

If LCase(entity.ObjectName) = "acdb3dsolid" Then

MsgBox "found solid"

Set my3Dobj = entity


'my3Dobj.( I don't understand which method will show XYZ 'coordinates of my3Dobj object. Please help me :(


my3Dobj = Nothing

End If





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As you may have already determined, VBA has limited access to the information stored within an Acad3dSolid. There are a few methods traditionally employed to deal with this situation but they generally require quite a bit of custom code.


What exactly are you trying to find out about the Solid?

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Thanks SEANT for comment,:shock:


Can you pass information about custom code which can retrive coordinates of 3D lines and save it in an array. I had search it in google but can not found any help.:(

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Here’s a fairly basic routine to select some lines and store the endpoints into an array. The routine will print the endpoints to a Message Box.


Option Explicit

Sub Lines2Points()
Dim intCode(0) As Integer
Dim varData(0) As Variant
Dim entLine As AcadLine
Dim intLineQuantity As Integer
Dim arrLineCoords() As Variant
Dim i As Integer
Dim strMsg As String

intCode(0) = 0
varData(0) = "LINE"
intLineQuantity = (SoSSS(intCode, varData) * 2) - 1
If intLineQuantity > -1 Then
  ReDim arrLineCoords(intLineQuantity)
  For Each entLine In ThisDrawing.SelectionSets.Item("TempSSet")
     arrLineCoords(i) = entLine.StartPoint
     arrLineCoords(i + 1) = entLine.EndPoint
     i = i + 2
  For i = 0 To intLineQuantity Step 2
        strMsg = strMsg & "Start: " & PointToString(arrLineCoords(i)) _
           & "  --  End: " & PointToString(arrLineCoords(i + 1)) & vbCr
  MsgBox strMsg
End If
End Sub

Function SoSSS(Optional grpCode As Variant, Optional dataVal As Variant) As Integer
Dim objSSs As AcadSelectionSets
Dim objTempSS As AcadSelectionSet
Set objSSs = ThisDrawing.SelectionSets
For Each objTempSS In objSSs
  If objTempSS.Name = "TempSSet" Then
     Exit For
  End If
  Set objTempSS = ThisDrawing.SelectionSets.Add("TempSSet")
        'pick selection set
  If IsMissing(grpCode) Then
     objTempSS.SelectOnScreen grpCode, dataVal
  End If
  SoSSS = objTempSS.Count
End Function

Public Function PointToString(varPt As Variant) As String
Dim retVal As String, i As Long
  For i = LBound(varPt) To UBound(varPt)
      varPt(i) = Round(varPt(i), 2)
      retVal = retVal & CStr(varPt(i)) & ","
  PointToString = Left(retVal, Len(retVal) - 1)
End Function

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