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Add revcloud + another command


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Hi all

I've been trying to create a lisp with the revcloud command.Everything prior to this command works,but once it gets to revcloud the lisp will terminate after the cloud is drawn.I need to add one more command to reset the ucs to world.I would like to use the acad command and not a home built.

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Try putting this after the revcloud command and before the UCS

(while (> (getvar 'CmdActive) 0) (command pause))

BTW... it would be easier to debug code if you actually posted it.

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Not sure if this is of any use? :




   .: Revision Marker :.

   .: by Lee McDonnell:.

    .: December 2008 :.

        SYNTAX: REV



(defun c:rev () (c:RevisionMarker)) ; Program Shortcut

(defun Laymake ()
   (if    (not (tblsearch "layer" "REV"))
       (command "-layer" "m" "REV" "c" "2" "REV" "")
       (princ "\nCreating Revision Layer: ")
   ) ;_  end progn
   (setvar "clayer" "REV")
   ) ;_  end if
) ;_  end defun

(defun c:RevisionMarker    (/ *error* varLst oldVars revpt pt1 txt txtpt)

 ; --- Error Trap ---

   (defun *error* (msg)
   (mapcar 'setvar varLst oldVars)
   (if (= msg "")
       (princ "\nFunction Complete.")
       (princ "\nError or Esc pressed... ")
   ) ;_  end if
   ) ;_  end defun

 ; --- Error Trap ---

   (or (getenv "Rev:Side") (setenv "Rev:Side" "6"))
   (or (getenv "Rev:Text") (setenv "Rev:Text" "2.5"))
   (or (getenv "Rev:Amin") (setenv "Rev:Amin" "2"))
   (or (getenv "Rev:Amax") (setenv "Rev:Amax" "2"))
       "\nType \"RevSet\" to set Base Variables - Current Settings: \nSide Length: "
       (getenv "Rev:Side")
       ", Text Height: "
       (getenv "Rev:Text")
       ", Arc Length Min: "
       (getenv "Rev:Amin")
       ", Arc Length Max: "
       (getenv "Rev:Amax")
   ) ;_  end strcat
   ) ;_  end princ
   (setq varLst  (list "CMDECHO" "CLAYER" "BLIPMODE" "OSMODE")
     oldVars (mapcar 'getvar varLst)
   ) ;_  end setq
   (setvar "cmdecho" 0)
   (setvar "blipmode" 0)
   (command "_revcloud"
        (atof (getenv "Rev:Amin"))
        (atof (getenv "Rev:Amax"))
   ) ;_  end command
   (while (> (getvar "CmdActive") 0) (command pause))
   (setvar "osmode" 0)
   (and (/= (setq
           (getpoint "\nSelect Point for Rev Triangle: "
           ) ;_  end getpoint
        ) ;_  end setq
        ) ;_  end /=
        (/= (setq
            txt (getstring
                "\nSpecify Text for Rev Triangle: "
            ) ;_  end getstring
        ) ;_  end setq
        ) ;_  end /=
   ) ;_  end and
          (setq txt (strcase txt))
          (polar pt1
             (/ (* -1 pi) 3)
             (atof (getenv "Rev:Side"))
          ) ;_  end polar
          (polar pt1
             (/ (* -2 pi) 3)
             (atof (getenv "Rev:Side"))
          ) ;_  end polar
          ) ;_  end command
          (setq txtpt
               (/ (* pi 3) 2)
               (/ (/ (atof (getenv "Rev:Side")) 2)
                  (cos (/ pi 6))
               ) ;_  end /
           ) ;_  end polar
          ) ;_  end setq
          (list '(0 . "TEXT")
            '(8 . "REV")
            (cons 10 txtpt)
            (cons 40 (atof (getenv "Rev:Text")))
            (cons 1 txt)
            '(50 . 0.0)
            '(7 . "STANDARD")
            '(71 . 0)
            '(72 . 1)
            '(73 . 2)
            (cons 11 txtpt)
          ) ; end list
          ) ; end entmake
      ) ;_  end progn
   ) ;_  end if
   (*error* "")
) ;_  end defun

(defun c:RevSet    (/ side text amin amax)
   (or (getenv "Rev:Side") (setenv "Rev:Side" "6"))
   (or (getenv "Rev:Text") (setenv "Rev:Text" "2.5"))
   (or (getenv "Rev:Amin") (setenv "Rev:Amin" "2"))
   (or (getenv "Rev:Amax") (setenv "Rev:Amax" "2"))
   (princ (strcat "\nCurrent Settings: \nSide Length: "
          (getenv "Rev:Side")
          ", Text Height: "
          (getenv "Rev:Text")
          ", Arc Length Min: "
          (getenv "Rev:Amin")
          ", Arc Length Max: "
          (getenv "Rev:Amax")
      ) ;_  end strcat
   ) ;_  end princ
   (if    (setq side (getreal (strcat "\nSpecify Side Length <"
                   (getenv "Rev:Side")
                   "> : "
               ) ;_  end strcat
          ) ;_  end getreal
   ) ;_  end setq
   (setenv "Rev:Side" (rtos side))
   ) ;_  end if
   (if    (setq text (getreal (strcat "\nSpecify Text Height <"
                   (getenv "Rev:Text")
                   "> : "
               ) ;_  end strcat
          ) ;_  end getreal
   ) ;_  end setq
   (setenv "Rev:Text" (rtos text))
   ) ;_  end if
   (if    (setq amin (getreal (strcat "\nSpecify Min Arc Length <"
                   (getenv "Rev:Amin")
                   "> : "
               ) ;_  end strcat
          ) ;_  end getreal
   ) ;_  end setq
   (setenv "Rev:Amin" (rtos amin))
   ) ;_  end if
   (if    (setq amax (getreal (strcat "\nSpecify Max Arc Length <"
                   (getenv "Rev:Amax")
                   "> : "
               ) ;_  end strcat
          ) ;_  end getreal
   ) ;_  end setq
   (setenv "Rev:Amax" (rtos amax))
   ) ;_  end if
   (princ "\nBase Variables Set. ")
) ;_  end defun

   "\nRevision Marker by Lee Mac Loaded. Type \"REV\" to Invoke."
) ;_  end princ

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