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offset to layer


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Hey all,


does anybody know of lisp that can offset to the current layer, or layer of choice?


thanks in advance!

I believe the OFFSET command already does this.


Command: offset

Specify offset distance or [Through/Erase/Layer]

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YEP, and here's one from another thread:


;Offset to current layer...excellent program.
(SetQ LAYER (GetVar "CLayer")
       ECHO (GetVar "CmdEcho"))
(SetVar "CmdEcho" 0)
  (SetQ TEMP (GetString (StrCat 
   "\nDestination layer? <"LAYER">:")))
   ((Eq TEMP "") Nil)
   ((TblSearch "LAYER" TEMP) (SetQ 
    LAYER TEMP) Nil)
   (T (PrinC "\nLayer not found."))
(InitGet (+ 2 4) "Through")
(SetQ TEMP (GetDist (StrCat
 "\nOffset distance or Through <"
 (If DIST (RToS DIST) "Through")
 ">: ")))
 ((Eq TEMP "Through") (SetQ DIST Nil))
(SetQ TEMP (If DIST "\nSide to offset?" 
 "\nThrough point: "))
  (SetQ ENTITY (EntSel 
   "\nSelect object to offset: "))
  (SetQ PT (GetPoint TEMP))
 (Command ".OFFSET" (If DIST DIST "T") 
 (SetQ ENTITY (EntLast) 
       ENTITY (EntGet ENTITY)
       ENTITY (SubSt (Cons 8 LAYER) 
           (Assoc 8 ENTITY) ENTITY))
 (EntMod ENTITY)
(SetVar "CmdEcho" ECHO)

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  • 4 years later...
Is there a way to offset an object to the source layer, but change the original object to a different layer, all in the same motion?


Is this at all possible?


I like the code that GhostRider suggest and I've been tweaking it to attempt these results, but I'm no programmer, so it's not surprising I've had no luck.

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Here is a very simple example:

(defun c:myoffset ( / ent off )
           (setq ent (car (entsel "\nSelect object to offset: ")))
           (setq off (getdist "\nSpecify offset distance: "))
       (if (vl-cmdf "_.offset" "_L" "_S" off ent "\\" "")
           (entmod (subst '(8 . "YourLayerHere") (assoc 8 (setq ent (entget ent))) ent))

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Here is a very simple example:

(defun c:myoffset ( / ent off )
(setq ent (car (entsel "\nSelect object to offset: ")))
(setq off (getdist "\nSpecify offset distance: "))
(if (vl-cmdf "_.offset" "_L" "_S" off ent "\\" "")
(entmod (subst '(8 . "YourLayerHere") (assoc 8 (setq ent (entget ent))) ent))


Excellent! Worked perfectly!


Thank you Lee Mac!

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Excellent! Worked perfectly!


Thank you Lee Mac!


You're welcome!


can be pick object to get its layer and set it for offset layer


Here is a very simple program, assuming I have understood your intention:

(defun c:myoffset ( / ent lay old )
   (if (setq ent (car (entsel "\nPick object for offset layer: ")))
           (setq lay (cdr (assoc 8 (entget ent)))
                 old (getvar 'clayer)
           (vl-cmdf "_.-layer" "_T" lay "_S" lay "" "_.offset" "_L" "_C")
           (while (= 1 (logand 1 (getvar 'cmdactive))) (vl-cmdf "\\"))
           (setvar 'clayer old)

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lee for reply but what i mean is the same lisp you have wrot it befor but instead of typing layer in the code to pick known object for me and get its layer and make the offset object move to the same layer of object i have picked

sequence of commands

pick object for offset

-enter offset value

-pick object to get its layer

loop here

-offset done to the picked layer

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lee for reply but what i mean is the same lisp you have wrot it befor but instead of typing layer in the code to pick known object for me and get its layer and make the offset object move to the same layer of object i have picked


Just use the OFFSET > LAYER > SOURCE option of the offset command?

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Excellent! Worked perfectly!


Thank you Lee Mac!


I do have a tweak if possible, can you change it to prompt the offset first, then the object?

And maintain the ability to choose additional objects after offsetting the first? Similar to the natural function of the offset command.

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