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text height


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I dimensioned my drawing with different text height...oncle i plotted it looking ugly with different text heights..could any one help me how to

change all text to one heights..


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I'm just throwing this idea out there for others to comment on.


Could the OP use QSELECT > Object type: Text > Properties: Height then select all the dimensions where the height of the text needs to be adjusted?

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there is somethig missing here. If you dimension using the available tools, the height should remain constant for each style. I'm wondering if it has had dimensions added or lines, arrows and text. Until we know HOW it was dimensioned we don't know what to suggest.

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Not sure if this is of any use, wrote it a while back:



   .: Automatic Dimension Updater :.

    .: Function Syntax : DIMUPD :.

        .: by Lee McDonnell :.

  (With credit to Wizman & ASMI for help and coding).


(defun GetLayerList ()
   (vlax-for l 
       (setq oLst
           (cons (vla-get-Name l) oLst)
       ) ; end setq
   ); end vlax-for
     (reverse oLst)
); end of GetLayerList

(defun c:dimupd    (/ oldcmd oldlay laylist ss1)

   (setq oldcmd (getvar "cmdecho"))
   (setq oldlay (getvar "clayer"))
   (setvar "cmdecho" 0)
   (if (tblsearch "dimstyle" "standard")
           (if    (not (tblsearch "layer" "DIM"))
               (command "-layer" "m" "DIM" "c" "2" "DIM" "")
            ) ; end if
           (command "-dimstyle" "restore" "standard")
           (foreach lay oLst
               (if (setq ss1 (ssget "x" (list (cons 0 "dimension") (cons 8 lay))))
                       (command "._change" ss1 "" "p" "layer" "DIM" "")
                       (command "-dimstyle" "apply" ss1 "")
                   ) ; end progn
               ) ;  end if
           ) ; end foreach
       ) ; end progn
       (alert "\nStandard Dimstyle Does not Exist.")
   ) ; end if
   (setvar "clayer" oldlay)
   (setvar "cmdecho" oldcmd)
) ; end defun


Just throwing it in there :thumbsup:

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I would create a new dim style that was what i wanted the font and text height to be then change all the dims to that style.



Nice idea - create the new dimstyle.


If you sub that dimstyle name into my LISP, - it will automatically update all the dims. :thumbsup:


Although this may already be an option on '06

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I have a related question.

I can't change my text height at all. When I change it the new height shows in the properties box, but nothing has changed in the dwg. The Text style Standard, set to height 0. The dim style being used is Standard. I've double checked everything I can think of. Any ideas why this is happening?

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have you messed with the scale under dim style by any chance. And when creating new you should try to make new but make it a copy of standard. just so you always have some thing to go back to.

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OK, got my problem solved, thanks anyway.

Made a new dim style, etc. etc. Shouldn't have had to do it, and it doesn't fit with the client standards (different dim style name).

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I didn't think an input of text height "0" was a valid input?


If '0' is set in text style, the text height set in dimension style over-rides, and is constant and constantly scaled. If greater than '0' set in text style then that size over-rides. Can lead to some strange anomalies.

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If '0' is set in text style, the text height set in dimension over-rides, and is constant and constantly scaled. If greater than '0' set in text style then that size over-rides. Can lead to some strange anomalies.


Ahh, thank you for the clarification Merdrignac - you learn something new everyday :)

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