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Lisp to create custom shape


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Hi there! Hope someone can help me.


I have to create multiple simple shapes from given data. Its easy to do manually but very annoying.


We are provided information by the railroads to show a "clearance window" that rail loads can pass through. This window reflects obstructions along the rail route.


The data given is a height above the rail, and a width at the given height.


My process at the moment is to choose a base point, draw a vertical line to the given height, then another line horizontally at the given width. I then pull the line over by the center grip to the top of the vertical line.


I repeat this until all the lines are in place, then link the end points with a polyline (from the base point) (See attachment)


I then delete the interior horizontal and vertical lines.


This leaves me with an outline I can place over the end elevation of the railcar and it's load.


The data is given in the following format (ATR means Above Track):


16 ft. 11 in. atr 08 ft. 02 in. wide

16 ft. 08 in. atr 09 ft. 02 in. wide

16 ft. 07 in. atr 11 ft. 08 in. wide

16 ft. 02 in. atr 12 ft. 02 in. wide

14 ft. 04 in. atr 12 ft. 06 in. wide

05 ft. 04 in. atr 12 ft. 06 in. wide

05 ft. 03 in. atr 12 ft. 00 in. wide

04 ft. 01 in. atr 12 ft. 00 in. wide

03 ft. 05 in. atr 11 ft. 06 in. wide

03 ft. 04 in. atr 10 ft. 02 in. wide

02 ft. 05 in. atr 10 ft. 01 in. wide



Is it possible to create a lisp routine that will ask for these numbers and produce the polyline?



Thanks in advance!

Clearance Window.pdf

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I don't understand what you exactly need

Perhaps this routine will helps

(defun C:shw  (/ data fdesc fname lastp pline points tmp)
 (setq fname (getfiled "Select data file:" "C:\\" "txt;csv;dat" 4))
 (setq fdesc (open fname "r"))
 (while (setq tmp (read-line fdesc))
   (setq data (cons tmp data))
 (close fdesc)
 (princ data)
 (if data
     (setq data (mapcar (function (lambda (x) (vl-string-subst "," "atr" x)))
		 (reverse data)))

     (setq points
     (mapcar (function
	       (lambda (x)

		 (setq lastp (substr x (+ 4 (vl-string-search " ," x))))
		   (+ (atof x)
		      (/ (atof (substr x
				       (+ (vl-string-search " ft." x) 5)
				       (+ 3 (vl-string-search " in. " (car data)))))

		   (+ (atof lastp)
		      (/ (atof (substr lastp
				       (+ (vl-string-search " ft." lastp) 5)
				       (+ 3 (vl-string-search " in. " lastp))))
     (setvar "osmode" 0)
     (command "._pline")
     (mapcar 'command points)
     (command "")
     (setq pline (entlast))
     (command "._zoom" "_OB" pline "")
     (command "._zoom" ".6x")
     (alert "Pick two mirror points, use snap")
     (command ".mirror" pline "" pause pause "_n")
     (setq mirr (entlast))
     (alert "Pick two line points to close contour, use snap")
     (command "._line" pause pause "")
     (setq line (entlast))
     (command "._pedit" "_M" pline mirr line "" "J" "" "")

     (command "._regen")
   (alert "Something wrong")
(princ "Type SHW to execute")



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That's pretty amazing code, thanks.


What I basically need it to do is to create the red outline in the attached PDF.


The numbers are widths at certain heights (Black lines). The polyline (red) is drawn afterwards to connect the end points of each line; this creates an outline joined to a base point.


The basepoint would be 0 height and 0 width.


I ran your routine, and it created a shape. The problem is I cannot choose a mirror point. The code could choose the base point automatically. Also, the first dimension came it at 4" instead of 10'-1"


Also, the outline is on its side.


I hope you understand what I'm looking for. You've been a great help so far, thanks!

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Oh, yes, it's happens by my stupidity,

but I don't understand at all

Can you create some scratch where you will be

draw all of points in order how they was written

in the text file according to its position?

In other words, what are means every line of

text file data?

Sorry for my bad English :)



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