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Re-sizing an Array


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So, I understand how to re-size an array and have even done it; but I have this case (attached), where I cannot seem to re-size the array. I basically have a dynamic array that I can re-size once, by removing the first item (zero item); but I then want to re-size this array again to get rid of the empty strings. However, I have tried every possible option I know of and I cannot seem to get it. I have even tried, just for kicks to stick actually numbers in there (as opposed to calculated values) and I still have no luck.


The two methods I have tried is hard coding in the following:

ReDim intFirstBlank As Integer


I then tried to do a loop of a procedure, designed to remove items from arrays and what I used to re-size the array at the first time.


Could someone take a look at it?


I am especially confused at why I can re-size it once; but not again.





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Try to change the next part of code, e.g.:


  Do While (UBound(MyArray) >= intFirstBlank)
  ArrayRemoveItem MyArray, UBound(MyArray)
  ReDim Preserve MyArray(0 To UBound(MyArray) - 1)


Not tested though



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too much code to sift thru at the moment, but several places id start: 1) Dimming a dynamic array as a constant 2)passing a real array off to a sub as a safearray 3) using the undimmed "File" variable to step thru the results of the reduced array 4) seeding a list box with one huge string rather than adding individual items 5) dimming the array with an LBOUND of 0, but seeding the listbox with only item 1 of the array.


Some quick code for removal of array items:

'- snip-----------snip-----------

Sub main()

Dim maxarray As Long: maxarray = 5

ReDim MyArray(0 To maxarray)

Debug.Print "Seeding array"

For i% = LBound(MyArray) To UBound(MyArray)

MyArray(i%) = String$(i% + 1, Chr$(65 + i%))

Debug.Print i%, MyArray(i%)

Next i%



For j% = 1 To 3

Debug.Print "Erasing first array item"

' erase item 0

For i% = LBound(MyArray) To UBound(MyArray) - 1

MyArray(i%) = MyArray(i% + 1)

Debug.Print i%, MyArray(i%)

Next i%

maxarray = maxarray - 1

ReDim Preserve MyArray(0 To maxarray)

Next j%


End Sub

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