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run lisp on file


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Hi everyone,

I'm intersted in runing a lisp on a file that is closed, is this possible . can i also run a lisp on 2 drawings at a time ?

:lol: seems scrpit file is best used in this situation

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(defun dlfoot ()
(setvar "cmdecho" 0)
(setq pt1 (getvar "limmin"))
(setq pt2 (getvar "limmax"))
(setq ss1 (ssget "w" pt1 pt2))
(ssget "X" (list (cons 0 "line")))
(comannd "erase" ss1"")
(command redraw")
(setvar "cmdecho" 1)

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(defun c:dlfoot  (/ Tol ss eLst pt1 pt2)
 (setq Tol 0.001)
 (if (setq ss (ssget "X" (list (cons 0 "LINE")
                            (if (getvar "CTAB")
                              (cons 410 (getvar "CTAB"))
                              (cons 67 (- 1 (getvar "TILEMODE")))))))
     (foreach x  (mapcar 'cadr (ssnamex ss))
       (setq eLst (entget x)
             pt1  (cdr (assoc 10 eLst))
             pt2  (cdr (assoc 11 eLst)))
       (if (not (equal (distance pt1 pt2) 1.0 Tol))
         (ssdel x ss)))
     (if (not (zerop (sslength ss)))
       (command "_erase" ss "")))
   (princ "\n<!> No Lines Found <!>"))

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your coding has gotten so advanced so fast .well mine has fallen behind quite a bit. mostly cause my cad manager doen'st belive in "wasting time" i wish he could meet u :lol:

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your coding has gotten so advanced so fast .well mine has fallen behind quite a bit. mostly cause my cad manager doen'st belive in "wasting time" i wish he could meet u :lol:


Haha - my old manager didn't like me writing code during work either - but it does save you time :)


Bear in mind with the code above, I have included a Tolerance in the code, at the top (currently set to 0.001), but you may wish to set this is something lower (or higher) or 0, if you wish.



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because your a math major could you please explian to me what a factorial of a interger is? and when it's best used?

;  This is a programming example of a recursive function 
;  which calculates the factorial of an integer.
(defun factor (y)                
  (cond ((= 0 y) 1)
        (t  (* y (factor (1- y))))
(defun C:FACT (/ x)
  (initget 7)     ;x must not be null, negative or zero
  (setq x (getint "Enter an integer: "))
  (factor (float x))

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A Factorial is said integer multiplied by all of the integers beneath it (until 1):



5! (5 factorial) = 5 x 4 x 3 x 2 x 1 = 120


4! (4 factorial) = 4 x 3 x 2 x 1 = 24



This is useful in many different applications - for example counting the number of ways you can order a set of n different objects is n!


Or in a binomial expansion of say, (1 + x)^n, factorials are used in the expressions for the coefficients:


1 + nx + (n(n-1)/2!)x^2 + (n(n-1)(n-2)/3!)*x^3 etc etc


For more on factorials, see here:




For more on Binomial Expansions, see here:



Hope this helps :)



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