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Why it works soo strange vb.net


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Hi i wrote some code and it works it used to find the point of intersect of a ray and a line everything works fine but if i draw a line using ortho it returns the start point of the line not the intersect anybody knows how to fix this

   <CommandMethod("src")> _
Public Sub src()
       Dim lCmd As Editor = Application.DocumentManager.MdiActiveDocument.Editor
       Dim acBaza As Database = lCmd.Document.Database
       Dim trn As Transaction = acBaza.TransactionManager.StartTransaction

       Dim usrPointOp As PromptPointOptions = New PromptPointOptions("Wskarz srodek pomieszczenia :")
       Dim usrPoint As PromptPointResult = lCmd.GetPoint(usrPointOp)
       Dim ptkPoprzedni As Point3d = usrPoint.Value
       Dim ptkNajblizszy As Point3d = usrPoint.Value
       If usrPoint.Status = PromptStatus.OK Then
           Dim tmpPoint As Point3d = New Point3d(usrPoint.Value.X + 1, usrPoint.Value.Y, usrPoint.Value.Z)
           Dim srcLine As Ray = New Ray()
           srcLine.BasePoint = usrPoint.Value
           srcLine.SecondPoint = tmpPoint

           Dim typeValue() As TypedValue = {New TypedValue(0, "line")}
           Dim selFilter As SelectionFilter = New SelectionFilter(typeValue)
           Dim selResult As PromptSelectionResult = lCmd.SelectAll(selFilter)
           Dim ssLinie As SelectionSet = selResult.Value
           Dim tabID() As ObjectId = ssLinie.GetObjectIds

               Dim btr As BlockTableRecord = trn.GetObject(acBaza.CurrentSpaceId, OpenMode.ForWrite)
               trn.AddNewlyCreatedDBObject(srcLine, True)
               Dim ra As Ray = CType(trn.GetObject(srcLine.Id, OpenMode.ForRead), Ray)
               Dim ptkPrzeciecia As Point3dCollection = New Point3dCollection()
               Dim intthis As Integer
               Dim intThat As Integer
               Dim objID As ObjectId
               Dim licz As Integer = 0
               Dim ilosc As Integer = 0

               Dim lnNajblizsza As Line = Nothing
               For Each objID In tabID
                   Dim ln As Line = CType(trn.GetObject(objID, OpenMode.ForRead), Line)
                   ln.IntersectWith(ra, Intersect.OnBothOperands, ra.GetPlane(), ptkPrzeciecia, intthis, intThat)
                   If ptkPrzeciecia.Count <> ilosc Then
                       ilosc = ptkPrzeciecia.Count
                       If licz = 0 Then
                           ptkNajblizszy = ptkPrzeciecia.Item(0)
                           lnNajblizsza = ln
                       End If
                       If ptkNajblizszy.X >= ptkPrzeciecia.Item(licz).X Then
                           ptkNajblizszy = ptkPrzeciecia.Item(licz)
                           lnNajblizsza = ln
                       End If
                       licz = licz + 1
                   End If
               If lnNajblizsza <> Nothing Then
               End If
               '  rysujOdPomocniczy(ptkPoprzedni, ptkNajblizszy, lnL1)
               '  szukajPtk(ptkNajblizszy, ptkPoprzedni, tabID, lnL1)
           Catch ex As Exception
           End Try
       End If
   End Sub
End Class

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That is interesting (and rather disturbing). I’d have to dissect the routine in depth to know if it is a bug in the managed arx API, though.


In any event, this change to the code seems to work okay:



ra.IntersectWith(ln, Intersect.OnBothOperands, ra.GetPlane(), ptkPrzeciecia, intthis, intThat)


Switched which object's IntersectWith method was called.

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yes your right but i need to use it in the old way i find the intersects points with a ray when i change that param to ln it works fine for the ortho lines but crashes for all others ;(

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Does this work any better?



Imports Autodesk.AutoCAD.Runtime

Imports Autodesk.AutoCAD.ApplicationServices

Imports Autodesk.AutoCAD.DatabaseServices

Imports Autodesk.AutoCAD.EditorInput

Imports Autodesk.AutoCAD.Geometry



    <CommandMethod("src")> _
Public Sub src()
       Dim lCmd As Editor = Application.DocumentManager.MdiActiveDocument.Editor
       Dim acBaza As Database = lCmd.Document.Database
       Dim trn As Transaction = acBaza.TransactionManager.StartTransaction

       Dim usrPointOp As PromptPointOptions = New PromptPointOptions("Wskarz srodek pomieszczenia :")
       Dim usrPoint As PromptPointResult = lCmd.GetPoint(usrPointOp)
       Dim ptkPoprzedni As Point3d = usrPoint.Value
       Dim ptkNajblizszy As Point3d = usrPoint.Value
       If usrPoint.Status = PromptStatus.OK Then
           Dim tmpPoint As Point3d = New Point3d(usrPoint.Value.X + 1, usrPoint.Value.Y, usrPoint.Value.Z)
           Dim srcLine As Ray = New Ray()
           srcLine.BasePoint = usrPoint.Value
           srcLine.SecondPoint = tmpPoint

           Dim typeValue() As TypedValue = {New TypedValue(0, "line")}
           Dim selFilter As SelectionFilter = New SelectionFilter(typeValue)
           Dim selResult As PromptSelectionResult = lCmd.SelectAll(selFilter)
           Dim ssLinie As SelectionSet = selResult.Value
           Dim tabID() As ObjectId = ssLinie.GetObjectIds

               Dim btr As BlockTableRecord = trn.GetObject(acBaza.CurrentSpaceId, OpenMode.ForWrite)
               trn.AddNewlyCreatedDBObject(srcLine, True)
               Dim objID As ObjectId
               Dim licz As Integer = 0
               Dim ilosc As Integer = 0
               Dim ra3d As Ray3d = New Ray3d(srcLine.StartPoint, srcLine.SecondPoint)
               Dim lnNajblizsza As Line = Nothing

               For Each objID In tabID
                   Dim ln As Line = CType(trn.GetObject(objID, OpenMode.ForRead), Line)
                   Dim ls As LineSegment3d = New LineSegment3d(ln.StartPoint, ln.EndPoint)

                   Dim ptkPrzeciecia As Point3dCollection = New Point3dCollection(ls.IntersectWith(ra3d))
                   'SZUKANIE NAJBLIZSZEJ LINII                    
                   If ptkPrzeciecia.Count <> ilosc Then
                       ilosc = ptkPrzeciecia.Count
                       If licz = 0 Then
                           ptkNajblizszy = ptkPrzeciecia.Item(0)
                           lnNajblizsza = ln
                       End If
                       If ptkNajblizszy.X >= ptkPrzeciecia.Item(licz).X Then
                           ptkNajblizszy = ptkPrzeciecia.Item(licz)
                           lnNajblizsza = ln
                       End If
                       licz = licz + 1
                   End If
               If lnNajblizsza <> Nothing Then
               End If
               '  rysujOdPomocniczy(ptkPoprzedni, ptkNajblizszy, lnL1)
               '  szukajPtk(ptkNajblizszy, ptkPoprzedni, tabID, lnL1)
           Catch ex As Exception
           End Try
       End If
   End Sub

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Opps I find a problem witch code above everything works fine but if the ls and a ray3d it generates an error and the app crashes any idea why ?

 Dim ptkPrzeciecia As Point3dCollection = New Point3dCollection(ls.IntersectWith(ra3d))

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:unsure: It probably not sensible to give advice on a routine of which I know almost nothing about its ultimate purpose, but here I go anyway. Does this perform any better?



    <CommandMethod("src")> _
Public Sub src()
       Dim lCmd As Editor = Application.DocumentManager.MdiActiveDocument.Editor
       Dim acBaza As Database = lCmd.Document.Database

       Dim usrPointOp As PromptPointOptions = New PromptPointOptions("Wskarz srodek pomieszczenia :")
       Dim usrPoint As PromptPointResult = lCmd.GetPoint(usrPointOp)
       Dim ptkPoprzedni As Point3d = usrPoint.Value
       Dim ptkNajblizszy As Point3d = usrPoint.Value
       If usrPoint.Status = PromptStatus.OK Then
           Dim tmpPoint As Point3d = New Point3d(usrPoint.Value.X + 1, usrPoint.Value.Y, usrPoint.Value.Z)
           Dim srcLine As Ray = New Ray()
           srcLine.BasePoint = usrPoint.Value
           srcLine.SecondPoint = tmpPoint

           Dim typeValue() As TypedValue = {New TypedValue(0, "line")}
           Dim selFilter As SelectionFilter = New SelectionFilter(typeValue)
           Dim selResult As PromptSelectionResult = lCmd.SelectAll(selFilter)
           Dim ssLinie As SelectionSet = selResult.Value
           Dim tabID() As ObjectId = ssLinie.GetObjectIds

           Using trn As Transaction = acBaza.TransactionManager.StartTransaction
                   Dim btr As BlockTableRecord = trn.GetObject(acBaza.CurrentSpaceId, OpenMode.ForWrite)
                   Dim objID As ObjectId
                   Dim licz As Integer = 0
                   Dim ilosc As Integer = 0
                   Dim ra3d As Ray3d = New Ray3d(srcLine.StartPoint, srcLine.SecondPoint)
                   Dim lnNajblizsza As Line = Nothing

                   For Each objID In tabID
                       Dim ln As Line = CType(trn.GetObject(objID, OpenMode.ForRead), Line)
                       Dim ls As LineSegment3d = New LineSegment3d(ln.StartPoint, ln.EndPoint)
                       Dim ptArray() As Point3d = ls.IntersectWith(ra3d)
                       If ptArray Is Nothing Then Continue For

                       Dim ptkPrzeciecia As Point3dCollection = New Point3dCollection(ptArray)

                       'SZUKANIE NAJBLIZSZEJ LINII                    
                       If ptkPrzeciecia.Count <> ilosc Then
                           ilosc = ptkPrzeciecia.Count
                           If licz = 0 Then
                               ptkNajblizszy = ptkPrzeciecia.Item(0)
                               lnNajblizsza = ln
                           End If
                           If ptkNajblizszy.X >= ptkPrzeciecia.Item(licz).X Then
                               ptkNajblizszy = ptkPrzeciecia.Item(licz)
                               lnNajblizsza = ln
                           End If
                           licz = licz + 1
                       End If
                   If lnNajblizsza <> Nothing Then
                   End If
                   '  rysujOdPomocniczy(ptkPoprzedni, ptkNajblizszy, lnL1)
                   '  szukajPtk(ptkNajblizszy, ptkPoprzedni, tabID, lnL1)
                   trn.AddNewlyCreatedDBObject(srcLine, True)
               Catch ex As Exception
                   lCmd.WriteMessage("Operation Error!")
               End Try
           End Using
       End If
   End Sub

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