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Please help me understand this autolisp code


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Hi there, I have this code that I asked someone to write me a couple of years ago, and I don't even remember where I got in touch with him over the net


I know how to use it and how some individual parts work.


It makes a list of the vertices of a polyline.


Could someone give me a detailed explantion of what it does exactly?


(defun cdrs (key lst / pair rtn)
    (while (setq pair (assoc key lst)) (setq rtn (cons (cdr pair) rtn) lst (cdr (member pair lst)) ) ) (reverse rtn) )


thanks a lot!

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;;; its a sub-function for the bigger program
;;; when it is called you need to pass it 2 variables example: (cdrs 10 and the polyline list from the autolisp entget function)
;;; the variable KEY  is the first item in a dotted pair like (10 100.500 200.600)
;;; the variable LST is the list of entity information like if you use (entget(entlast))
(defun cdrs (key lst / pair rtn)
  ;_while pair is not nil loop.
     (while (setq pair (assoc key lst)); pair = the first occurrence of the key item in the list
     (setq rtn (cons (cdr pair) rtn);_a list of the items are being made
             lst (cdr (member pair lst));_remaking the list to be passed back on the next loop
             ;;;with out the previous (assoc key lst) so it will get thew next item in the list
  (reverse rtn);_flip the list so the fitst item the while loop retrives is now the first in the list
;;; this sub-function can be tested by the following call
;;; first draw a polyline then make the call
(cdrs 10 (entget(entlast)))

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I still don't understand how does the loop goes from the onde code 10 to the next



;;; its a sub-function for the bigger program
;;; when it is called you need to pass it 2 variables example: (cdrs 10 and the polyline list from the autolisp entget function)
;;; the variable KEY  is the first item in a dotted pair like (10 100.500 200.600)
;;; the variable LST is the list of entity information like if you use (entget(entlast))
(defun cdrs (key lst / pair rtn)
  ;_while pair is not nil loop.
     (while (setq pair (assoc key lst)); pair = the first occurrence of the key item in the list
     (setq rtn (cons (cdr pair) rtn);_a list of the items are being made
             lst (cdr                     ;_[color="Red"]2. Cdr find in 1. And save in lst variable
                                            ;_Next pass member find next code 10[/color]
                    (member pair lst) ;[color="Red"]_1. Find first code 10[/color]
;_remaking the list to be passed back on the next loop
             ;;;with out the previous (assoc key lst) so it will get thew next item in the list
  (reverse rtn);_flip the list so the fitst item the while loop retrives is now the first in the list
;;; this sub-function can be tested by the following call
;;; first draw a polyline then make the call
(cdrs 10 (entget(entlast)))

Another variant this function

(defun pl-list-massoc (key alist) 
(mapcar 'cdr (vl-remove-if-not (function (lambda (x) (= key (car x)))) alist))) ;_ end of defun 


(vl-load-com)(pl-list-massoc 10 (entget(car(entsel "\nSelect a polyline:"))))

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