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Return to Dialog if ..Need help with this lisp


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In the code below I have this IF like so


(if (= Edit1 "")
  (Alert "The field is empty")

I want to replace "exit" with something that goes back to the Edit1 box (if it is empty) for complilation and get focus there. Edit1 is in a DCL dialog. Maybe something to restart the dialog.




;-------------start dialog------------
(setq dcl_id (load_dialog "hello_sp.dcl")) ; Load the DCL file.
 (if (not (new_dialog "hello_sp" dcl_id))   ; Initialize the dialog.
   (exit)                                ; Exit if this doesn't 
                                         ; work.
;------------  set values in dialog box----

(set_tile "discesa" (rtos a1 2 2)) 
(set_tile "masetto1" (rtos a2 2 2))
(set_tile "salita" (rtos miodist 2 2))
(set_tile "tolleranza" (rtos tolleranza 2 2))
(set_tile "orriz" (rtos d1 2 2))
(set_tile "note_" "Ricordati bracci per il Q.E. e dorsali")
(set_tile "grand_dist" (rtos tot2 2 2))
 (set_tile "grand_dist_" "GRAND TOTAL (SQ)")
 (set_tile "Text1" "Numero Braccio")
 (set_tile "Edit1" "")
 (set_tile "Text2" "Diametro Tubo [*=25]")
 (set_tile "Edit2" "")
 (set_tile "Text3" "Tipo Linea")
 (set_tile "Edit3" "")
 ; Dialog Actions
 (action_tile "Edit1" "(setq Edit1 $value)")
 (action_tile "Edit2" "(setq Edit2 $value)")
 (action_tile "Edit3" "(setq Edit3 $value)")

;------------  end - set values in dialog box----

(start_dialog)                          ; Display the dialog   ; box.
(if (= Edit1 "")
  (Alert "Campo No. braccio non puo essere vuoto")
(unload_dialog dcl_id)                  ; Unload the DCL file.

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(action_tile "Edit1" 
"(if (= (setq Edit1 $value) \"\")
    (Alert \"The field is empty\")
    (mode_tile \"Edit1\" 2)

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I copied your code

(action_tile "Edit1" 
"(if (= (setq Edit1 $value) \"\")
    (Alert \"The field is empty\")
    (mode_tile \"Edit1\" 2)

and replaced

(action_tile "Edit1" "(setq Edit1 $value)")

I get this error in the build output.



[CHECKING TEXT sq - D_30_MAS_30_TOL_20 text.lsp loading...]


; warning: too many arguments: (ACTION_TILE "Edit1" "(if (= (setq Edit1 $value) \"\")\n (progn\n (Alert " THE ... )


; Check done.

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of course, because You have passed a slash \ which is necessary for that inverted commas " were perceived as inverted commas in a string, a part of a stringe, instead of its end

[CHECKING TEXT sq - D_30_MAS_30_TOL_20 text.lsp loading...]


; warning: too many arguments: (ACTION_TILE "Edit1" "(if (= (setq Edit1 $value) \"\")\n(progn\n (Alert \" THE ... )


; Check done.

Not to suffer with slashes and inverted commas and as that habitual formatting that is written in action_tile, it is possible to write down so

     (if (= (setq Edit1 $value) "")
  (Alert "The field is empty")
  (mode_tile "Edit1" 2)


And for good, it is necessary on Ok to write so


     (if Edit1
  (Alert "The field of Edit1 is empty")
  (mode_tile "Edit1" 2)

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I can't get it to work. The "if" command does not notice that the edit1 is empty and the program proceeds normal.


I copied this code :

     (if (= (setq Edit1 $value) "")
     (Alert "The field is empty")
     (mode_tile "Edit1" 2)

and inserted it like this :


;-------------start dialog------------
(setq dcl_id (load_dialog "hello_sp.dcl")) ; Load the DCL file.
 (if (not (new_dialog "hello_sp" dcl_id))   ; Initialize the dialog.
   (exit)                                ; Exit if this doesn't 
                                         ; work.
;------------  set values in dialog box----

(set_tile "discesa" (rtos a1 2 2)) 
(set_tile "masetto1" (rtos a2 2 2))
(set_tile "salita" (rtos miodist 2 2))
(set_tile "tolleranza" (rtos tolleranza 2 2))
(set_tile "orriz" (rtos d1 2 2))
(set_tile "note_" "Ricordati bracci per il Q.E. e dorsali")
(set_tile "grand_dist" (rtos tot2 2 2))
 (set_tile "grand_dist_" "GRAND TOTAL (SQ)")
 (set_tile "Text1" "Numero Braccio")
 (set_tile "Edit1" "")
 (set_tile "Text2" "Diametro Tubo [*=25]")
 (set_tile "Edit2" "")
 (set_tile "Text3" "Tipo Linea")
 (set_tile "Edit3" "")
 ; Dialog Actions
 (action_tile "Edit1" "(setq Edit1 $value)")
 (action_tile "Edit2" "(setq Edit2 $value)")
 (action_tile "Edit3" "(setq Edit3 $value)")

;------------  end - set values in dialog box----

(start_dialog)                          ; Display the dialog   ; box.

     (if (= (setq Edit1 $value) "")
     (Alert "The field is empty")
     (mode_tile "Edit1" 2)
;(if (= Edit1 "")
;  (progn
 ; (Alert "Campo No. braccio non puo essere vuoto")
(unload_dialog dcl_id)                  ; Unload the DCL file.

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I think:


(action_tile "Edit1"
       (if (= (setq Edit1 $value) "")
           (Alert "The field is empty") (mode_tile "Edit1" 2)))))))

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Lee, I placed your code as below but "if" does not "notice" that Edit1 box is empty.


Just to let you know - your code is inserted between the start dialog and unload dialog commands. (I tried it inserted before the start dialog too)



like this :


(setq dcl_id (load_dialog "hello_sp.dcl")) ; Load the DCL file.
(if (not (new_dialog "hello_sp" dcl_id))   ; Initialize the dialog.
(exit)                                ; Exit if this doesn't 
                                         ; work.
;------------  set values in dialog box----

(set_tile "discesa" (rtos a1 2 2)) 
(set_tile "masetto1" (rtos a2 2 2))
(set_tile "salita" (rtos miodist 2 2))
(set_tile "tolleranza" (rtos tolleranza 2 2))
(set_tile "orriz" (rtos d1 2 2))
(set_tile "note_" "Ricordati bracci per il Q.E. e dorsali")
(set_tile "grand_dist" (rtos tot2 2 2))

(set_tile "grand_dist_" "GRAND TOTAL (SQ)")

(set_tile "Text1" "Numero Braccio")
(set_tile "Edit1" "")
(set_tile "Text2" "Diametro Tubo [*=25]")
(set_tile "Edit2" "")
(set_tile "Text3" "Tipo Linea")
(set_tile "Edit3" "")
; Dialog Actions
(action_tile "Edit1" "(setq Edit1 $value)")
(action_tile "Edit2" "(setq Edit2 $value)")
(action_tile "Edit3" "(setq Edit3 $value)")

;------------  end - set values in dialog box----

(start_dialog)  ; Display the dialog box.

[color=Red](action_tile "Edit1"
       (if (= (setq Edit1 $value) "")
           (Alert "The field is empty") (mode_tile "Edit1" 2)))))))[/color]
;(if (= Edit1 "")
;(Alert "Campo No. braccio non puo essere vuoto")
(unload_dialog dcl_id)                  ; Unload the DCL file.

;(setq lay "RH MEASURE Layer" );- writes total value to drawing Layer
;(alert "Inserisci NUMERO BRACCIO / 
;(setq braccio (getstring "\nInserisci NUMERO BRACCIO / 
[*] DIA.TUBO 25 - TIPO LINEA  :"))  

(and (setq pnt (getpoint "\nPunto di inserimento misura / Specify Text placement point: "))
    (entmakex (list '(0 . "MTEXT")
                    '(100 . "AcDbEntity")
                    '(100 . "AcDbMText")
             ;(cons 8 lay)
                     (cons 1 (strcat "(" Edit1 Edit2 ")" (rtos tot2 2 2) Edit3))
             (cons 7 (getvar 'textstyle))
                     (cons 10 pnt)
             (cons 40 0.08)
              ) ;_ list
    ) ;_ entmakex
) ;_ and


(princ "\nType sq to run Grand Distance(sq)")

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sadhu, show DCL and LISP entirely



dcl :

hello_sp : dialog {
   label = "Sadhu says";

   //first box - ** srl

   : boxed_column {
   label = "** srl";

       //second box - Dati di base
//start  line 1
: boxed_column {
   label = "Dati di base";
: row {
   : column {
     width = 10;
     fixed_width = true;
     : text {
       key = "discesa_";
       label = "Discesa         ";//
   : text {
       key = "discesa";
       label = "Sanjay";//Prompt from lsp file
       width = 18;
   fixed_width_font = true;

 //end line 1

 //start  line 1 bis

: row {
   : column {
     width = 10;
     fixed_width = true;
     : text {
       key = "tolleranza_";
       label = "Tolleranza     ";//
   : text {
       key = "tolleranza";
       label = "San";//Prompt from lsp file
       width = 18;
   fixed_width_font = true;

 //end line 1 bis


 //start  line 2
: row {
   : column {
     width = 10;
     fixed_width = true;
     : text {
       key = "masetto1_";
       label = "Masetto_1      ";//Prompt from lsp file
   : text {
       key = "masetto1";
       label = "jay";//Prompt from lsp file
       width = 18;
   fixed_width_font = true;
    }//end line 2
    } //second box - Dati di base


 //third box - dati inseriti

   : boxed_column {
       label = "Dati inseriti";

        //start salita inserita
: row {
   : column {
     width = 10;
     fixed_width = true;
     : text {
       key = "Salita_";
       label = "Salit�* Inserita";//Prompt from lsp file
   : text {
       key = "salita";
       label = "";//Prompt from lsp file
       width = 18;
   fixed_width_font = true;
    } //end salita inserita

     //start distanza orrizontale
: row {
   : column {
     width = 10;
     fixed_width = true;
     : text {
       key = "orriz_";
       label = "Dist Orrizon.  ";//Prompt from lsp file
   : text {
       key = "orriz";
       label = "";//Prompt from lsp file
       width = 18;
   fixed_width_font = true;
    } //end distanza orrizontale

    }  // end third box - dati inseriti


  //start  fourth box Grand
  : boxed_column {

  //start  last line Grand
: row {
   : column {
     width = 10;
     fixed_width = true;
     : text {
       key = "grand_dist_";
       label = "GRAND  TOTAL   ";//Prompt from lsp file
   : text {
       key = "grand_dist";
       label = "Sanjay";//Prompt from lsp file
       width = 18;
   fixed_width_font = true;
    }    //end  last line Grand
     }   //endt  fourth box Grand

 //start insert numero braccio / tubo / linee 
: row {//<
   fixed_width = true;
   : column {
     width = 35;
     fixed_width = true;
     : text {
       key = "Text1";
       label = "";//Text1$ from lsp file
   : edit_box {
     key = "Edit1";//Edit1$ from lsp file
     edit_width = 9.42;
     fixed_width = true;
     allow_accept = true;
     initial_focus = true;
 : row {//<
   fixed_width = true;
   : column {
     width = 35;
     fixed_width = true;
     : text {
       key = "Text2";
       label = "";//Text2$ from lsp file
   : edit_box {
     key = "Edit2";//Edit2$ from lsp file
     edit_width = 9.42;
     fixed_width = true;
 : row {//<
   fixed_width = true;
   : column {
     width = 35;
     fixed_width = true;
     : text {
       key = "Text3";
       label = "";//Text3$ from lsp file
   : edit_box {
     key = "Edit3";//Edit3$ from lsp file
     edit_width = 9.42;
     fixed_width = true;

//end  insert numero braccio / tubo / linee

    }    //end  last line Grand


: button {
   key = "accept";
   label = "OK";
   is_default = true;
   width = 18;
   fixed_width = true;
   alignment = centered;

} //end button

//start  note
: row {
   : column {
     width = 10;
     fixed_width = true;
     : text {
       key = "note_";
       label = "Note: ";//Prompt from lsp file
        width = 40;
       fixed_width_font = true;
   } //end note
            }  //end fourth box Grand
                } //end first box - rh srl

lisp : in red is what I want to replace (exit)


;rev 300.1.2prad
;cumulative distance
;this routine is just like the Autocad Distance command with the
;exception that it allows you to pick more than 2 consecutive points.
;the routine will display the cumulative distance and the distance
;between the last two points picked on the command line.
; allows constants and keyboard input

(defun c:sq () ;(/ Edit1 Edit2 Edit3)
(setvar "cmdecho" 0)

a1 0.23 ; discesa da PT
a2 0.15 ; massetto 1
a3 0.15 ; massetto 2
tolleranza 0.201 ; valore aggiunto alla misura totale
Edit1 ""
Edit2 ""
Edit3 "")

p1 (getpoint "\nPick start point (SQ)")
p2 (getpoint p1 "\nPick next point (SQ)")
d1 (distance p1 p2)
prdist (strcat "\nDistance: " (rtos d1))

(princ prdist)

(setq p3 (getpoint p2 "\nPick next point (SQ) or RETURN if done "))

(while p3
d0 (distance p2 p3)
d1 (+ (distance p2 p3) d1)
p2 p3
prdist (strcat "\nDistance: " (rtos d0) ", Cumulative distance: " (rtos d1))
(princ prdist)
(setq p3 (getpoint p2 "\nPick Next Point (SQ)"))
(setq cumd (strcat "Distanza orrizontale --> " (rtos d1 2 2)))
(prompt cumd)

(setq miodist (getdist "\n Insert Height "))
(princ "\n The height is ")
(princ (rtos miodist 2 2))

(setq tot2 (+ a1 a2 a3 tolleranza miodist d1))

(setq pcumd (strcat "Grand distance(SQ) --> " (rtos tot2 2 2)))
(princ "\n --> ")
(prompt pcumd)

;-------------start dialog------------
(setq dcl_id (load_dialog "hello_sp.dcl")) ; Load the DCL file.
(if (not (new_dialog "hello_sp" dcl_id))   ; Initialize the dialog.
(exit)                                ; Exit if this doesn't 
                                         ; work.
;------------  set values in dialog box----

(set_tile "discesa" (rtos a1 2 2)) 
(set_tile "masetto1" (rtos a2 2 2))
(set_tile "salita" (rtos miodist 2 2))
(set_tile "tolleranza" (rtos tolleranza 2 2))
(set_tile "orriz" (rtos d1 2 2))
(set_tile "note_" "Ricordati bracci per il Q.E. e dorsali")
(set_tile "grand_dist" (rtos tot2 2 2))

(set_tile "grand_dist_" "GRAND TOTAL (SQ)")

(set_tile "Text1" "Numero Braccio")
(set_tile "Edit1" "")
(set_tile "Text2" "Diametro Tubo [*=25]")
(set_tile "Edit2" "")
(set_tile "Text3" "Tipo Linea")
(set_tile "Edit3" "")
; Dialog Actions
(action_tile "Edit1" "(setq Edit1 $value)")
(action_tile "Edit2" "(setq Edit2 $value)")
(action_tile "Edit3" "(setq Edit3 $value)")

;------------  end - set values in dialog box----

(start_dialog)  ; Display the dialog box.
[color=Red](if (= Edit1 "");(progn
(Alert "Campo No. braccio non puo essere vuoto")
(unload_dialog dcl_id)                  ; Unload the DCL file.

;(setq lay "RH MEASURE Layer" );- writes total value to drawing Layer
;(alert "Inserisci NUMERO BRACCIO / 
;(setq braccio (getstring "\nInserisci NUMERO BRACCIO / 
[*] DIA.TUBO 25 - TIPO LINEA  :"))  

(and (setq pnt (getpoint "\nPunto di inserimento misura / Specify Text placement point: "))
    (entmakex (list '(0 . "MTEXT")
                    '(100 . "AcDbEntity")
                    '(100 . "AcDbMText")
             ;(cons 8 lay)
                     (cons 1 (strcat "(" Edit1 Edit2 ")" (rtos tot2 2 2) Edit3))
             (cons 7 (getvar 'textstyle))
                     (cons 10 pnt)
             (cons 40 0.08)
              ) ;_ list
    ) ;_ entmakex
) ;_ and


(princ "\nType sq to run Grand Distance(sq)")

Edited by sadhu
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					;rev 300.1.2prad
				;cumulative distance
				;this routine is just like the Autocad Distance command with the
				;exception that it allows you to pick more than 2 consecutive points.
				;the routine will display the cumulative distance and the distance
				;between the last two points picked on the command line.
				; allows constants and keyboard input

(defun c:sq ()				;(/ Edit1 Edit2 Edit3)
 (setvar "cmdecho" 0)

   a1 0.23				; discesa da PT
   a2 0.15				; massetto 1
   a3 0.15				; massetto 2
    0.201				; valore aggiunto alla misura totale
   Edit1 ""
   Edit2 ""
   Edit3 ""

   p1	   (getpoint "\nPick start point (SQ)")
   p2	   (getpoint p1 "\nPick next point (SQ)")
   d1	   (distance p1 p2)
   prdist (strcat "\nDistance: " (rtos d1))

 (princ prdist)

 (setq p3 (getpoint p2 "\nPick next point (SQ) or RETURN if done "))

 (while p3
     d0     (distance p2 p3)
     d1     (+ (distance p2 p3) d1)
     p2     p3
     prdist (strcat "\nDistance: "
	     (rtos d0)
	     ", Cumulative distance: "
	     (rtos d1)
   (princ prdist)
   (setq p3 (getpoint p2 "\nPick Next Point (SQ)"))
 (setq cumd (strcat "Distanza orrizontale --> " (rtos d1 2 2)))
 (prompt cumd)

 (setq miodist (getdist "\n Insert Height "))
 (princ "\n The height is ")
 (princ (rtos miodist 2 2))

 (setq tot2 (+ a1 a2 a3 tolleranza miodist d1))

 (setq pcumd (strcat "Grand distance(SQ) --> " (rtos tot2 2 2)))
 (princ "\n --> ")
 (prompt pcumd)

				;-------------start dialog------------
 (setq	dcl_id (load_dialog
 )					; Load the DCL file.
 (if (not (new_dialog "hello_sp" dcl_id)) ; Initialize the dialog.
   (exit)				; Exit if this doesn't 
				; work.
				;------------  set values in dialog box----

 (set_tile "discesa" (rtos a1 2 2))
 (set_tile "masetto1" (rtos a2 2 2))
 (set_tile "salita" (rtos miodist 2 2))
 (set_tile "tolleranza" (rtos tolleranza 2 2))
 (set_tile "orriz" (rtos d1 2 2))
 (set_tile "note_" "Ricordati bracci per il Q.E. e dorsali")
 (set_tile "grand_dist" (rtos tot2 2 2))

 (set_tile "grand_dist_" "GRAND TOTAL (SQ)")

 (set_tile "Text1" "Numero Braccio")
 (set_tile "Edit1" "")
 (set_tile "Text2" "Diametro Tubo [*=25]")
 (set_tile "Edit2" "")
 (set_tile "Text3" "Tipo Linea")
 (set_tile "Edit3" "")
			; Dialog Actions
(if (= (setq Edit1 $value) "")
    (Alert "The field is empty")
    (mode_tile "Edit1" 2)
     (if (/= Edit1 "")
  (Alert "The field of Edit1 is empty")
  (mode_tile "Edit1" 2)
 (action_tile "Edit2" "(setq Edit2 $value)")
 (action_tile "Edit3" "(setq Edit3 $value)")

				;------------  end - set values in dialog box----

 (start_dialog)			; Display the dialog box.

 (if (= Edit1 "")			;(progn
   (Alert "Campo No. braccio non puo essere vuoto")

 (unload_dialog dcl_id)		; Unload the DCL file.

				;(setq lay "RH MEASURE Layer" );- writes total value to drawing Layer
				;(alert "Inserisci NUMERO BRACCIO / [*] DIA.TUBO 25 - TIPO LINEA ")

				;(setq braccio (getstring "\nInserisci NUMERO BRACCIO / [*] DIA.TUBO 25 - TIPO LINEA  :"))  

   (setq pnt
     "\nPunto di inserimento misura / Specify Text placement point: "
     (list '(0 . "MTEXT")
    '(100 . "AcDbEntity")
    '(100 . "AcDbMText")
				;(cons 8 lay)
    (cons 1 (strcat "(" Edit1 Edit2 ")" (rtos tot2 2 2) Edit3))
    (cons 7 (getvar 'textstyle))
    (cons 10 pnt)
    (cons 40 0.08)
     ) ;_ list
   ) ;_ entmakex
 ) ;_ and


(princ "\nType sq to run Grand Distance(sq)")

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Thanks Geo.:D

That's exactly how I wanted it work. Evidently I did not use both the code blocks that you had uploaded.

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How can I set focus to edit1 box when the dialog box opens for input?

[quote name=help



Sets the mode of a dialog box tile


(mode_tile key mode)




A string that specifies the tile. The key argument is case-sensitive.



An integer that can be one of the following:


0 Enable tile


1 Disable tile


2 Set focus to tile


3 Select edit box contents


4 Flip image highlighting on or off


Return Values



(set_tile "Edit3" "")
[b][color="Red"](mode_tile "Edit1" 2)[/color][/b]
			; Dialog Actions

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Thanks again Geo :D.It works.



This may sound dumb but actually I did read help and tried to work it out -- inserting mode_tile inside action_tile etc. etc. #@#@:shock: and couldn't find a way out and got "LOST" (how I wish I was on that island ...).

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