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delta lengthen


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Hi guys, as I'm pretty new to autolisp I was wondering if anybody could quickly show me a way to do the following:


run a lisp or macro that would allow me to pick a bunch of lines, then enter a distance and lengthen these lines ON BOTH SIDES by that distance.


I'm guessing this wouldn't be a challenge for a lot of you as I have seen some pretty impressive code written in these forums



matt :)

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Maybe something like this...

(defun c:TEst (/ #SS #Dist)
 (and (setq #SS (ssget "_:L" '((0 . "LINE,LWPOLYLINE"))))
      (setq #Dist (getdist "\nSpecify length: "))
      (foreach x (vl-remove-if 'listp (mapcar 'cadr (ssnamex #SS)))
        (vl-cmdf "_.lengthen"
                 (list x (vlax-curve-getendpoint x))
                 (list x (vlax-curve-getstartpoint x))
        ) ;_ vl-cmdf
      ) ;_ foreach
 ) ;_ and
) ;_ defun

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That works perfectly, thank you very much alanjt!:)




No problem. I'm not one to give you the fish, but for such a simple question, it's just better to start with the routine. Be sure to go though it so you can understand it; I don't mind answering questions.

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So I've been looking at the code for this lisp and I'm having some trouble with the vlisp @ the following lines:



1: (foreach x (vl-remove-if 'listp (mapcar 'cadr (ssnamex #SS))) :?


2: (list x (vlax-curve-getendpoint x))


3: (list x (vlax-curve-getstartpoint x))


Maybe I could get some clarification? Especially with that first line. Thank you very much.



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For Question 1:

  • ssnamex returns how each entity in the selection set was created. In this list, all entities are located within sublists.
  • mapcar goes through a given list and performs a specific function on each item and returning a newly processed list.
  • cadr extracts the second item in a list. (mapcar 'cadr #List) will extract the second item in each sublist within #List
  • vl-remove-if 'listp will remove all objects from the newly process list that are of the type LST (a list).

By performing this, I can create a list of just the extracted enames (entities) and from there I can step through the list and perform whatever I need. You can also step through the selection set with while or repeat and ssname. It's even a little faster but in this moment, I felt like going with the above method (more than one way to skin a cat).

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Question 2 & 3:

  • Lengthen and many other similar functions, when selecting an object, will need/use a point, in addition to the ename (entity) to properly know where on the entity the user selected
  • What I did was extract the end and start point of the selected line and combine it with the ename to feed to lenghten. This ensured me that I could extend both lines.

Similarly, feed an ename to a function and many times you will receive a different result, if a point isn't provided - this does not apply to all command functions.


For instance:

;;; without point
(defun c:Test (/ e)
 (and (setq e (entsel "\nSelect line: "))
      (command "_.lengthen" "_delta" 10. (car e) "")))

;;; with point
(defun c:Test (/ e)
 (and (setq e (entsel "\nSelect line: "))
      (command "_.lengthen" "_delta" 10. e "")))


You'll notice that, with the first function (without point), you may sometimes extend at other end of where you selected the line.

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