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place text over line or pline using Visual Lisp


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Hi everyone, I need to write a function in Visual Lisp that will place text over a line or pline .

The text would be relative in size or length to the line selected (this is not mandatory but nice)


I know there are a lot of functions on here that will take text and align it with curves or lines at different angles but all I need is one that is simple and lined up with your basic horizontal line of any length.


Basically like this.




User selects line then user types in text then text is placed on line.




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Have you started working on this or just looking for a handout?


Yes I have started and maybe should of placed the file as I have it.



(defun c:textline (/ insertpoint textinput)

(setq insertpoint (getpoint "\nSelect text location: ")) ; waits for user for input

(command "text" insertpoint 2 0 (strcat (princ textinput)))




Have you tried the UNDERLINE Button in MTEXT or the %%u in TEXT commands ?


That's would be helpful.




No, I want to select the line and text gets placed on top of it. The above works but need to adjust text a little above line and text being relative to size of line. The other problem with this is that it asks for a point to insert text and I want to select line and place text over line.

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you can pick this apart if you'd like

;;;Label storm pipe size  LPS 2010-02-04   

(defun c:lblstsize (/ ent midpt entname obj mid-param beg-pt end-pt ang ins-pt)

 (setq temperr *error*            
       *error* errortrap
       varlst '("cmdecho")
       oldvar (mapcar 'getvar varlst)
 (setvar "cmdecho" 0)
(defun dtr (a) (* pi (/ a 180.0)))
(command "UCS" "W")
 (setq ent (entsel "\nSelect pipe: ")
   midpt (osnap (cadr ent) "mid")
       entname (car ent)
   obj (vlax-ename->vla-object entname)
   mid-param (vlax-curve-getParamAtPoint obj midpt)
   beg-pt (vlax-curve-getPointAtParam obj (fix mid-param))
   end-pt (vlax-curve-getPointAtParam  obj (1+ (fix mid-param)))
   ang (angle beg-pt end-pt))
     (and (> ang 1.74533) (< ang 4.53786))
     (setq ang (angle end-pt beg-pt))
   (setq ins-pt (polar midpt (+ ang (/ pi 2)) (* (getvar "dimscale")0.125)))

   (if (not (tblsearch "layer" "st-txt"))
   (command "-layer" "m" "ST-TXT" "C" "130" "ST-TXT" ""))
     (cons 0   "MTEXT")         
     (cons 100 "AcDbEntity")          
     (cons 100 "AcDbMText")
     (cons 8 "ST-TXT")
     (cons 10 ins-pt)        
     (cons 1 (getstring T "\nEnter Pipe size: "))
     (cons 71 5)
     (cons 50 ang)
     (cons 7 "Simplex")
     (cons 40 (* (getvar "dimscale") 0.1))

 (setvar "cmdecho" 1)
 (command "UCS" "P")

(defun errortrap (msg)
 (if oldvar (mapcar 'setvar varlst oldvar))
   (setq *error* temperr)
 (or (wcmatch (strcase msg) "*BREAK,*CANCEL*,*EXIT*")
       (princ (strcat "\n<< Error: " msg " >>"))

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Hi everyone, I need to write a function in Visual Lisp that will place text over a line or pline .

The text would be relative in size or length to the line selected (this is not mandatory but nice)


I know there are a lot of functions on here that will take text and align it with curves or lines at different angles but all I need is one that is simple and lined up with your basic horizontal line of any length.


Basically like this.




User selects line then user types in text then text is placed on line.




Try this also

;; lab.lsp
;; labeling lines/polylines
(defun C:LAB (/ acsp ang deriv dist dist1 dist2 ent mpt obj para pickpt txt txtpt)
(setq acsp (vla-get-block
(while (setq ent (entsel "\nSelect line / pline: "))
 (setq obj    (vlax-ename->vla-object (car ent))
pickpt (vlax-curve-getclosestpointto obj (cadr ent))
para   (vlax-curve-getparamatpoint obj pickpt)
mpt    (vlax-curve-getpointatparam obj (+ 0.5 (fix para)))
txtpt  (vlax-3d-point mpt)
deriv  (vlax-curve-getfirstderiv
  (vlax-curve-getparamatpoint obj pickpt))
 (if (zerop (cadr deriv))
   (setq ang 0)
   (setq ang (- (/ pi 2) (atan (/ (car deriv) (cadr deriv)))))
 (if (eq "AcDbLine" (vla-get-objectname obj))
   (setq dist (vla-get-length obj))
     (setq dist1 (vlax-curve-getdistatparam obj (fix para))
    dist2 (vlax-curve-getdistatparam obj (1+ (fix para)))
    dist  (abs (- dist2 dist1)))))
 (setq txt (vla-addtext acsp (rtos dist 3 2) txtpt 15.0)) ;<-- change text height (currently 15.0) here
 (vla-put-alignment txt acalignmentbottomcenter)
 (vla-put-textalignmentpoint txt txtpt)
 (if (< (/ pi 2) ang (* pi 1.5))
   (setq ang (+ pi ang))
 (vla-put-rotation txt ang))
(princ "\n  >>  Start command with LAB  >>")



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