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code to insert dynamic block


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I need simple code to do just one thing, inserting a dynamic block that is stored in a separate file on my computer (like C:/base/b-22) in the drawing that I'm currently using. For example, I have a windows form with a list box with names of many dynamic blocks that are stored on my c drive, I would like to pick a block with a name and upon a click event of a button or other will go get this block from a separate file and insert it in the drawing I'm currently using, and would need to be able to pick the point of where I want the block to go. Could someone help, I'm using autocad 2010 with visual studio 2008- using the new autocad .net language.

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Just to clone a block from another file and insert a reference would be the same if it was dynamic or not.


Here is link to a block manger I posted to get people started with one http://www.theswamp.org/index.php?topic=35280.0


Here is code from that link to bring it in and select a point to insert it.

It has it in VB to


[color=blue]private[/color] [color=blue]void[/color] InsertBlock([color=blue]string[/color] blkName, [color=blue]string[/color] fileName)
           [color=#2b91af]Database[/color] extDb = [color=blue]new[/color] [color=#2b91af]Database[/color]([color=blue]false[/color], [color=blue]true[/color]) [color=blue]as[/color] [color=#2b91af]Database[/color];
           extDb.ReadDwgFile(fileName, [color=#2b91af]FileOpenMode[/color].OpenForReadAndAllShare, [color=blue]true[/color], [color=#a31515]""[/color]);
           [color=#2b91af]Document[/color] doc = [color=#2b91af]AcadApp[/color].DocumentManager.MdiActiveDocument;
           [color=#2b91af]Editor[/color] ed = doc.Editor;
           [color=#2b91af]Database[/color] db = doc.Database;
           [color=blue]using[/color] ([color=#2b91af]DocumentLock[/color] docloc = doc.LockDocument())
           [color=blue]using[/color] ([color=#2b91af]Transaction[/color] trx = db.TransactionManager.StartTransaction())
           [color=blue]using[/color] ([color=#2b91af]Transaction[/color] extTrx = extDb.TransactionManager.StartTransaction())
               [color=#2b91af]BlockTable[/color] bt = db.BlockTableId.GetObject([color=#2b91af]OpenMode[/color].ForRead) [color=blue]as[/color] [color=#2b91af]BlockTable[/color];

               [color=#2b91af]BlockTableRecord[/color] currBtr = db.CurrentSpaceId.GetObject([color=#2b91af]OpenMode[/color].ForRead) [color=blue]as[/color] [color=#2b91af]BlockTableRecord[/color];
               [color=blue]if[/color] (!(bt.Has(blkName)))
                   [color=#2b91af]BlockTable[/color] extBt = extDb.BlockTableId.GetObject([color=#2b91af]OpenMode[/color].ForRead) [color=blue]as[/color] [color=#2b91af]BlockTable[/color];                    
                   [color=#2b91af]IdMapping[/color] map = [color=blue]new[/color] [color=#2b91af]IdMapping[/color]();
                   [color=#2b91af]ObjectIdCollection[/color] objIdColl = [color=blue]new[/color] [color=#2b91af]ObjectIdCollection[/color]();
                   db.WblockCloneObjects(objIdColl, bt.ObjectId, map, [color=#2b91af]DuplicateRecordCloning[/color].Replace, [color=blue]false[/color]);

                     [color=#2b91af]ObjectId[/color] btrId = bt[blkName].GetObject([color=#2b91af]OpenMode[/color].ForRead).ObjectId;

               [color=#2b91af]PromptPointOptions[/color] ppo = [color=blue]new[/color] [color=#2b91af]PromptPointOptions[/color]([color=#a31515]"/nSelect Insertion Point: "[/color]);
               [color=#2b91af]PromptPointResult[/color] ppr = ed.GetPoint(ppo);
               [color=blue]if[/color] (ppr.Status == [color=#2b91af]PromptStatus[/color].OK)
                   [color=#2b91af]Point3d[/color] insertPnt = ppr.Value;
                   [color=#2b91af]BlockReference[/color] bref = [color=blue]new[/color] [color=#2b91af]BlockReference[/color](insertPnt,btrId);


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