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error: bad argument type: stringp nil


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I have this lisp that fixo wrote for me some time back. I have been trying to in a dcl that will ask for the landowner name and the folio number and setup the layers with these as part of the name.


The dialog flashes up and closes after a second. Can anyone help?


;; local defun by CAB (Charles Alan Butler)
(defun LayerMake_CPO (lyrname Color ltype)
 (if (tblsearch "LAYER" lyrname)
   (command "._Layer" "_Thaw" lyrname "_On" lyrname "_UnLock" lyrname "_Set" lyrname "")
   (command "._Layer" "_Make" lyrname "_Color"
            (if (or (null color)(= Color "")) "_White" Color) lyrname
            "LT" (if (or (null ltype)(= ltype "")) "Continuous" ltype) lyrname "")
(defun C:CPO (/ *error* ang col clr coords dwo elist midp offsetted ofpt osm p1 p2 p3 pline a b c name folio)
(setq dcl_id (load_dialog "cpo.dcl"))
    (if (not (new_dialog "cpo" dcl_id))

(action_tile "name" (setq name $value))
(action_tile "folio" (setq folio $value))
;(action_tile "accept" (val1))

(unload_dialog dcl_id)
 (setq a (strcat "CCC_CPO_"name"_"folio"_Grey_Hatch")
       b (strcat "CCC_CPO_"name"_"folio"_Outline_Red")
       c (strcat "CCC_CPO_"name"_"folio"_Outline_Black"))
(defun *error* (msg)
     '("console break"
"Function cancelled"
"quit / exit abort"
    (princ "Error!")
    (princ msg)
 (if osm (setvar "osmode" osm))
 (if clr (setvar "clayer" clr))
 (if col (setvar "cecolor" col))
 (if dwo (setvar "draworderctl" dwo))
 (command "._undo" "_END")
 (setq osm (getvar "osmode"))  
 (setq col (getvar "cecolor"))
 (setq clr (getvar "clayer"))
 (setq dwo (getvar "draworderctl"))
 (command "._undo" "_BE")
 (setvar "osmode" 2593)
 (setvar "cecolor" "bylayer")
 (setvar "HPORIGINMODE" 5)
 (LayerMake_CPO a "254" "Continuous")
 (LayerMake_CPO b "1" "Continuous")
 (LayerMake_CPO c "7" "Continuous")
(setvar "clayer" c)  
(command "._pline")
(while (= 1 (logand 1 (getvar "cmdactive")))
(command pause))
 (setq pline (entlast)
elist (entget pline)
(setq elist (entmod (subst (cons 70 1)(assoc 70 elist)elist)));<--close pline
(entmod (subst (cons 43 0)(assoc 43 elist)elist));<--set line width to zero
(setvar "draworderctl" 3)  
(command "_.draworder" pline "" "_F");<--set pline's draw order to front  
(setq coords (vl-remove-if (function not)
  (mapcar (function (lambda (x)
        (if (= 10 (car x))(cdr x))))
(setq p3 (caddr coords)
     p1 (car coords)
     ang (angle p1 p3)
     ofpt (polar p3 ang 1.0)
(setvar "clayer" "CCC_CPO_Replace with landwoner name_Outline_Red")
(command "._offset" 0.5 pline ofpt "")
 (setq offsetted (entlast)
 elist (entget offsetted)
(if (assoc 62 elist)
(setq elist (subst (cons 62 1)(assoc 62 elist) elist ))
(setq elist (append elist (list '(62 . 1))))
(entmod elist)
(command "._pedit" offsetted "_W" 1.0 "")
(command "_.draworder" offsetted "" "_B");<--set pline's draw order to back  
(setq coords (vl-remove-if (function not)
  (mapcar (function (lambda (x)
        (if (= 10 (car x))(cdr x))))
 (setq p2 (car coords)
midp (mapcar (function (lambda( a b)(/ (+ a b) 2)))
      p1 p2)
 (setvar "clayer" "CCC_CPO_Replace with landwoner name_Grey_Hatch")
 (setvar "hpname" "SOLID")
 (command "-hatch" "S" pline "" "")
 (setvar "hpname" ".")
;(Alert "Don't forget to change the landowner name & plot number LAYERS in the LAYER window!!!")
 (*error* nil) 


cpo: dialog
{label = "CPO Layer Creation";
: edit_box 
label = "Enter landowner name :";
key = "name";
alignment = centered;
edit_limit = 30;
edit_width = 30;

: edit_box
label = "Enter folio number :";
key = "folio";
alignment = centered;
edit_limit = 10;
edit_width = 30;

: button 
key = "accept";
label = "OK";
is_default = true;
fixed_width = true;
alignment = centered;

: errtile
width = 34;

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I have that working now. I made some additional changes. I have added a mleader extension to the lisp so that on completion of the closed pline it launches an mleader to label the parcel. It does work but when the pline finished I get the following at the command line:

Command: nil

Invalid Input.

I then right click and it continues on and creates the mleader. Can anyone spot why this is happening?


The other thing is that there is a section in the code where if offsets the line drawn and creates a selection set with the last thing created but it doesn't transfer it to layer b as it should. I tried a few solutions but keep getting stuck.


Can anyone help?


;; local defun by CAB (Charles Alan Butler)
(defun LayerMake_CPO (lyrname Color ltype)
 (if (tblsearch "LAYER" lyrname)
   (command "._Layer" "_Thaw" lyrname "_On" lyrname "_UnLock" lyrname "_Set" lyrname "")
   (command "._Layer" "_Make" lyrname "_Color"
            (if (or (null color)(= Color "")) "_White" Color) lyrname
            "LT" (if (or (null ltype)(= ltype "")) "Continuous" ltype) lyrname "")
(defun C:CPO (/ *error* ang col clr coords dwo elist midp offsetted ofpt osm p1 p2 p3 pline a b c name folio)
(setq dcl_id (load_dialog "cpo.dcl"))
    (if (not (new_dialog "cpo" dcl_id))

(action_tile "name" "(setq name $value)")
(action_tile "folio" "(setq folio $value)")
;(action_tile "accept" (val1))

(unload_dialog dcl_id)
 (setq a (strcat "CCC_CPO_"name"_"folio"_Grey_Hatch")
       b (strcat "CCC_CPO_"name"_"folio"_Outline_Red")
       c (strcat "CCC_CPO_"name"_"folio"_Outline_Black")
       d (strcat "CCC_CPO_"name"_"folio"_Leader"))
(defun *error* (msg)
     '("console break"
"Function cancelled"
"quit / exit abort"
    (princ "Error!")
    (princ msg)
 (if osm (setvar "osmode" osm))
 (if clr (setvar "clayer" clr))
 (if col (setvar "cecolor" col))
 (if dwo (setvar "draworderctl" dwo))
 (command "._undo" "_END")
(Alert "Remember to draw the plot outline in an ANTI-CLOCKWISE direction.")
(command "_.insert" "CCC_CPO_Leader_Styles=" nil)
(command "_.purge" "_b" "CCC_CPO_Leader_Styles" "_n")
 (setq osm (getvar "osmode"))  
 (setq col (getvar "cecolor"))
 (setq clr (getvar "clayer"))
 (setq dwo (getvar "draworderctl"))
 (command "._undo" "_BE")
 (setvar "osmode" 2593)
 (setvar "cecolor" "bylayer")
 (setvar "HPORIGINMODE" 5)
 (LayerMake_CPO a "254" "Continuous")
 (LayerMake_CPO b "1" "Continuous")
 (LayerMake_CPO c "7" "Continuous")
 (LayerMake_CPO d "7" "Continuous")
(setvar "clayer" c)  
(command "._pline")
(while (= 1 (logand 1 (getvar "cmdactive")))
(command pause))
 (setq pline (entlast)
elist (entget pline)
(setq elist (entmod (subst (cons 70 1)(assoc 70 elist)elist)));<--close pline
(entmod (subst (cons 43 0)(assoc 43 elist)elist));<--set line width to zero
(setvar "draworderctl" 3)  
(command "_.draworder" pline "" "_F");<--set pline's draw order to front  
(setq coords (vl-remove-if (function not)
  (mapcar (function (lambda (x)
        (if (= 10 (car x))(cdr x))))
(setq p3 (caddr coords)
     p1 (car coords)
     ang (angle p1 p3)
     ofpt (polar p3 ang 1.0)
(setvar "clayer" b)
(command "._offset" 0.5 pline ofpt "")
 (setq offsetted (entlast)
 elist (entget offsetted)
;(command "chprop" offsetted "LA" b "")
;(command "_change" offsetted ""  "p" "layer" b "color" "bylayer" "")
(if (assoc 62 elist)
(setq elist (subst (cons 62 1)(assoc 62 elist) elist ))
(setq elist (append elist (list '(62 . 1))))
(entmod elist)
(command "._pedit" offsetted "_W" 1.0 "")
(command "_.draworder" offsetted "" "_B");<--set pline's draw order to back  
(setq coords (vl-remove-if (function not)
  (mapcar (function (lambda (x)
        (if (= 10 (car x))(cdr x))))
 (setq p2 (car coords)
midp (mapcar (function (lambda( a b)(/ (+ a b) 2)))
      p1 p2)
 (setvar "clayer" a)
 (setvar "hpname" "SOLID")
 (command "-hatch" "S" pline "" "")
 ;(while (> (getvar "cmdactive") 0)
   ;(command "\\") ;<- The Pause symbol will not pause the command. Backslash used instead. 
 (setvar "hpname" ".")
 (setvar "clayer" d)
   (if (null (tblsearch "STYLE" "CCC_CPO_Leader"))
           (cons 0 "STYLE")
           (cons 100 "AcDbSymbolTableRecord")
           (cons 100 "AcDbTextStyleTableRecord")
           (cons 2 "CCC_Note_Numbers")
           (cons 3 "Verdana.ttf")
           (cons 40 0)
   (cons 74 1) ;Bold
           (cons 70 0)))))
(setvar "textstyle" "CCC_CPO_Leader")
(setvar "CMLEADERSTYLE" "CCC_CPO_Leader")
  (setvar "CMDECHO" 0)
(setvar "OSMODE" 0)
(command "_.mleader")

 (*error* nil) 

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(command "_.insert" "CCC_CPO_Leader_Styles=" nil)<------------ what is the "=" for? check this part

(*error* nil)<-------- check this one



check that part of your code :)

Edited by pBe
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That is to insert the definition of a block in order to insert mleader styles into the drawing.


I see...


(*error* nil)<-------- check this one


and this?

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I see...


(*error* nil)<-------- check this one

and this?


Some people call the Error Handler silently to reset Sys Variables and the like :)


You can use a custom handler which tests for the string argument:


(defun *error* ( m )
 (if m (princ m)

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I see...


(*error* nil)<-------- check this one


and this?



I know.... thats whats causing that nil message you're seeing :)


EDIT: Message for Woodman

Edited by pBe
Lee mac beat me to it
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I realise perhaps your post was directed at Woodman and I haven't properly looked at nor tested the code, however that could not cause the error message since firstly there is nothing in the error handler that could error by taking a nil 'msg' argument. Also, if the error handler was throwing the error you would receive 'An error occurred inside the *error* function....' which I don't believe is the case.


Apologies for sticking my nose in, but didn't want a wild goose chase...

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Apologies for sticking my nose in, but didn't want a wild goose chase...


:lol: No worries Lee


Your "nose" is welcome anytime :D


I realise perhaps your post was directed at Woodman and I haven't properly looked at nor tested the code, however that could not cause the error message since firstly there is nothing in the error handler that could error by taking a nil 'msg' argument. Also, if the error handler was throwing the error you would receive 'An error occurred inside the *error* function....' which I don't believe is the case.



You're right about that.. but for this particuar code , it does.. so defining it differently will make that message go away.. (i guess :unsure:)

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