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Attribute data to hyperlink of the same block

Jaap Marchal

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I am looking for a lisp that get data from a attribute with the tag HYPERLINK and put that data to a hyperlink. i ve already found something like it:


(defun C:ATV ( / AcaDoc AttTxt ColCnt CurEnt CurObj ExLoop LnkCol) (vl-load-com) (while (not ExLoop) (initget " ") (setq CurEnt (entsel "\nSelect Attribute : ")) (cond ((eq CurEnt "") (setq ExLoop T)) ((not CurEnt) (princ "1 selected, 0 found. ")) ((not (eq (vla-get-ObjectName (setq CurObj (vlax-ename->vla-object (car (nentselp (cadr CurEnt))))) ) "AcDbAttribute" ) ) (princ "Selected object is not an Attribute. ") ) (T (setq AcaDoc (vla-get-ActiveDocument (vlax-get-acad-object)) AttTxt (vla-get-TextString CurObj) LnkCol (vla-get-Hyperlinks (vlax-ename->vla-object (car CurEnt))) ColCnt 0 ) (vla-StartUndoMark AcaDoc) (repeat (vla-get-Count LnkCol) (vla-Delete (vla-Item LnkCol ColCnt)) (setq ColCnt (1+ ColCnt)) ) (vla-Add LnkCol AttTxt) (princ (strcat "Hyperlink '" AttTxt "' added.")) (vla-EndUndoMark AcaDoc) ) ) ) (princ) )



It works fine, but i have to select a attribute and then the block has that hyperlink.

So i want a lisp that do that automatic with all blocks containning the attribute HYPERLINK.





Jaap Marchal

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Welcome to CADTutor Jaap - hope you like it here :)


Firstly, I would suggest you read this regarding code formatting - you can edit your original post if necessary :)


With regards to your task, how about something like this?


(defun c:test ( / ss ) (vl-load-com)
 ;; © Lee Mac 2010

 (if (ssget '((0 . "INSERT") (66 . 1)))
     (vlax-for obj
       (setq ss
           (vla-get-ActiveDocument (vlax-get-acad-object))
           (lambda ( x )
             (if (eq "HYPERLINK" (strcase (vla-get-TagString x)))
               (vla-Add (vla-get-Hyperlinks obj) (vla-get-Textstring x))
         (vlax-invoke obj 'GetAttributes)
     (vla-delete ss)


I notice your original code deletes existing hyperlinks - is this the desired behaviour?

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Welcome to CADTutor Jaap - hope you like it here :)


Firstly, I would suggest you read this regarding code formatting - you can edit your original post if necessary :)


With regards to your task, how about something like this?


(defun c:test ( / ss ) (vl-load-com)
 ;; © Lee Mac 2010

 (if (ssget '((0 . "INSERT") (66 . 1)))
     (vlax-for obj
       (setq ss
           (vla-get-ActiveDocument (vlax-get-acad-object))
           (lambda ( x )
             (if (eq "HYPERLINK" (strcase (vla-get-TagString x)))
               (vla-Add (vla-get-Hyperlinks obj) (vla-get-Textstring x))
         (vlax-invoke obj 'GetAttributes)
     (vla-delete ss)


I notice your original code deletes existing hyperlinks - is this the desired behaviour?





Lee............. this is super, top. i ve been searching about a year for this .

I`am soooooooooooooooooo happy


And yes i like to delete the existing hyperlink

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You're welcome Jaap :)


This will delete any existing hyperlinks before adding the Attribute Text as a new hyperlink:


(defun c:test ( / ss hyp ) (vl-load-com)
 ;; © Lee Mac 2010

 (if (ssget '((0 . "INSERT") (66 . 1)))
     (vlax-for obj
       (setq ss
           (vla-get-ActiveDocument (vlax-get-acad-object))
           (lambda ( x )
             (if (eq "HYPERLINK" (strcase (vla-get-TagString x)))
                 (vlax-for h (setq hyp (vla-get-Hyperlinks obj))
                   (vla-delete h)
                 (vla-Add hyp (vla-get-Textstring x))
         (vlax-invoke obj 'GetAttributes)
     (vla-delete ss)


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You're welcome Jaap :)


This will delete any existing hyperlinks before adding the Attribute Text as a new hyperlink:


(defun c:test ( / ss hyp ) (vl-load-com)
 ;; © Lee Mac 2010

 (if (ssget '((0 . "INSERT") (66 . 1)))
     (vlax-for obj
       (setq ss
           (vla-get-ActiveDocument (vlax-get-acad-object))
           (lambda ( x )
             (if (eq "HYPERLINK" (strcase (vla-get-TagString x)))
                 (vlax-for h (setq hyp (vla-get-Hyperlinks obj))
                   (vla-delete h)
                 (vla-Add hyp (vla-get-Textstring x))
         (vlax-invoke obj 'GetAttributes)
     (vla-delete ss)








Lee..................works o so great...Tanks.............


I ve got a lisp to turn on the option: CONVERT DWG HYPERLINKS TO DWF


(defun markHlinkDWF ()

(setq mysel (ssget "_X" '((-3 ("PE_URL")))))

(setq iMaxSel (sslength mysel))

(setq iCnt 0)

(while (

(setq my_entname (ssname mysel iCnt))

(setq my_ent (entget my_entname '("PE_URL")))

;; get the entity including Xdata for hlinks

(setq my_xdata1 (assoc -3 my_ent))

;; open up the XData

(setq my_xdata_URL (nth 1 my_xdata1))

(setq my_new_xdata_URL (subst '(1071 . 1) '(1071 . 0) my_xdata_URL))

;; enable flag for convert DWG to DWF

(setq my_new_xdata1 (subst my_new_xdata_URL my_xdata_URL my_xdata1))

;; update XData

(setq my_ent (subst my_new_xdata1 my_xdata1 my_ent))

(entmod my_ent)

;; set the entity

(setq iCnt (+ iCnt 1))




(defun validate ()

(setq mysel (ssget "_X" '((-3 ("PE_URL")))))

(setq iMaxSel (sslength mysel))

(setq iCnt 0)

(setq iFailCnt 0)

(while (

(setq my_entname (ssname mysel iCnt))

(setq my_ent (entget my_entname '("PE_URL")))

;; get the entity including Xdata for hlinks

(setq my_xdata1 (assoc -3 my_ent))

;; open up the XData

(setq my_xdata_URL (nth 1 my_xdata1))

(if (/= (member '(1071 . 0) my_xdata_url) nil)

(setq iFailCnt (+ iFailCnt 1))


(setq iCnt (+ iCnt 1))


(if (> iFailCnt 0)



my_str (strcat (itoa iFailCnt) " hyperlink(s) not updated.")


(princ my_str)





(setq Hyplink (markHlinkdwf))

(setq Hyplinkval (validate))



Can i put this lisp into the one you provided?



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How to code for IF yes


(defun c:test ( / ss )
 (initget 0 "Yes No")
 (if (setq sat (getkword "\nDo You Want to Asign attribute value to another object as a hyberlink ? [Yes/No] "))
   (if (= sat "Yes")
   (progn  ;; © Lee Mac 2010
     (if (ssget '((0 . "INSERT") (66 . 1)))
     (vlax-for obj
       (setq ss
           (vla-get-ActiveDocument (vlax-get-acad-object))
           (lambda ( x )
             (if (eq "HYPERLINK" (strcase (vla-get-TagString x)))
               (vla-Add (vla-get-Hyperlinks obj) (vla-get-Textstring x))
         (vlax-invoke obj 'GetAttributes)
     (vla-delete ss)

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How to code for IF yes


(defun c:test ( / ss )
 (initget 0 "Yes No")
 (if (setq sat (getkword "\nDo You Want to Asign attribute value to another object as a hyberlink ? [Yes/No] "))
   (if (= sat "Yes")
   (progn  ;; © Lee Mac 2010
     (if (ssget '((0 . "INSERT") (66 . 1)))
     (vlax-for obj
       (setq ss
           (vla-get-ActiveDocument (vlax-get-acad-object))
           (lambda ( x )
             (if (eq "HYPERLINK" (strcase (vla-get-TagString x)))
               (vla-Add (vla-get-Hyperlinks obj) (vla-get-Textstring x))
         (vlax-invoke obj 'GetAttributes)
     (vla-delete ss)




Sorry Lee, i am not so into lisp. I don`t see how to combine those lisps. I don`t understand de question:Do You Want to Asign attribute value to another object as a hyberlink ?




The lisp i uses to convert dwg hyperlinks to dwf. i only drag the lisp from explorer to Autocad.


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Sorry Lee, i am not so into lisp. I don`t see how to combine those lisps. I don`t understand de question:Do You Want to Asign attribute value to another object as a hyberlink ?


The lisp i uses to convert dwg hyperlinks to dwf. i only drag the lisp from explorer to Autocad.



The one who wrote that is not Lee , but although that it's out of the thread , it's forwarded to Lee to Answer it.:)

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Sorry Lee, i am not so into lisp. I don`t see how to combine those lisps. I don`t understand de question:Do You Want to Asign attribute value to another object as a hyberlink ?




The lisp i uses to convert dwg hyperlinks to dwf. i only drag the lisp from explorer to Autocad.




Still not working. convert dwg to dwf is still not market.

Still happy with the lisps you made.



Jaap :D

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Is this good try


(defun c:test ( / OldOS OldDM OldDP sat a at att e obj ss x)
   (setq OldOS (getvar "osmode"))
   (setq OldDM (getvar "dynmode"))
   (setq OldDP (getvar "dynprompt"))
   (setvar "osmode" 33)
   (setvar "dynmode" 1)
   (setvar "dynprompt" 1)
   (setvar "cmdecho" 0)
 [color=red](initget 0 "Yes No")[/color]
 (if (setq sat (getkword "\nDo You Want to Asign attribute value to another object as a hyberlink ? [Yes/No] "))
   (if (= sat "Yes")
(setq a (car (nentsel "\nSelect attribute: ")))
(setq at (entget a))
(setq att (cdr (assoc 1 at))))

     (if (setq e (car (entsel "\nSelect Object to Add Hyperlink to: ")))
    (vlax-ename->vla-object e)
     (progn  ;; © Lee Mac 2010
     (if (ssget '((0 . "INSERT") (66 . 1)))
     (vlax-for obj
       (setq ss
           (vla-get-ActiveDocument (vlax-get-acad-object))
           (lambda ( x )
             (if (strcase (vla-get-TagString x)) [color=red]; to be global[/color] 
 ;(eq "HYPERLINK" (strcase (vla-get-TagString x)))
               (vla-Add (vla-get-Hyperlinks obj) (vla-get-Textstring x))
         (vlax-invoke obj 'GetAttributes)
     (vla-delete ss)
   (setvar "osmode" OldOS)
   (setvar "dynmode" OldDM)
   (setvar "dynprompt" OldDP)

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Is this good try


(defun c:test ( / OldOS OldDM OldDP sat a at att e obj ss x)
   (setq OldOS (getvar "osmode"))
   (setq OldDM (getvar "dynmode"))
   (setq OldDP (getvar "dynprompt"))
   (setvar "osmode" 33)
   (setvar "dynmode" 1)
   (setvar "dynprompt" 1)
   (setvar "cmdecho" 0)
 [color=red](initget 0 "Yes No")[/color]
 (if (setq sat (getkword "\nDo You Want to Asign attribute value to another object as a hyberlink ? [Yes/No] "))
   (if (= sat "Yes")
(setq a (car (nentsel "\nSelect attribute: ")))
(setq at (entget a))
(setq att (cdr (assoc 1 at))))

     (if (setq e (car (entsel "\nSelect Object to Add Hyperlink to: ")))
    (vlax-ename->vla-object e)
     (progn  ;; © Lee Mac 2010
     (if (ssget '((0 . "INSERT") (66 . 1)))
     (vlax-for obj
       (setq ss
           (vla-get-ActiveDocument (vlax-get-acad-object))
           (lambda ( x )
             (if (strcase (vla-get-TagString x)) [color=red]; to be global[/color] 
 ;(eq "HYPERLINK" (strcase (vla-get-TagString x)))
               (vla-Add (vla-get-Hyperlinks obj) (vla-get-Textstring x))
         (vlax-invoke obj 'GetAttributes)
     (vla-delete ss)
   (setvar "osmode" OldOS)
   (setvar "dynmode" OldDM)
   (setvar "dynprompt" OldDP)







No no sorry,

Mybe my question was not clear enough.


The second lisp was the best so far, i only want the option (hyperlink dialog) dwg hyperlinks to dwf = marked on


I using now a lisp that i drag in the drawing and all the hyperlinks haver there option dwg hyperlinks to dwf marked on. I use the folowing lisp:


(defun markHlinkDWF ()

(setq mysel (ssget "_X" '((-3 ("PE_URL")))))

(setq iMaxSel (sslength mysel))

(setq iCnt 0)

(while (

(setq my_entname (ssname mysel iCnt))

(setq my_ent (entget my_entname '("PE_URL")))

;; get the entity including Xdata for hlinks

(setq my_xdata1 (assoc -3 my_ent))

;; open up the XData

(setq my_xdata_URL (nth 1 my_xdata1))

(setq my_new_xdata_URL (subst '(1071 . 1) '(1071 . 0) my_xdata_URL))

;; enable flag for convert DWG to DWF

(setq my_new_xdata1 (subst my_new_xdata_URL my_xdata_URL my_xdata1))

;; update XData

(setq my_ent (subst my_new_xdata1 my_xdata1 my_ent))

(entmod my_ent)

;; set the entity

(setq iCnt (+ iCnt 1))




(defun validate ()

(setq mysel (ssget "_X" '((-3 ("PE_URL")))))

(setq iMaxSel (sslength mysel))

(setq iCnt 0)

(setq iFailCnt 0)

(while (

(setq my_entname (ssname mysel iCnt))

(setq my_ent (entget my_entname '("PE_URL")))

;; get the entity including Xdata for hlinks

(setq my_xdata1 (assoc -3 my_ent))

;; open up the XData

(setq my_xdata_URL (nth 1 my_xdata1))

(if (/= (member '(1071 . 0) my_xdata_url) nil)

(setq iFailCnt (+ iFailCnt 1))


(setq iCnt (+ iCnt 1))


(if (> iFailCnt 0)



my_str (strcat (itoa iFailCnt) " hyperlink(s) not updated.")


(princ my_str)





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No no sorry,

Mybe my question was not clear enough.


The second lisp was the best so far, i only want the option (hyperlink dialog) dwg hyperlinks to dwf = marked on


I using now a lisp that i drag in the drawing and all the hyperlinks haver there option dwg hyperlinks to dwf marked on. I use the folowing lisp:


(defun markHlinkDWF ()

(setq mysel (ssget "_X" '((-3 ("PE_URL")))))

(setq iMaxSel (sslength mysel))

(setq iCnt 0)

(while (

(setq my_entname (ssname mysel iCnt))

(setq my_ent (entget my_entname '("PE_URL")))

;; get the entity including Xdata for hlinks

(setq my_xdata1 (assoc -3 my_ent))

;; open up the XData

(setq my_xdata_URL (nth 1 my_xdata1))

(setq my_new_xdata_URL (subst '(1071 . 1) '(1071 . 0) my_xdata_URL))

;; enable flag for convert DWG to DWF

(setq my_new_xdata1 (subst my_new_xdata_URL my_xdata_URL my_xdata1))

;; update XData

(setq my_ent (subst my_new_xdata1 my_xdata1 my_ent))

(entmod my_ent)

;; set the entity

(setq iCnt (+ iCnt 1))




(defun validate ()

(setq mysel (ssget "_X" '((-3 ("PE_URL")))))

(setq iMaxSel (sslength mysel))

(setq iCnt 0)

(setq iFailCnt 0)

(while (

(setq my_entname (ssname mysel iCnt))

(setq my_ent (entget my_entname '("PE_URL")))

;; get the entity including Xdata for hlinks

(setq my_xdata1 (assoc -3 my_ent))

;; open up the XData

(setq my_xdata_URL (nth 1 my_xdata1))

(if (/= (member '(1071 . 0) my_xdata_url) nil)

(setq iFailCnt (+ iFailCnt 1))


(setq iCnt (+ iCnt 1))


(if (> iFailCnt 0)



my_str (strcat (itoa iFailCnt) " hyperlink(s) not updated.")


(princ my_str)















No no sorry,

Mybe my question was not clear enough.


The second lisp was the best so far, i only want the option (hyperlink dialog) dwg hyperlinks to dwf = marked on see image


I using now a lisp that i drag in the drawing and all the hyperlinks haver there option dwg hyperlinks to dwf marked on. I use the folowing lisp:


(defun markHlinkDWF ()
(setq mysel (ssget "_X" '((-3 ("PE_URL")))))
(setq iMaxSel (sslength mysel))
(setq iCnt 0)
(while (< iCnt iMaxSel)
(setq my_entname (ssname mysel iCnt))
(setq my_ent (entget my_entname '("PE_URL")))
;; get the entity including Xdata for hlinks
(setq my_xdata1 (assoc -3 my_ent))
;; open up the XData
(setq my_xdata_URL (nth 1 my_xdata1))
(setq my_new_xdata_URL (subst '(1071 . 1) '(1071 . 0) my_xdata_URL))
;; enable flag for convert DWG to DWF
(setq my_new_xdata1 (subst my_new_xdata_URL my_xdata_URL my_xdata1))
;; update XData
(setq my_ent (subst my_new_xdata1 my_xdata1 my_ent))
(entmod my_ent)
;; set the entity
(setq iCnt (+ iCnt 1))
(defun validate ()
(setq mysel (ssget "_X" '((-3 ("PE_URL")))))
(setq iMaxSel (sslength mysel))
(setq iCnt 0)
(setq iFailCnt 0)
(while (< iCnt iMaxSel)
(setq my_entname (ssname mysel iCnt))
(setq my_ent (entget my_entname '("PE_URL")))
;; get the entity including Xdata for hlinks
(setq my_xdata1 (assoc -3 my_ent))
;; open up the XData
(setq my_xdata_URL (nth 1 my_xdata1))
(if (/= (member '(1071 . 0) my_xdata_url) nil)
(setq iFailCnt (+ iFailCnt 1))
(setq iCnt (+ iCnt 1))
(if (> iFailCnt 0)
my_str (strcat (itoa iFailCnt) " hyperlink(s) not updated.")
(princ my_str)



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Is it also posible to reverse this item? To put the hyperlink of an selected block to a tag/attribute (tag name:HYPERLINK) from that block?



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